Check Up for Women

Periodic Health Exam for Women

Prevention is much cheaper than cure – this simple truth is getting more and more popular around the world. Periodic Check Up for women from different countries, has become a standard issue and the best way to take care of yourself. You can’t deny the fact, that the vast majority of serious illnesses (breast cancer, uterine cancer, heart disease etc) leave too little chances for successful treatment after they’ve been discovered at late stages. Besides, your family or you don’t always have the necessary amount of money for extremely expensive and long-term curing
process. An early disease detection allows to find the illness at an early stage when the chances for successful recovery are much higher and the total price for the therapy is much cheaper. Doctors advise to go through Check Up-diagnostics regularly, especially to women 40+.

However, one should understand that the Check Up is going to be effective and valid only if it is led by experienced and professional specialists who will consider all important issues. Technical capacity of medical center is the second important factor for successful Check Up. Due to these reasons, the medical Check Up in Israel is getting more popular, because here our patients can be 100% sure that they will get the best care and the accurate result of health status.

Check Up for women: the list of procedures

There is a standard Check Up diagnostic program that includes examinations to all major female body systems and organs. This procedure takes only few days, so you can promptly undergo all necessary checkups and have a consultation with our highly-qualified specialists.

  • Specialized general medical consultation. It includes general examination and patient’s interview. If necessary, the doctor makes an individual examination program and prescribes additional diagnostic procedures.
  • Cardiologist consultation. This is an obligatory part of typical Check Up procedure. The cardiologist is examining the patient for any heart-disease pathologies and can assign specialized screening.
  • Neurologist consultation. While examining and interviewing the patient, the specialist is trying to diagnose a case of central and peripheral nervous system disorder or musculoskeletal system pathology. In case of any symptoms, the patient is recommended to undergo additional specialized procedures.
  • Stress echocardiography. Ultrasonography combined with physical activity allows to define the heart’s state and to identify the risk of heart attack, cardiomyopathy or any other heart pathology. Also it helps to see if enough blood flows to your heart as you get more active, learn how your heart medications are working, identify abnormal heart rhythms, see how well your heart valves are working. One more of the principal aims of the stress test is to rule out any possible health problems which could limit physical activity and daily exercise.
    HeartModelA.I. – the equipment available for the performance of echocardiographic procedures.  It is a 3D tool that can provide robust, reproducible ejection fraction (EF) in just seconds. This intuitive and validated application is designed to deliver the confidence of cardiac quantification that fits into everyday workflow. HeartModelA.I. offers easy and fast 3D cardiac chamber quantification, simultaneously computing the left ventricle (LV) and left atrium (LA) volumes from a single volume loop.
    HeartModelA.I. in addition to providing LV quantification, is the only validated tool to provide simultaneous LA volumes. It allows easy characterization of LA volume to gain additional clinical information with no additional time or steps. LA volume has been shown to be an indicator of cardiovascular outcomes.
  • Low-dose computed breast tomography. It is a new type of diagnostic research that helps to recognize any pathology or lung cancer at an early stage. Among the highlights of CT machines, used in the large Israeli clinics are: the highest spatial resolution to visualize even small details, enough power reserves, large bore, and high-capacity table for bariatric imaging, dynamic CT imaging with up to 42 cm coverage using the Adaptive 4D Spiral, 3D image guidance in minimally invasive procedures designed to help simplify complex interventions, full on-site upgradability from 20 to 128 slices.
    The largest clinics of Israel equipped with Vereos Digital PET/CT, a high-performance PET/CT system made possible through a number of advances, including proprietary digital photon counting (DPC), 1:1 coupling between each scintillator element and DPC detector element, and fast Time-of-Flight (TOF) technology. The Philips DPC technology was developed to overcome the limitations of conventional photomultiplier technology. DPC, in combination with 1:1 coupling and enhanced TOF allows the Vereos system to offer approximately double the volumetric resolution, sensitivity gain, and accuracy of a comparable analog system. Key advances that contribute to the high level of performance of Vereos digital PET/CT include digital photon counting, the detector tile design, 1:1 coupling, an entirely digital acquisition chain, low dead time, system stability across count rate changes, high timing resolution and TOF technology, resolution recovery, enhanced reconstruction and calibration algorithms, and high-speed processing on GPUs.
  • Brain MRI. This procedure is also considered to be obligatory in order to exclude any problems with cerebral vessels. This kind of disorder can lead to severe health illnesses; such as stroke in particular. Brain MRI also helps to identify brain oncopathology, disseminated sclerosis progression etc.
    Israeli clinics use the latest generation of Siemens and Philips MRI devices (3T PowerPack for exploration). A unique 3T MRI platform helps to tackle the most demanding MRI research challenges of today and tomorrow. Its breakthrough design delivers maximum performance under prolonged high-strain conditions. And, exciting new MRI applications deliver higher anatomical detail. The outcome: fewer rescans, predictable scheduling and consistent, high-quality personalized exams for high-end clinical routine as well as clinical research.
  • Complete blood count. It is used to evaluate patient’s overall health and detect a wide range of disorders, including anemia, infection and leukemia. The test allows to estimate overall health and to define any inflammatory process, liver, spleen and other organs’ disease. The medical anamnesis can indirectly imply to malignant state.
    A complete blood count test measures several components and features of your blood, including red blood cells, which carry oxygen, white blood cells, which fight infection, hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells, hematocrit, the proportion of red blood cells to the fluid component, or plasma, in your blood, platelets, which help with blood clotting.
  • Hormonal blood test. It is an important instrument to define hormonal balance in organism. It indicates metabolic process disorder, endocrine and nerves diseases, potential gastrointestinal disorders etc.

Cost of Check Up in Israel

The total sum for Check Up procedure depends on the quantity of required medical examinations and consultations for any particular patient. One should also take into account the fact, that the price also depends on the level of the chosen specialist. The more qualified doctor, the more the price for consultation. The total charge for Check Up procedure in Israeli medical centers can differ but it is much cheaper than in European clinics, however the service quality is on the highest level.

For all the period of Check Up clinics provides a transfer (car with the driver) for the whole day, for a group of up to 8 persons. It will cost 550 $ per day.

Advantages for Check Up for women in Israel

  • High-accuracy diagnostic. The hi-tech equipment in Israeli clinics allows to disclose a diagnosis with maximum accuracy.
  • An early diagnostic. The sooner the disease is revealed the higher the chances for its successful recovery. An early diagnostic of cancer, cardio system, thyroid body, neurologic and orthopedic disorder is highly important. If your blood relatives have or had any above stated illness you should run annual medical tests.
  • Highly-qualified specialists. Check Up- procedure in Israel is supervised by professional and experienced doctors. In case the specialist is not sure about the diagnosis, he will appoint additional tests for the accurate result.
  • Efficiency. The patient can count on speed and prompt analysis. 1 to 4 days is enough to run all the tests and to get the final results.
  • Modern protocol. Diagnostic is provided in accordance with the latest medical protocols. No low-informative or outdated procedures are used, only modern and hi-tech methods.
  • Reasonable price. On the whole, Check Up- procedure in Israel is 30-50% cheaper than in Europe and America.
  • Comfort. All diagnostic procedures are taken in calm and comfortable atmosphere so that the patient can relax and be positive.
  • Vacation. Check Up- procedure can be easily combined with a vacation in Israel. Numerous tourists who come to the Dead Sea get medical examinations while their holidays.

For emergency cases