Endometriosis Treatment in Israel

Treatment of endometriosis in Israel allows to gets rid of unpleasant signs of the disease and avoid its severe effects, including chronic pain and infertility.

Israel clinics use the latest protocol for endometriosis pathology treatment that are practiced in the world’s leading medical facilities and institutions. Highly qualified and professional Israeli surgeons use the latest techniques, effective medication and ultramodern proven equipment that helps to diagnose the endometriosis at an early stage and provide patients with the most efficient and competent treatment. Israeli methods help to restore patient’s health and get back to normal daily life.

Methods for the treatment of endometriosis in Israel

Medicine is not yet familiar with the reasons for endometriosis emerge. When choosing an appropriate therapy doctors usually consider the following data: the size of endometriosis locus, its location and the impact it has on the affected organ. As a rule, external and internal genitals are involved into the pathological process. However, it happens that that endometrial cells can grow into other parts as well such as colon, intestine and to the bladder tissue. There were also detected extremely rare cases where cells had spread up to the lungs and even the brain.

There are two common options for endometriosis treatment: conservative method with medications or more aggressive approach – surgery.

Medication is the most common conservative way of treatment. Endometrium cells continue to perform their function in accordance with natural settings even when they are outside of their usual environment, which means, that they react to any hormone changes inside female’s body during period. The cell is extremely sensitive to concentration of estrogen. Therefore, medicinal treatment is based on hormonotherapy which is aimed to eliminate all specific centers of infection by suppression of estrogen production.

Type of medicine, its proportion and course duration are determined individually for every patient. Birth control pills, patches and vaginal rings help to control the hormones, suspend the period and help to reduce the uncomfortable symptoms. Progesterone is considered to be an alternate medicine that helps to reduce the level of hormones in blood. Hormonal medication can be either pills or injections of the prolonged action. Medicinal treatment of endometriosis in Israel, can also include analgesic and anti-inflammatory medicine that are able to reduce all the symptoms of disease substantially.

Conservative (Surgical) treatment of endometriosis is preferable in a number of cases. This kind of treatment is highly recommendable while:

  • The severe course of disease
  • Cystic ovarian endometriosis
  • Abnormal masses in other body parts
  • A woman is trying to get pregnant and is forbidden to take any birth-control pills.

An important aim of conservative treatment is to eliminate the fabric that was staggered by endometriosis with the maximal maintenance of its integrity and functionality.

This kind of procedure is called Laparoscopy – a low-invasive technique, that helps to reduce fabrics trauma, blood loss and the risk of postoperative complications. Besides, there are no visible scars left after the procedure. Using laparoscopy Israeli surgeons successfully excise the adhesion, remove the cyst or any other mass that has appeared due to endometriosis. In the majority of cases a special laser with the following electrocoagulation is used. In case endometriosis continues to make progress, striking the large areas of fabrics, hysterectomy can be conducted, which means a complete uterus removal. But this is an extreme measure that is only used as a last resort.

Endometriosis Diagnostics in Israel

A thorough examination is an essential part of diagnostics that allows to clarify and study the specific hearths of affection. As a rule, this process takes from 3 to 4 workings days at a most.

Day 1: consultation of gynecologist

To the moment, when a foreign patient arrives to Israel, the leading specialist of gynaecological department is already waiting for her and asks to name all current symptoms. After he studies a hospital chart, the results of previous tests and examinations, he makes an individual diagnostic agenda and writes out appointments to necessary procedures.

Day 2–3: medical examination

The complete medical check-up takes a day or two. It depends on the number of subscribed analysis. At this stage the patient goes under the following procedures:

  • Transvaginal ultrasound. This test uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of your internal organs that helps to expose typical endometriosis diagnostic marker (for example, specific cysts in ovaries), specify the localization of pathological hearth, and also to eliminate other diseases with the similar symptoms and signs.
  • Hysteroscopy is a visual inspection of the uterine cavity by endoscopy with access through the cervix using a special instrument – hysteroscope. It helps to identify the current state of endometria.
  • Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is an X-ray procedure that is used to view the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes. Executed with the use of contrasting matter.
  • Computer tomography CT – is a modern method of medical visualization that helps to identify the endometriosis type, its location and affection to other body parts.
  • Magnetic-resonance tomography is a highly sensitive diagnostic that helps to expose the tiniest hearths of excrescence of endometria. For example, in 95% cases the endometriosis ovaries abnormality can be revealed only due to MRT.
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy is a low-invasive procedure that allows a doctor to look directly at the contents of the abdomen or pelvis agnostic and to study its current state and take the standards of the staggered fabrics for histological research.
  • Unfolded blood test (including hormones and specific markers) and urine tests.

Day 4: treatment acceptance

Your attending medical doctor conducts a concilium with the specialists in different fields such as gynaecologists, endocrinologies, surgeons, urologists etc in order to look through all possible versions and to exclude any mistaken diagnoses or treatment. After they have determined the final diagnosis, the patient’s get its treatment guidelines where all individual features, general state and wishes are taken into consideration.

The total cost of endometriosis treatment

A total price on endometriosis treatment in Israel consists of different constituents, such as: the severity of disease, its type and prevalence, cost of in-use medicinal preparations, necessity of surgical interference, volume of diagnostic procedures and other sufficient issues. If you want to get the preliminary cost of treatment, please feel free to fill an application for free consultation of the official representative of medical center, that will help you to study a problem and offer several possible options of its decision.

In general, endometriosis treatment in Israel is 30–50% cheaper, than in Germany, Austria, USA and other countries with highly developed medical sphere. It goes without saying that Israel clinics are designed and equipped in accordance to all world sanitary regulations and requirements.

Why treating endometriosis is better in Israel

  1. We use the latest and newest therapeutic methods, that are practiced in all world’s leading medical centers.
  2. We collaborate with the best Israel specialists who have an imposing experience in this area and constantly promote their professional level.
  3. Application of hormonal preparations of new generation. All medicine possesses high efficiency characteristics and do not provoke any negative influence on patient’s organism.
  4. Ultra-modern medical equipment, allowing to conduct high-fidelity diagnostic researches and execute low-invasive surgical interferences.
  5. Full maintenance to foreign patients. We will help you to organize your trip and provide you with a personal supervisor, who will accompany you to all medical examinations and is going to be your interpreter as well.

For emergency cases        info@elitedoc.org