Prof. Zvi Ram

Prof. Zvi Ram

Director: Neurosurgery Division


  • 1970 – 1971 High School, Lycee Municipal Alliance, Tel Aviv, Israel
  • 1972 Northwood High School, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
  • 1972 – 1973 Pre-Med, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA
  • 1973 – 1979 Medical School, Tel Aviv University, Sackler School of Medicine M.D.

Date of receiving MD license: 1980 (number 14693)
Date of receiving Specialization Cerficate: 1991 (number 11617) – 2 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018
Title of Doctoral Dissertation: Influence of Levimazol and Indomethacine on Lymphocytes of Patients with Carcinoma of Breast
Names of Supervisors: Prof. B. Ramot


1980 VQE – Visa Qualifying Examination ECFMG No. 323-528-0
1985 – 1989 Postgraduate Courses:
Neurology and Neurosurgery,
Tel Aviv University,
Sackler School of medicine
April 30 – 3rd Advanced Seminar in
May 2, 1987 Neurosurgical Research, Venice
Sept 1988 European Course in Neurosurgery: Infratentorial Tumors and
Hydrocephalus, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
June 1989 Microsurgical Techniques. Universitatsspital, Zurich
Jan-March 1992 Recombinant DNA Methodology
March 1992 Neuropathology Review course, Bethesda, Maryland
August 1995 Workshop on Image-Guided Neurosurgery for brain tumors,
Santorini, Greece
April 1997 Microsurgery of the basal cisterns, Denver, Colorado
March 1998 Endoscopy and endoscopy-assisted microsurgery,
Tutlingen/Mainz, Germany
September 2006 Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery. Vienna, Austria
May-June 2008 Endoscopic approaches to the skull base. UPMC, Pittsburgh, USA – 3 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018


June 1979 – New York University Hematology & Pre-Internship
Aug 1979 Medical Center Cardiology
1979 – 1980 Chaim Sheba Medical Rotating
Center, Tel Hashomer Internship
1985 – 1986 Chaim Sheba Medical Neurosurgery Resident
Center, Tel Hashomer
1986 – 1987 Chaim Sheba Medical General & Resident
Center , Tel Hashomer Vascular Surgery
1987 – 1988 Chaim Sheba Medical Neurosurgery Senior
Center, Tel Hashomer Resident
Sept 1988 – Chaim Sheba Medical Neurosurgery Chief
March 1991 Center, Tel Hashomer Resident
April 1991 – Chaim Sheba Medical Neurosurgery Attending
July 1991 Center, Tel Hashomer Neurosurgeon
Aug 1991 – National Institutes of Health, Visiting
1994 Surgical Neurology Branch, Scientist,
NINDS, Bethesda, Maryland Senior Staff
Aug 1994 – Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Attending
1999 Tel Hashomer, Dept. Neurosurgery Neurosurgeon
1995 – 2000 Sackler Medical School, Senior Lecturer
Tel Aviv University in Surgery
1999 – 2003 Deputy Chairman, Dep. Of Neurosurgery
2003 – Present Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
2000 – 2010 Sackler Medical School, Assoc. Professor – 4 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018
Tel Aviv University of Neurosurgery
2010 – Present Sackler Medical School, Professor of Surgery
Tel Aviv University (Neurosurgery)

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    Period (dates) Name of Institution Department Rank/Function
    1980 The Joseph and Caroline Gross Hematology Institute,
    Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Aviv University
    Medical School
    1986 – 1987 The Lubinsky Vascular Research Laboratory,
    Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Aviv University
    Medical School
    1989 – 1991 The Neurosurgical Research Laboratory,
    Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Aviv
    University Medical School
    1991 – 1994 Surgical Neurology Branch, National Institute of
    Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes
    of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
    1994 – 2003 The Neurosurgical Research Laboratory,
    Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Aviv
    University Medical School
    1994 – Present Multicenter collaborative studies and leading site investigator with Novartis, RPR, (Aventis) Dpharm, Alkermes, Sugen, ASI, BrainLAB, Neopharm, MEDAC, Insightec, KS Biomedix
    2003-2006 A Phase I/II study in patient with recurrent or progressive supratentorial malignant glioma
    2004-2007 A Phase III in Glioblastoma multiforme patients at first recurrence. – 5 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018
    2005-2008 A Phase I/II study gene therapy in patients with operable high-grade glioma.
    2007-2009 Device in Patients with Progressive or Recurrent GBM
    2008-2010 A Phase I/II study in Patients with Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain
    2009-2010 A Phase 3 Study in Patients With Severe Non-Penetrating Traumatic Brain Injury
    2009-2015 A Phase 3 Study in Intraventricular Hemorrhage
    2009-2016 Device in Patients with Newly Diagnosed GBM
    2010-2012 A Phase III Study in Adult Patients with Recurrent or Refractory Anaplastic Astrocytoma
    2010-2014 A Phase 3 Study in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
    2003 – Present Steering committees and Advisory Boards of:
    Xenova Biomedix
    NeoPharm USA
    Ark Therapeutics
    Program development for drug delivery – Schering Plough
    Immunotherapy development program – TAMC & Weizman Inst.
    RTOG clinical research program
    EORTC clinical research program (Liaison with the EANS) – 6 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018


    Year Name of Institution Award


    1981 Medical School Graduation Magnum Cum Laude
    1990 Boards Examination in Neurosurgery Magnum Cum Laude
    1991 Israel Medical Association Fellowship Award
    1991 The Borenstein Neurological Award
    2008 Goldhirsh award
    2008 2008, Excellent poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the
    European Association of Neuro Oncology (EANO), Spain: Convection-
    enhanced delivery of IL4 pseudomonas exotoxin (PRX321): Increased
    distribution and MR monitorinv Zvi Ram, David Last, Nina Merchant,
    Simon Denmead, Dvora Nass, Dianne Daniels and Yael Mardor


    1995 The Ziternik Research Grant, Tel Aviv University
    Sackler School of Medicine
    1995 The Rekanaty Grant for Medical Resaerch,
    Tel Aviv University Sackler School of Medicine.
    1996 The Ministry of Health, Chief Scientist Grant
    for Medical Research
    1999 Gonda Brain Research Grant (In collaboration with Bar Ilan University Prof. Shredni PI)
    1999 German Israeli Foundation (GIF) grant (In collaboration with Bar Ilan University and Munich University) – 7 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018
    2001 Ministry of Health Grant for Medical Research
    2001 ISF grant for research (PI with Yael Mardor).
    2002 PI with Yael Mardor, Israel Cancer Association, Convection-
    enhanced Taxol delivery in brain tumor patients, monitored by
    diffusion-weighted MRI, $11,000. Clinical work.
    2003 Internal grant, Tel-Aviv Univ., with Dr. Pfeffer, Dr. Orenstein and
    Yael Mardor, Convection-Enhanced Taxol Delivery in Brain Tumor
    Patients, Monitored By Diffusion-Weighted MRI, $10,000.
    2005 PI with Yael Mardor, Adams Center – Tel-Aviv University, Convection-
    Enhanced Taxol Delivery: Increased Efficacy, Decreased Toxicity,
    $3,500. Animal work.
    2006 Pi with Yael Mardor, EZVONOT – Israeli Ministry of health, Convection-
    Enhanced Taxol Delivery: Increased Efficacy, Decreased Toxicity,
    $18,000. Animal work.
    2008 Goldhirsh award with Yael Mardor as PI – $100,000
    2008-2009 PI with Yael Mardor, Goldhirsh Fund, Convection-Enhanced Delivery of High Viscosity Nano-Particles, $100,000. Animal work.
    2010-2011 PI with Yael Mardor, Israel Cancer Association, The effect of infusate temperature on convection-enhanced drug delivery in normal rat brain, $12,200. Animal Work.
    PI with Yael Mardor, Tel Aviv University, The effect of inusate temperature on convection-enhanced drug delivery and BBB in normal rat brain, $8,600. Animal Work.
    2011 ICA – (With Ilan Volovitch, Meirav Shamir (Koret School of Veterinary Medicine). Development and use of a spontaneous – 8 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018
    model for brain tumor in dogs to model the split immunity method. 75,000 NIS.
    2011 Ezvonot Grant – (With Ilan Volovitch, Lea Eizenbach). High resolution characterization of multiple immune cells population inside and outside high-grade glioma. 200,000 NIS.
    2013 FP7 – Microbubble driven multimodal imaging and heranostics for gliomas. 6,000,000 Euro
    2014 Saban Family Foundation Melanoma Research Alliance’s Team Science Award (PI With Ronit Satchi-Fainaro), Nanomedicine co-targeting of neuroinflammation in melanoma brain metastasis,
    Clinical Grants
    1995 – 1998 Gene Therapy for Brain Tumor using retroviral-mediated
    transfer of the HSV/TK gene. GTI, USA. PI
    $ 450,000
    1997 – 2000 Gliadel wafers in newly-diagnosed GBM. RPR
    (France/USA). PI
    $ 350,000
    2002 – 2003 MRgFUS for brain tumors. InSightec, Israel.
    $ 80,000. PI
    2002 – 2003 CED of IL13/PE toxin for recurrent brain tumors. NeoPharm,
    USA. PI
    $ 700,000
    2003 – 2005 CED of Transmid fusion toxin for recurrent brain tumors.
    $ 300,000. PI.
    2005 – 2007 Adenoviral-mediated transfer of the HSV/TK gene in
    patients with newly-diagnosed brain tumor. ARK
    Therapeutics. UK. PI
    $ 600,000. – 9 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018
    2007 – 2009 Alternating electrical field therapy for patients with recurrent
    brain tumors. Novocure. Israel. SAB.
    $ 200,000.
    2009 – Integrin inhibitors for patients with newly-diagnosed brain
    tumors. MERCK. (With Dr. Blumenthal as PI within Neurosurgery Department).
    Ongoing. Expected $ 800,000.


    Neurosurgical Management of Brain Tumors. Surgical Neurology Branch, NIH.


    Year Society Country
    1990 Israel Medical Association Israel
    1990 Israel Neurosurgical Society Israel
    1990 Israel Surgical Society Israel
    1992 Society of Neurosurgical Research USA
    1994 American Association of Neurosurgery USA
    1995 Congress of Neurosurgery USA
    1996 The International Pituitary Club USA
    1996 European Association of Neurosurgical
    Societies – Neurooncology Committee Europe
    1997 Secretary – The Israeli Society of Neurosurgery
    1997 Delegate to the World Federation of Neurosurgery
    1998 European Association of Neurooncology (EANO)
    1999 World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies –
    Neurooncology Committee International
    1999 AANS/CNS Joint Section of Tumors USA
    2000 Member – Israel Med Association
    Scientific Council Israel
    2000 Israel Cancer Association –
    Neurooncology Committee Israel
    2000 Ministry of Health – The National Council – 10 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018
    For Surgery, Anesthesia and Intensive Care Israel
    2007 Chairman – Neurooncology Committee of the EANS
    2007 Ministry of Health – National IRB for gene therapy and cell based therapeutics

    EDITORIAL BOARDS (Past and Active)

    1. Neurosurgery, USA
    1. Neurological Research, Forefront Publishing Group, CT, USA
    1. Molecular Medicine Today, Elsevier Publications.
    1. Neuro-Oncology, Carden Jennings Publishing Co. USA
    1. Neurology India
    1. Cancer Gene Therapy, Appleton & Lang, CT, USA
    1. The Open Neurosurgery Journal, USA
    1. Journal of Oncology
    1. European Journal of Surgical Oncology
    1. Reviewer: J Neurooncology

    Human Gene Therapy
    Gene Therapy
    AACR Journals
    Cancer Research
    Clinical Cancer Research
    Acta Neurochirurgica
    International Journal of Cancer
    Medical Science Monitor – 11 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018


    Name of Academic Year Name of Student Subject of Thesis Institution
    1997 Ehud Miller Cervical spine stabilization Tel Aviv
    1997 Sagie Harnof Outcome of novel Tel Aviv
    Chemotherapies for University
    brain tumor patients
    1998 Rachel Grossman Complications of Tel Aviv
    Stereotaxic procedures University
    2000 Boaz Hass Outcome of patients with Tel Aviv
    metastatic melanoma Univeristy
    2011 Rani Patal The effect of Platelet transfusion Tel Aviv
    on Traumatic Intracranial University
    Hemorrhage among patients
    treated with aspirin


    Name of Year Name of Student Title of Project Hospital
    1992 Eric M. Oshiro Targetting of Choroid Plexus Johns Hopkins
    with Retroviral Vectors Medical Center,
    Carrying the GMCSF Gene Baltimore, MD,
    1993 John J. Viola Adenoviral-Mediated TK Georgetown
    Suicide Vectors for the Hospital,
    Treatment of Malignant Washington,
    Brain Tumors DC, USA – 12 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018
    1998 Steve Jackson, M.D. Pharmacological Disruption Beilinson
    of the blood-brain barrier Hospital,
    Tel Aviv U.
    1998 Irena Anaprievitch Anesthesia protocol for awake Chaim Sheba
    craniotomy Medical Center
    Tel Hashomer
    1998 Zvi Cohen IvIg therapy for malignant brain Chaim Sheba
    tumors Medical Center
    Tel Hashomer
    Intravascular gene therapy for
    Brain tumor therapy
    1999 Nevo Margalit Spectroscopic mapping of the Chaim Sheba
    brain. Medical Center Tel Hashomer
    1999 Alex Shtraizent Spectroscopy for the diagnosis Beilinson
    of brain ischemia Hospital,
    Tel Aviv U.
    2001 Zvi Lidar Expression of angiogenic Chaim Sheba
    Factors in the CSF of Meical Center
    Patients with brain tumors Tel Hashomer – 13 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018


    1. Chapters in Books Written
    2. Ram Z & Oldfield EH. Prospects for Gene Therapy in the Nervous System. In: Salcman M (ed) Current Techniques in Neurosurgery. Current Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, 1995.
    1. Ram Z, Shawker TH, Bradford MH, Doppman JL, Oldfield EH. The Use of

    Ultrasound in Pituitary Surgery. In: Von Werder K, Fahlbusch R (eds), Pituitary Adenomas. From Basic Research to Diagnosis and Therapy. Elsvier Science B.V. 233-236, 1996.

    1. Ram Z & Oldfield EH. Genetic Approaches for Therapy of Malignant Brain

    Tumors. In: Kornblith p (ED) Advances in Neurooncology II, 541-551, 1997.

    1. Ram Z. Response-Modifiers for HStk-Based Gene Therapy for Brain

    Tumors. In: Centennial Perspective: 11th International Congress of
    Neurological Surgery. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna Italy, 303-307, 1997.

    1. Ram Z & Oldfield EH. Experimental Therapeutics of Gliomas; Gene

    Therapy. In: Berger MS, Wilson CB (eds), Textbook of Gliomas. W.B.
    Saunders Company, Cambridge Mass. 1998.

    1. Ram Z. Gene Therapy for Brain Tumors. Educational Book. European Society of Medical Oncology. Pp 163-165, 1998.
    1. Ram Z. Principles of Gene Therapy. Youmans Textbook of Neurosurgery. In Press.
    1. M. Westphal, J.-Ch. Tonn, Z. Ram (eds). Local Therapies for Glioma. Present status and and future developments. Springer Wien New York, 2003.
    1. Zvi Ram, M. Hadani. Intraoperative Imaging – MRI. In: M. Westphal, J.-Ch. Tonn, Z. Ram (eds). Local Therapies for Glioma. Present status and and future developments. Springer Wien New York, 2003.

    – 14 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. Zvi Ram, Yael Mardor. Convection enhanced drug delivery and monitoring in a rat model. Drug delivery to the CNS. Springer Protocols series, 2010.
    1. Tal Shahar, Manish K Aghi, Zvi Ram – Genes, viruses, toxins and vaccines as therapeutic modalities. 2012 Future Medicine

    B.1 Original Articles

    1. Zvi Ram, J Shemer

    Harefuah CVIII(12):595-598, 1985.

    1. M Glickson, A Karni, Zvi Ram

    No hyperglycemia after pyridostigmine administration.
    J Appl Physiology 60(1):344, 1986.

    1. A Livneh, Zvi Ram

    A vaccine against organophosphates – Is it possible?
    Harefuah CX(9):462-464, 1986.

    1. Zvi Ram, G Findler, I Gutman, A Sahar

    Visual hallucinations associated with pituitary adenoma.
    Neurosurg 20(2):292-296, 1987.

    1. Zvi Ram, G Findler, A Sahar

    Carcinoembryonic antigen in epidermoid cyst fluid and plasma.
    J Neurosurg 66(2):316, 1987.

    1. Zvi Ram, M Hadani, M Berezin, G Findler, A Sahar, I Shacked

    Intramural cyst formation in pituitary macroadenomas.
    Acta Neurochir 100:56-61, 1989.

    1. Zvi Ram, M Hadani, R Spieglelman, R Tadmor, I Shacked

    Delayed nonhemorrhagic encephalopathy following mild head trauma.
    J Neurosurg 71:608-610, 1989. – 15 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. Y Roth, M Glickson, R Neuman, A Karni, D Lancet, RJ Gross, Zvi Ram,

    J Glovinsky
    Olfaction in prolonged administration of pyridostigmine.
    J Clin Pharmacol 29(4):370-372, 1989.

    1. D Shmueli, Z Shapira, A Yussim, R Nakache, Zvi Ram, E Shaharabani

    The incidence of Kaposi sarcoma in renal transplant patients and its relation to immunosuppression.
    Transplant Proc 21(1 pt 3):3209-3210, 1989.

    1. Zvi Ram, A Sahar, M Hadani

    Vasospasm due to massive subarachnoid hemorrhage – a rat model.
    Acta Neurochir 110:181-184, 1991.

    1. Zvi Ram, M Sadeh, I Shacked, A Sahar, M Hadani

    Magnesium reverses experimental delayed cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage in the rat.
    Stroke 22:922-927, 1991.
    12 M Glickson, A Ahiron, Zvi Ram, A Ayalon, A Karni, I Sarova,
    J Glovinsky, M Revach
    The effect of pyridostigmine on neuromuscular function of healthy subjects.
    Fund Appl Toxicol 16(2):288-298, 1991.

    1. Zvi Ram, M Molcho, YL Danon, S Almog, J Baniel, A Karni, J Shemer

    The effect of pyridostigmine on respiratory function in healthy and asthmatic volunteers.
    Isr J Med Sci 27(11-12):664-668, 1991.

    1. Zvi Ram, M Sadeh, R Walden, R Adar

    Vascular insufficiency quantitatively aggravates diabetic neuropathy.
    Arch Neurol 48(12):1239-1243, 1991.

    1. KW Culver, Zvi Ram, S Walbridge, I Hiroyuki, EH Oldfield, M Blaese

    In vivo gene transfer with retroviral vector-producer cells for treatment of experimental brain tumors.
    Science 256:1550-1552, 1992.

    1. Zvi Ram, KW Culver, S Walbridge, RM Blaese, EH Oldfield

    In situ retroviral gene transfer for the treatment of brain tumors in rats.
    Cancer Research 53:83-88, 1993. – 16 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018
    16a. Zvi Ram, KW Culver, S Walbridge, RM Blaese, EH Oldfield
    In situ retroviral gene transfer for the treatment of brain tumors in rats.
    Year Book of Neurology and Neurosurgery, 354-56, 1995.

    1. EH Oldfield, Zvi Ram, KW Culver RM Blaese, HL DeVroom, WF Anderson

    Clinical protocols: Gene therapy for the treatment of brain tumors using intra-tumoral transduction with the thymidine kinase gene and intravenous ganciclovir.
    Human Gene Therapy 4(1):39-69, 1993.

    1. Zvi Ram, M Hadani, A Sahar, R Spiegelman

    Continuous irrigation and drainage of the subdural space for treatment of chronic subduran hematomas.
    Acta Neurochir 120:40-43, 1993.

    1. E Avrahami, R Tadmor, M Feibel, Zvi Ram, I Shacked

    Magnetic resonance demonstration of the cervical spine following anterior dissectomy using acrylic cement.
    Spine 18:410-412, 1993.

    1. I Shacked, Zvi Ram, M Hadani

    Applications of the anterior cervical approach for traumatic injuries to the cervical spine in children.
    Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 292:144-150, 1993.

    1. Zvi Ram, KW Culver, S Walbridge, JA Frank, RM Blaese, EH Oldfield

    Toxicity studies of retroviral-mediated gene transfer for the treatment of brain tumors.
    J Neurosurg 79:400-407, 1993.

    1. M Hadani, Zvi Ram, A Horowitz, I Shacked

    Prevention of post laminectomy adhesions by silicone coating of nerve roots in the rat.
    Acta Neurochir 123:153-156, 1993.

    1. D Samid, Zvi Ram, WR Hudgins, S Schack, CE Myers, S Walbridge, EH Oldfield, CE Meyers

    Selective growth arrest of malignant gliomas by phenylacetate resembles fetal brain damage in phenylketonuria.
    Cancer Research 54:891-895, 1994. – 17 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. Zvi Ram, LK Nieman, GB Culter, Jr. GP Chrousos, JL Doppman, EH Oldfield

    Early repeat surgery for persistent Cushing’s disease.
    J Neurosurg 80(1):37-45, 1994.

    1. Zvi Ram, S Walbridge, JD Heiss, KW Culver, RM Blaese, EH Oldfield

    In vivo transfer of the human interleukin-2 gene: negative tumoricidal results in experimental brain tumors.
    J Neurosurg 80(3):535-40, 1994.

    1. RM Pluta, Zvi Ram, NJ Patronas, H Keiser

    Long-term effects of radiation therapy for a catecholamine-producing glomus jugulare tumor
    J Neurosurg 80:1091-94, 1994.

    1. Zvi Ram, S Walbridge, T Shawker, WK Culver, RM Blaese, EH Oldfield

    The effect on tumoral vascularture and growth of thymidine kinase-transduced, ganciclovir-treated 9L gliomas in rats.
    J Neurosurg 81:256-60, 1994.

    1. Zvi Ram, Walbridge S, Oshiro EM, Viola JJ, Chiang Y, Mueller SN, Blaese RM, Oldfield EH. Intrathecal gene therapy for malignant leptomeningeal neoplasia. Cancer Research 54:2141-2145, 1994.
    2. Zvi Ram, Samid D, Walbridge S, Meyers C, Oldfield EH. Growth arrest, tumor maturation, and extended survival in experimental brain tumors in rats treated with phenylacetate. Cancer Research 54:2923-2927, 1994.
    3. Doppman JL, Zvi Ram, Shawker TH, Oldfield EH. Intraoperative ultrasound of the pituitary gland. Work in progress. Radiology 192:111-115, 1994.
    4. Blaese RM, Ishii-Morita H, Mullen C, Ramsey J, Zvi Ram, Oldfield EH, Culver K. In situ delivery of suicide genes for cancer treatment. European J Cancer. 30A(8):1190-1193, 1994.
    5. Viola JJ, Zvi Ram, Walbridge S, Culver KW, Blaeses RM, Oldfield EH. Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer into experimental solid brain tumors and leptomeningeal cancer.

    J Neurosurg 82(1):70-76, 1995. – 18 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. Oldfield EH, Zvi Ram, Chiang Y, Blaese RM. Intrathecal gene therapy for the treatment of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis. Human Gene Therapy 6:55-85, 1995.
    2. Viola JJ, Agbaria R, Walbridge S, Oshiro EM, Johns DG, Kelley JA, Oldfield EH, and Zvi Ram.

    In Situ Cyclopentenyl Cytosine Infusion for the Treatment of Experimental Brain Tumors.
    Cancer Res 55:1306-1309, 1995.

    1. Oshiro EM, Viola JJ, Oldfield EH, Walbridge S, Bacher J, Frank JA, Blaese RM, Zvi Ram. Toxicity studies and distribution dynamics of intrathecal administration of xenogeneic retroviral vector-producer cells for intrathecal gene therapy.

    Cancer Gene Therapy 2:87-95, 1995.
    (24a) Zvi Ram, Nieman CK, Culter GB, Jr., Chrousos GP, Doppman JL, Oldfield EH: Early repeat surgery for persistent Cushing’s disease. Bradely WG, Wilkins RH (eds) Year Book of Neurology and Neurosurgery, 335-336, 1995.

    1. Zvi Ram, Shawker TH, Doppman JL, Oldfield EH. Intra-operative, ultrasound-guided resection of pituitary tumors. J Neurosurg 83:225-230, 1995.
    2. Blaese RM, Culver K, Kohn D, Morgan R, Miller AD, Anderson WF, Touraine R, Ramsey WJ, Zvi Ram, Oldfield EH. Gene Therapy.

    Vox Sanguinis 70:21-23, 1996.

    1. Ishii H, Agbaria R, Mullen C, Hirano H, Zvi Ram, Koeplin DG, Oldfield EH, Johns DG, Blaese RM. Mechanism of “Bystander Effect” killing in the Herpes simplex thymidine kinase gene therapy model of cancer treatment. Gene Ther 4(3):244-251, 1997.
    2. Agbaria R, Kelley JA, Jackman J, Viola JJ, Zvi Ram, Oldfield EH, Johns DG. Antiproliferative effects of cyclopentenyl cyosine (NSC 375575) in a human brain tumor-derived cell line. Oncol Res 9(3):111-118, 1997.
    3. Hadani M., Bruk B., Zvi Ram., Knoller N., Bass A. Transiently increased basilar artery flow velocity following severe head injury. A time course transcranial doppler study. J Neurotrauma 14(9):629-636, 1997. – 19 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018
    1. Zvi Ram, Culver KW, Oshiro ME, Viola JJ, DeVroom HL, Otto E, Long Z, Chiang Y, McGarrity GJ, Muul LM, Katz D, Blaese RM, Oldfield EH. Therapy of malignant brain tumors by intratumoral implantation of retroviral vector-producer cells. Nature Medicine 3(12):1354-1361, 1997.
    2. Ben Avraham R, Liberman N, Zvi Ram., Klempner S, Perel A. Propophol anesthesia for craniotomy in patients who are awake. Harefuah 134: 175-178, 1998.
    3. Hadani M, Bruk B, Zvi Ram, Knoller N, Spiegelmann R, Segal E. Application of transcranial doppler ultrasonography for the diagnosis of brain death. Intensive Care Medicine. 25:822-828, 1999.
    4. Zvi Ram, Bruk B, Hadani M. Ultrasound in pituitary surgery. Pituitary 2:133-138, 1999.
    1. Zvi Ram. Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of malignant brain

    Isr Med Assoc J. 1(3): 188-93, 1999.

    1. Shalmon B, Nass D, Zvi Ram, Achiron A. A.Giant lesions in multiple sclerosis:

    a diagnostic challenge. Harefuah 138(11): 936-9, 2000.

    1. The GL1328 INTERNATIONAL STUDY GROUP. A phase III clinical evaluation of herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase and ganciclovir gene therapy as an adjuvant to surgical resection and radiation in adults with previously untreated glioblastoma multiforme.

    Human Gene Therapy 11:2389-2401, 2000.

    1. Cohen Z, Duvdevani R, Nass D, Hadani M, Zvi Ram. Intraarterial delivery of genetic vectors for the treatment of malignant brain tumors.

    Isr Med Assoc J. 3(2):117-120, 2001.

    1. Berkenstadt H, Zvi Ram. Monitored anesthesia care in awake craniotomy for brain tumor surgery.

    Isr Med Assoc J 3(4):297-300, 2001.

    1. Hadani M, Spiegelmann R, Feldman Z, Berkenstadt H, Zvi Ram. A novel compact intraoperative MRI guided system for the conventional neurosurgical operating room.

    Neurosurgery. 48(4):799-807, 2001. – 20 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. Berkenstadt H, Perel A, Hadani M, Unofrievitch I, Zvi Ram. Monitored anesthesia care using remifentanil and propofol for awake craniotomy.

    J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 13:246-249, 2001.

    1. Berkendstat H, Perel A, Zvi Ram, Feldman Z, Nahtomi O, Hadani M. Anesthesia for magnetic resonance guided Neurosurgery. Initial experience with a new open magnetic resonance imaging system.

    J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 13:158-162, 2001.

    1. Shimon I, Cohen Z, Zvi Ram, Hadani M. Transsphenoidal surgery for acromegaly: Endocrinological followup of 98 patients.

    Neurosurgery 48:1239-1245, 2001.

    1. Mardor Y(PI), Roth Y(T), Lidar Z(C) , Jonas T (C), Pfeffer R (C), Maier SE(C), Faibel M(C), Nass D(C), Hadani M(C), Orenstein A(C), Cohen JS(C), Zvi Ram (PI). Monitoring response to convection-enhanced taxol delivery in brain tumor patients using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging.

    Cancer Res 61(13):4971-4973, 2001. (Oncology 08/132, IF 7.656)

    1. Rienstein S, Loven D, Israeli O, Zvi Ram, Rappaport ZH, Barkai G, Goldman B, Aviram-Goldring A, Friedman E.

    Comparative genomic hybridization analysis of radiation-associated and sporadic meningiomas. Cancer Genet Cytogenet. Dec;131(2):135-40, 2001. (Oncology 99/132, IF 1.559)

    1. Joachim T, Zvi Ram, Rappaport ZH, Simon M, Schramm J, Wiestler OD, von Deimling A.

    Comparative analysis of the NF2, TP53, PTEN, KRAS, NRAS and HRAS genes in sporadic and radiation-induced human meningiomas. Int J Cancer Oct 15;94(2):218-21, 2001. (Oncology 30/132, IF 4.555)

    1. Shimon I, Zvi Ram, Zvi R. Cohen, M Hadani. Transsphenoidal surgery for Cushing Disease: Endocrinological follow-up monitoring of 82 patients.

    Neurosurgery 51:57-62, 2002. (Surgery 15/139, IF 3.007)

    1. Pfeffer, R.,Spiegelman, R., Roth, Y., Orenstein, A., Meier, S., Nissim, O., Baram, J, Tichler, T., Zvi Ram, Mardor, Y. Can diffusion-weighted MRI be used to select therapy for CNS lesions.

    Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 57:164-5, 2003. (Oncology 37/132, IF 4.290) – 21 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. Zvi Ram(PI), M. Hadani(C). Intra-operative imaging – MRI.

    Acta Neurochir 88:1-4, 2003.(Surgery 58/139, IF 1.391)

    1. Westphal M.(PI/C) , Hilt, D. C(C )., Bortey, E. (C ), Delavault P. (C ), Olivares, R. (C ), Warnke P. C (C )., Whittle, I. R. (C ), Jaaskelainen, J (C)., Zvi Ram(PI/C).

    A phase 3 trial of local chemotherapy with biodegradable carmustine (BCNU) wafers (Gliadel wafers) in patients with primary malignant glioma.
    Neuro-oncol 5:79-88 2003.(Oncology 16/132, IF 5.806)

    1. Sredni, B.; Weil, M.; Khomenok, G.; Lebenthal, I.; Teitz, S.; Mardor, Y.; Zvi Ram.; Orenstein, A.; Kershenovich, A.; Michowiz, S.; Cohen, Y. I.; Rappaport, Z. H.; Freidkin, I.; Albeck, M.; Longo, D. L.; Kalechman, Y.

    Ammonium trichloro(dioxoethylene-o,o’)tellurate (AS101) sensitizes tumors to chemotherapy by inhibiting the tumor interleukin 10 autocrine loop.
    Cancer Res 64: 1843-1852, 2004. (Oncology 08/132, IF 7.672)

    1. Loven, D., Hardoff, R., Sever, Z. B., Steinmetz, A. P., Gornish, M., Rappaport, Z.H., Fenig, E., Zvi Ram., Sulkes, A.

    Non-resectable slow-growing meningiomas treated by hydroxyurea.
    J Neurooncol, 67(1-2): p. 221-6 2004. (Clinical Neurology 51/147, IF 2.325)

    1. Lidar, Z(C), Mardor, Y(C)., Jonas, T(C)., Pfeffer, R(C)., Faibel, M.(C), Nass, D.(C), Hadani, M(C)., Zvi Ram.(PI) Convection-enhanced delivery of paclitaxel for the treatment of recurrent malignant glioma: a phase I/II clinical study.

    J Neurosurg, 100(3): p. 472-9 2004. (Surgery 38/139, IF1.990)

    1. Mardor, Y., Roth, Y., Ochershvilli, A., Spiegelmann, R., Tichler, T., Daniels, D., Maier, S. E., Nissim, O., Zvi Ram, , Baram, J., Orenstein, A., Pfeffer, R.

    Pretreatment prediction of brain tumors’ response to radiation therapy using high b-value diffusion-weighted MRI.
    Neoplasia 6(2):136-142, 2004. (Oncology 17/132, IF5.674)

    1. Peles, E(C), Lidar, Z(C), Simon, A.J(C), Grossman, R(C), Nass, D(C), Zvi Ram.(PI) Angiogenic factors in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with astrocytic brain tumors.

    Neurosurgery 53(3):562-567, 2004. (Surgery 15/139, IF3.007)

    1. Lubina A, Olchovskt D, Berezin M, Zvi Ram, Hadani M, Shimon I. Management of pituitary apoplexy in 40 patients: extensive clinical experience in a single medical center.

    Acta Neurochir (Wien) 147(2):151-7, 2005. (Surgery 58/139, IF1.391) – 22 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. Grossman, R., Sadetzki, S., Spiegelmann, R. Zvi Ram.

    Haemorrhagic complications and the incidence of asymptomatic bleeding associated with stereotactic brain biopsies.
    Acta Neurochir (Wien) 147(6):627-31, 2005. (Surgery 58/139, IF1.391)

    1. Mardor, Y.(PI/C), Rahav, O(C)., Zauberman, Y(C)., Lidar, Z.(C), Ocherashvilli, A.(T), Daniels, D.(T) Roth, Y(C)., Maier, S. E(C)., Orenstein, A.(C), Zvi Ram.(PI/C)

    Convection-enhanced drug delivery: increased efficacy and magnetic resonance image monitoring.
    Cancer Res 65(15):6858-63, 2005. (Oncology 08/132, IF 7.656)

    1. Westphal, M., Zvi Ram., Riddle, V., Hilt, D., Bortey, E.

    Gliadel((R)) wafer in initial surgery for malignant glioma: long-term follow-up of a multicenter controlled trial.
    Acta Neurochir (Wien) 148(3):269-275, 2006. (Surgery 58/139, IF1.391)

    1. Zvi Ram(PI), Cohen, Z. R (C), Harnof, S(C), Tal, S(C), Faibel, M(C), Nass, D(C), Maier, S. E(C) Hadani, M(C), Mardor, Y.(C) Magnetic resonance imaging-guided, high-intensity focused ultrasound for brain tumor therapy. Neurosurgery 59(5):949-55; discussion 955-6, 2006 (Surgery 15/139, IF3.007)
    2. Kunwar S, Prados, MD, Prados ,M. D, Chang, S, Berger, MS, Lang, FF, Piepmeier, JM, Sampson, JH, Zvi Ram, Gutin PH, Gibbons, R. D, Aldape, K. D, Croteau, D. J, Sherman, J. W, Puri, R. K, et al. Direct intracerebral delivery of Cintredekin Besudotox (IL13-PE38QQR) in recurrent malignant glioma: A report by the Cintredekin Besudotox intraparenchymal study group.

    J Clin Oncol 25(7):837-844, 2007. (Oncology 05/132, IF15.484)

    1. Gal, H, Makovitzki, A, Amariglio, N, Rechavi, G, Zvi Ram, Givol, D.

    A rapid assay for drug sensitivity of glioblastoma stem cells
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2007. (Biophysics 27/69, IF2.749)

    1. Cohen, Z.R.(C), Zaubermann, J(C), Harnof, S(C), Mardor, Y(C), Nass, D(C), Zadicario, E(T/C), Hananel, A(T), Castel, D(T), Faibel, M(C), Zvi Ram(PI).

    Magnetic resonance imaging-guided focused ultrasound for thermal ablation in the brain: a feasibility study in a swine model
    Neurosurgery 60(4): 593-600; discussion 600, 2007. (Surgery 15/139, IF3.007)

    1. Grossman, R, Zvi Ram, Perel, A, Yusim, Y, Zaslansky, R, Berkenstadt, H.

    Control of postoperative pain after awake craniotomy with local intradermal analgesia and metamizol.
    Isr Med Assoc J 9(5):380-382, 2007. (Medicine, General, Internal 75/100, IF 0.577) – 23 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. Margalit, N(C)., Kesler, A(C)., Ezer, H.(C), Freedman, S.(C), Zvi Ram(PI). Tuberculum and diaphragma sella meningioma – surgical technique and visual cases operated over a 2.5-year period.

    Acta Neurochir (Wien), 2007 (Surgery 61/139, IF1.212)

    1. Paz, N., Levanon, E. Y., Amariglio, N., Heimberger, A. B., Zvi Ram, Constantini, S., Barbash, Z. S., Konstantin, A., Sarfan, M., Hirschberg, A., Krupsky, M., Ben-Dov, I., Cazacu, S., Mikkelsen, T., Brodie, C., Eisenberg, E., Rechavi, G. et al. Altered adenosine-to-inosine RNA editing in human cancer. Genome Res 17(11): 1586-95, 2007. (Biochemisty & Molecular Biology 10/263, IF11.224)
    2. Roth, J., Constantini, S., Blumenthal, D. T., Zvi Ram. The value of ventriculo-peritoneal shunting in patients with glioblastoma multiforme and ventriculomegaly.

    Acta Neurochir 150(1):41-46, 2008. (Surgery 61/139, IF1.212)

    1. Perlstein, B., Zvi Ram, Daniels, D., Ocherashvilli, A., Roth, Y., Margel, S., Mardor, Y. “Convection-enhanced delivery of maghemite nanoparticles: Increased efficacy and MRI monitoring”.

    Neuro Oncol, 2008. (Oncology 16/132, IF5.806)

    1. Bokstein, F., Kovner, F., Blumenthal, D. T., Zvi Ram, Templehoff, H., Kanner, A., Corn, B. W. A Common Sense Approach to Radiotherapy Planning of Glioblastoma Multiforme Situated in The Temporal Lobe.

    Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2008. (Oncology 37/132, IF4.290)

    1. Gal, H., Pandi, G., Kanner, A. A., Zvi Ram, Lithwick-Yanai, G., Amariglio, N., Rechavi, G., Givol, D. MIR-451 and Imatinib mesylate inhibit tumor growth of Glioblastoma stem cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2008 (Biophysics 27/69, IF2.749)
    2. Sadetzki, S., Zach, L., Chetrit, A., Nass, D., Hoffmann, C., Zvi Ram., Zaaroor, M.,

    Umansky, F., Rappaport, Z. H., Cohen, A., Wald, U., Rothman, S., Hadani, M.
    “Epidemiology of gliomas in Israel: a nationwide study”.
    Neuroepidemiology 31(4):264-269, 2008. (Clinical Neurology 67/146, IF2.203)

    1. Grinberg-Rashi H., Ofek E., Perelman M., Skarda J., Yaron P., Hajdu’ch M., Jacob

    Hirsch J., Amariglio N, Krupsky M, Simansky DA, Ram Z, Pfeffer R, Galerenter I,
    Steinberg DM, Ben-Dov I, Rechavi G, Izraeli S.
    “The Expression of Three Genes in Primary Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Is Associated
    with Metastatic Spread to the Brain”, 2009. Clin Cancer Res. (Oncology 15/132, IF6.250) – 24 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. Mardor, Y.; Last, D.; Daniels, D.; Shneor, R.; Maier, S, E.; Nass, D.; Ram, Z.; “Convection-enhanced drug delivery of interleukin-4 Pseudomonas exotoxin (PRX321): increased distribution and magnetic resonance monitoring “. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 330(2):520-525, 2009. (Pharmocology and Pharmacy 31/214, IF4.309)
    2. Kunwar, S.; Chang, S.; Westphal, M.; Vogelbaum, M,; Sampson, J.; Barnett, G.; Shaffrey, M.; Ram, Z.; Piepmeier, J.; Prados, M.; Croteau, D.; Pedain, C.; Leland, P.; Husain, S. H.; Puri, R. K. R.; Joshi, B.; “Phase III randomized trial of CED of IL13-PE38QQR vs Gliadel Wafers for recurrent glioblastoma. ” Neuro Oncol. 12(8):871-881, 2010. (Oncology 25/141, IF5.000)
    3. Maimon, S.; Strauss, I.; Frolov, V.; Margalit, N.; Ram, Z.; “Brain arteriovenous malformation treatment using a detachable tip microcatheter, SONIC: short-term results.” Combination of Onyx and a new AJNR Am”. J Neuroradiol 31(5): 947-54. 2010. (Radiology 61/90, IF1.429)
    4. Rosenberg, K., Nossek, E.; Liebling, R.; Fried, I.; Shapira – Lichter, I.; Hendler, T.; Ram, Z. “Prediction of neurological deficits and recovery after surgery in the supplementary motor area: a prospective study in 26 patients.”

    J Neurosurg. 2010. (Surgery 42/148, IF2.124)

    1. Nossek, E.; Korn, A.; Shahar, t.; Kanner, A. A.; Yaffe, H.; Marcovici, D.; Ben Harosh, C.; Ben Ami, H.; Weinstein, M.; Shapira – Lichter, I.; Constantini, S.; Hendler, T.; Ram, Z. “Intraoperative Mapping and Monitoring of the Corticospinal Tracts by Neurophsiological Assessment and 3D Ultrasound-Based Navigation”. J Neurosurg. 2010. (Surgery 42/148, IF2.124)
    2. Roth, J. and Z. Ram, Intracranial infections caused by Actinomyces species. World Neurosurg, 2010. 74(2-3): p. 261-2.
    3. Corem-Salkmon, E., et al., Convection-enhanced delivery of methotrexate-loaded maghemite nanoparticles. Int J Nanomedicine, 2011. 6: p. 1595-602.
    4. Heiss, J.D., et al., Intrathecal gene therapy for treatment of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis. J Neurooncol, 2011. 104(1): p. 365-9.
    5. Maimon, S., et al., Transarterial treatment with Onyx of intracranial dural arteriovenous fistula with cortical drainage in 17 patients. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 2011. 32(11): p. 2180-4.
    6. Nossek, E., et al., Neurosurgery and pregnancy. Acta Neurochir (Wien), 2011. 153(9): p. 1727-35. – 25 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018
    1. Shahar, T. and Z. Ram, Hormonal effect on meningioma growth. World Neurosurg, 2011. 76(5): p. 412-4.
    2. Volovitz, I., et al., Split immunity: immune inhibition of rat gliomas by subcutaneous exposure to unmodified live tumor cells. J Immunol, 2011. 187(10): p. 5452-62.
    3. Maimon, S., et al., Treatment of intra-cranial aneurysms with the SILK flow diverter: 2 years’ experience with 28 patients at a single center. Acta Neurochir (Wien), 2012. 154(6): p. 979-87.
    4. Patal, R., et al., [The effect of platelet transfusion on traumatic intracranial hemorrhage among patients treated with aspirin]. Harefuah, 2012. 151(1): p. 29-33, 62, 61.
    5. Shahar, T., Z. Ram, and A.A. Kanner, Convection-enhanced delivery catheter placements for high-grade gliomas: complications and pitfalls. J Neurooncol, 2012. 107(2): p. 373-8.
    6. Stupp, R., et al., NovoTTF-100A versus physician’s choice chemotherapy in recurrent glioblastoma: A randomised phase III trial of a novel treatment modality. Eur J Cancer, 2012. 48(14): p. 2192-202.
    7. Tal Shachar, Erez Nossek, David M. Steinberg, Uri Roovski, Deborah T. Blumenthal,

    Felix Bokstein, Razi Sitt, Sigal Freedman, Benjamin W. Corn, Andrew A. Kanner,
    Zvi Ram. The impact of enrollment in clinical trials on survival of patients with
    Glioblastoma.2012 Sep 16. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience

    1. Nossek, E., Zvi Ram., Failed awake craniotomy: a retrospective analysis in 424 patients undergoing craniotomy for brain tumor.

    J Neurosurg, 2012.

    1. Grossman, R., Zvi Ram., Outcome of Elderly Patients Undergoing Awake-Craniotomy for Tumor Resection. Ann Surg Oncol, 2012.
    2. Shahar T, Gadoth A, Nossek E, Giladi N, Ram Z, Maimon S., Reversible freezingof gait caused by dural arteriovenous fistula and congestion of the globus pallidus. Mov Disord, 2012. 27(13):p 1690-3 – 26 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018
    1. Ben Bashat D, Artzi M, Ben Ami H, Aizenstein O, Blumenthal DT, Bokstein F, Corn BW, Ram Z, Kanner AA, Lifschitz-Mercer B, Solar I, Kolatt T, Palmon M, Edrei Y, Abramovitch R., Hemodynamic response imaging: a potential tool for the assessment of angiogenesis in brain tumors. PLoS One, 2012. 7(11): p. e49416.
    2. Grossman R, Ram Z, Monocyte-Derived Cells of the Brain in Malignant Gliomas.

    World Neurosurgery. 2013.

    1. Nossek E, Matot I, Shahar T, Barzilai O, Rapoport Y, Gonen T, Sela G, Grossman R,

    Korn A, Hayat D and Ram Z
    Intraoperative Seizures During Awake Craniotomy; Incidence and Consequences – Analysis of 477 Patients.
    Neurosurgery, 2013. 73(1):p.135-40; discussion 140.

    1. Wong E. T., Lok E., Swanson K. D., Gautam S., Engelhard H. H., Lieberman F.,

    Taillibert S., Ram Z & Villano J. L.
    Response Assessment of NovoTTF-100A versus Best Physician’s Choice Chemotherapy in Recurrent Glioblastoma
    Annals of Oncology (Accepted)

    1. Gonen, L. and Ram, Z., Parasellar Meningiomas in Pregnancy. Word Neurosurg. 2013
    2. Grossman R, Maimon S, Levite R, Ram Z., Multimodal tretment of hemorrhagic pituitary metastasis as first manifestation of renal cell carcinoma.

    World Neurosurg, 2013. 79(5-6): p. 798 E1-5. 109. Grossman, R. and Ram, Z., The Dark Side of NF2. World Neurosurg. 2013.

    1. Ram, Z. and R. Grossman, Dysphagia after Posterior Fossa Surgery in Adults. World Neurosurg, 2013.
    2. Saiegh L, Odeh M, Sheikh-Ahmad M, Reut M, Ram Z, Shechner C., Granular cell tumor of the neurohypophysis: Case report and review of the literature.

    Neuro Endocrinol Lett, 2013. 34(5): p. 331-338.

    1. Strauss I, Jonas-Kimchi T, Bokstein F, Blumenthal D, Roth J, Sitt R, Wilson J, Ram Z, Gliomas of the posterior fossa in adults. J Neurooncol, 2013. – 27 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018
    1. Westphal M, Ylä-Herttuala S, Martin J, Warnke P, Menei P, Eckland D, Kinley J, Kay R, Ram Z; ASPECT Study Group, Adenovirus-mediated gene therapy with sitimagene ceradenovec followed by intravenous ganciclovir for patients with operable high-grade glioma (ASPECT): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial.

    Lancet Oncol. 2013. 14(9):p. 823-33.

    1. Grossman R, Nossek E, Sitt R, Hayat D, Shahar T, Barzilai O, Gonen T, Korn A, Sela G, Ram Z. Outcome of elderly patients undergoing awake-craniotomy for tumor resection. Ann Surg Oncol. 2013. 20(5):p.1722-8.
    2. Grossman R, Ram Z. The Utility of Modified Recursive Partitioning Analysis Class 2 in Predicting Survival Among Surgical Candidates with Intracranial Metastases.

    World Neurosurgery. 2013 Oct 12. pii: S1878-8750(13)01346-6.

    1. Grossman R, Nossek E, Shimony N, Raz M, Ram Z. Intraoperative 5-aminolevulinic acid-induced fluorescence in primary central nervous system lymphoma.

    Journal of Neurosurgery 2014 120(1):p.67-9.

    1. Shofty B, Constantini S, Bokstein F, Ram Z, Ben-Sira L, Freedman S, Vainer G,

    Kesler A. Optic pathway gliomas in adults. Neurosurgery. 2014 74(3):p. 273-9;

    1. Shimony N, Aizic A, Cagnano E, Margalit N, Ram Z, Constantini S, Roth J.

    Supratentorial calcified pseudotumour: experience of a single institution and
    review of the literature.
    Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2014 156(6):p. 1115-20.

    1. Shapira Y, Hadelsberg UP, Kanner AA, Ram Z, Roth J. The ventricular system and choroid plexus as a primary site for renal cell carcinoma metastasis.

    Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2014

    1. Wong ET, Lok E, Swanson KD, Gautam S, Engelhard HH, Lieberman F, Taillibert S, Ram Z, Villano JL. Response assessment of NovoTTF-100A versus best physician’s choice chemotherapy in recurrent glioblastoma.

    Cancer Med. 2014 3(3):p.592-602. – 28 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. Weller M, van den Bent M, Hopkins K, Tonn JC, Stupp R, Falini A, Cohen-Jonathan-Moyal E, Frappaz D, Henriksson R, Balana C, Chinot O, Ram Z, Reifenberger G, Soffietti R, Wick W; European Association for Neuro-Oncology (EANO) Task Force on Malignant Glioma. EANO guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of anaplastic gliomas and glioblastoma.

    Lancet Oncol. 2014 15(9):p. e395-403

    1. Grossman R, Ram Z. Recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) classification predicts survival in patients with brain metastases from sarcoma. World Neurosurg. 2014 82(6):p.1291-4.
    2. Gonen T, Grossman R, Sitt R, Nossek E, Yanaki R, Cagnano E, Korn A, Hayat D,

    Ram Z. Tumor location and IDH1 mutation may predict intraoperative seizures
    during awake craniotomy.
    J Neurosurg. 2014 121(5):p. 1133-8.

    1. Kanner AA, Wong ET, Villano JL, Ram Z; EF-11 Investigators. Post Hoc analyses

    of intention-to-treat population in phase III comparison of NovoTTF-100A™ system
    versus best physician’s choice chemotherapy.
    Semin Oncol. 2014 41 Suppl 6:p. S25-34.

    1. Shahar T, Rozovski U, Shapira Y, Nossek E, Zelikovich B, Jossiphov J, Ram Z,

    Kanner AA, Siegal T, Blumenthal DT, Lavon I. Conflicting pathology reports: a
    diagnostic dilemma.
    J Neurosurg. 2015 122(2):p. 276-9.

    1. Shahar T, Rozovski U, Ram Z. Response.

    J Neurosurg. 2015 122(2):p.275.

    1. Roth J, Ram Z, Constantini S. Endoscopic considerations treating hydrocephalus

    caused by basal ganglia and large thalamic tumors.
    Surg Neurol Int. 2015 6:p.56.

    1. Blumenthal DT, Aisenstein O, Ben-Horin I, Ben Bashat D, Artzi M, Corn BW,

    Kanner AA, Ram Z, Bokstein F. Calcification in high grade gliomas treated with
    J Neurooncol. 2015 123(2):p.283-8

    1. Nossek E, Ram Z. Improving Vascular Neurosurgical Skills in an Era of

    Diminished Microsurgical Exposure.
    World Neurosurg. 2015 Jun 25. pii:S1878-8750(15)00776-7. Transfer to H – 29 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. Strauss I, Corn BW, Krishna V, Shahar T, Matceyevsky D, Gez E, Shtraus N, Ram Z, Kanner AA. Patterns of Failure after Stereotactic Radiosurgery of the Resection Cavity Following Surgical Removal of Brain Metastases.

    World Neurosurg. 2015 Dec;84(6):1825-31. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2015.07.073. Epub 2015 Aug 14.

    1. Nossek E, Ram Z. China’s Medical Education and INR Training.

    World Neurosurg. 2016 Feb;86:49-51. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2015.09.084. Epub 2015 Dec 19.

    1. Bokstein F, Blumenthal DT, Corn BW, Gez E, Matceyevsky D, Shtraus N, Ram Z, Kanner AA.

    Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) in high-grade glioma: judicious selection of small target volumes improves results.
    J Neurooncol. 2016 Feb;126(3):551-7. doi: 10.1007/s11060-015-1997-5. Epub 2015 Nov 24.

    1. Stupp R, Taillibert S, Kanner AA, Kesari S, Steinberg DM, Toms SA, Taylor LP, Lieberman F, Silvani A, Fink KL, Barnett GH, Zhu JJ, Henson JW, Engelhard HH, Chen TC, Tran DD, Sroubek J, Tran ND, Hottinger AF, Landolfi J, Desai R, Caroli M, Kew Y, Honnorat J, Idbaih A, Kirson ED, Weinberg U, Palti Y, Hegi ME, Ram Z.

    Maintenance Therapy With Tumor-Treating Fields Plus Temozolomide vs Temozolomide Alone for Glioblastoma: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
    JAMA. 2015 Dec 15;314(23):2535-43. doi: 10.1001/jama.2015.16669.

    1. Grossman R, Shimony N, Hadelsberg U, Soffer D, Sitt R, Strauss N, Corn BW, Ram Z.

    Impact of Resecting Radiation Necrosis and Pseudoprogression on Survival of Patients with Glioblastoma.
    World Neurosurg. 2016 May;89:37-41. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2016.01.020. Epub 2016 Jan 22.

    1. Hadanny A, Rozovski U, Nossek E, Shapira Y, Strauss I, Kanner AA, Sitt R, Ram Z, Shahar T.

    Craniectomy Versus Craniotomy for Posterior Fossa Metastases: Complication Profile.
    World Neurosurg. 2016 May;89:193-8. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2016.01.076.
    Epub 2016 Feb 4. – 30 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. Shimony N, Amit U, Minz B, Grossman R, Dany MA, Gonen L, Kandov K, Ram Z, Weinbroum AA.

    Perioperative pregabalin for reducing pain, analgesic consumption, and anxiety and enhancing sleep quality in elective neurosurgical patients: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, and controlled clinical study.
    J Neurosurg. 2016 Dec;125(6):1513-1522. Epub 2016 Feb 12.

    1. Greenman Y, Cooper O, Yaish I, Robenshtok E, Sagiv N, Jonas-Kimchi T, Yuan X, Gertych A, Shimon I, Ram Z, Melmed S, Stern N.

    Treatment of clinically nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas with dopamine agonists.
    Eur J Endocrinol. 2016 Jul;175(1):63-72. doi: 10.1530/EJE-16-0206. Epub 2016 May 5.

    1. Volovitz I, Shapira N, Ezer H, Gafni A, Lustgarten M, Alter T, Ben-Horin I, Barzilai O, Shahar T, Kanner A, Fried I, Veshchev I, Grossman R, Ram Z.

    A non-aggressive, highly efficient, enzymatic method for dissociation of human brain-tumors and brain-tissues to viable single-cells.
    BMC Neurosci. 2016 Jun 1;17(1):30. doi: 10.1186/s12868-016-0262-y.

    1. Ofek P, Calderón M, Mehrabadi FS, Krivitsky A, Ferber S, Tiram G, Yerushalmi N, Kredo-Russo S, Grossman R, Ram Z, Haag R, Satchi-Fainaro R.

    Restoring the oncosuppressor activity of microRNA-34a in glioblastoma using a polyglycerol-based polyplex.
    Nanomedicine. 2016 Oct;12(7):2201-2214. doi: 10.1016/j.nano.2016.05.016. Epub 2016 Jun 1.

    1. Shahar T, Granit A, Zrihan D, Canello T, Charbit H, Einstein O, Rozovski U, Elgavish S, Ram Z, Siegal T, Lavon I.

    Expression level of miRNAs on chromosome 14q32.31 region correlates with tumor aggressiveness and survival of glioblastoma patients.
    J Neurooncol. 2016 Dec;130(3):413-422. Epub 2016 Aug 29.

    1. Blumenthal DT, Dvir A, Lossos A, Tzuk-Shina T, Lior T, Limon D, Yust-Katz S, Lokiec A, Ram Z, Ross JS, Ali SM, Yair R, Soussan-Gutman L, Bokstein F.

    Clinical utility and treatment outcome of comprehensive genomic profiling in high grade glioma patients.
    J Neurooncol. 2016 Oct;130(1):211-219. Epub 2016 Aug 16. – 31 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. Grossman R, Shimony N, Shir D, Gonen T, Sitt R, Kimchi TJ, Harosh CB, Ram Z.

    Dynamics of FLAIR Volume Changes in Glioblastoma and Prediction of Survival.
    Ann Surg Oncol. 2017 Mar;24(3):794-800. doi: 10.1245/s10434-016-5635-z. Epub 2016 Oct 20.

    1. Shimony N, Shofty B, Ram Z, Grossman R. Perioperative Risk Assessment of Patients with Gliomatosis Cerebri.

    World Neurosurg. 2017 Feb;98:334-338. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2016.11.014. Epub 2016 Nov 9.

    1. Shimony N, Shofty B, Harosh CB, Sitt R, Ram Z, Grossman R. Surgical Resection of Cerebral Metastases Leads to Faster Resolution of Peritumoral Edema than Stereotactic Radiosurgery: A Volumetric Analysis.

    Ann Surg Oncol. 2017 May;24(5):1392-1398. doi: 10.1245/s10434 -016-5709-y. Epub 2016 Nov 28.

    1. Gonen T, Sela G, Yanakee R, Ram Z, Grossman R. Surgery-Independent Language Function Decline in Patients Undergoing Awake Craniotomy.

    World Neurosurg. 2017 Mar;99:674-679. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2016.12.081. Epub 2016 Dec 27.

    1. Au K, Ram Z, Zadeh G, Aldape K, Balogun J, Barani I, DiMeco F, Goel A, Khu K, Lang FF, Lund-Johansen M, Maldaun M, Tabatabai G, Tonn JC, Westphal M. Proceedings of the WFNS Neuro-Oncology Committee Workshop Rome 2015.

    Surg Neurol Int. 2016 Dec 12;7(Suppl 40):S963-S975. doi: 10.4103/2152-7806.195563. eCollection 2016.

    1. Kesari S, Ram Z; EF-14 Trial Investigators. Tumor-treating fields plus chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone for glioblastoma at first recurrence: a post hoc analysis of the EF-14 trial.

    CNS Oncol. 2017 Jul;6(3):185-193. doi: 10.2217/cns-2016-0049. Epub 2017 Apr 12.

    1. Bogoch Y, Friedlander-Malik G, Lupu L, Bondar E, Zohar N, Langier S, Ram Z, Nachmany I, Klausner JM, Pencovich N.

    Augmented expression of RUNX1 deregulates the global gene expression of U87 glioblastoma multiforme cells and inhibits tumor growth in mice.
    Tumour Biol. 2017 Apr;39(4):1010428317698357. doi: 10.1177/1010428317698357. – 32 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. Sahm F, Toprak UH, Hübschmann D, Kleinheinz K, Buchhalter I, Sill M, Stichel D, Schick M, Bewerunge-Hudler M, Schrimpf D, Zadeh G, Aldape K, Herold-Mende C, Beck K, Staszewski O, Prinz M, Harosh CB, Eils R, Sturm D, Jones DTW, Pfister SM, Paulus W, Ram Z, Schlesner M, Grossman R, von Deimling A.

    Meningiomas induced by low-dose radiation carry structural variants of NF2 and a distinct mutational signature.
    Acta Neuropathol. 2017 Jul;134(1):155-158. doi: 10.1007/s00401-017-1715-9. Epub 2017 May 4.

    1. Gonen T, Gazit T, Korn A, Kirschner A, Perry D, Hendler T, Ram Z. Intra-operative multi-site stimulation: Expanding methodology for cortical brain mapping of language functions.

    PLoS One. 2017 Jul 10;12(7):e0180740. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0180740. eCollection 2017.

    1. Soleman J, Roth J, Ram Z, Yalon M, Constantini S. Malignant transformation of a conservatively managed incidental childhood cerebral mass lesion: controversy regarding management paradigm.

    Childs Nerv Syst. 2017 Aug 14. doi: 10.1007/s00381-017-3566-z. [Epub ahead of print]

    1. Tiram G, Ferber S, Ofek P, Eldar-Boock A, Ben-Shushan D, Yeini E, Krivitsky A, Blatt R, Almog N, Henkin J, Amsalem O, Yavin E, Cohen G, Lazarovici P, Lee JS, Ruppin E, Milyavsky M, Grossman R, Ram Z, Calderón M, Haag R, Satchi-Fainaro R. Reverting the molecular fingerprint of tumor dormancy as a therapeutic strategy for glioblastoma.

    FASEB J. 2018 Jun 1:fj201701568R. doi: 10.1096/fj.201701568R. [Epub ahead of print]

    1. Ben-Ari O, Wengier A, Ringel B, Carmel Neiderman NN, Ram Z, Margalit N, Fliss DM, Abergel A.

    Nasoseptal Flap for Skull Base Reconstruction in Children.
    J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 2018 Feb;79(1):37-41. doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1617435. Epub 2018 Jan 11. Review.

    1. Blumenthal DT, Kanner AA, Aizenstein O, Cagnano E, Greenberg A, Hershkovitz D, Ram Z, Bokstein F.

    Surgery for Recurrent High-Grade Glioma After Treatment with Bevacizumab.
    World Neurosurg. 2018 Feb;110:e727-e737. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.11.105. Epub 2017 Nov 26. – 33 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. Bogoch Y, Friedlander-Malik G, Lupu L, Bondar E, Zohar N, Langier S, Ram Z, Nachmany I, Klausner JM, Pencovich N.

    Augmented expression of RUNX1 deregulates the global gene expression of U87 glioblastoma multiforme cells and inhibits tumor growth in mice.
    Tumour Biol. 2017 Apr;39(4):1010428317698357. doi: 10.1177/1010428317698357.

    1. Ferber S, Tiram G, Sousa-Herves A, Eldar-Boock A, Krivitsky A, Scomparin A, Yeini E, Ofek P, Ben-Shushan D, Vossen LI, Licha K, Grossman R, Ram Z, Henkin J, Ruppin E, Auslander N, Haag R, Calderón M, Satchi-Fainaro R.

    Co-targeting the tumor endothelium and P-selectin-expressing glioblastoma cells leads to a remarkable therapeutic outcome.
    Elife. 2017 Oct 4;6. pii: e25281. doi: 10.7554/eLife.25281.

    1. Gonen T, Gazit T, Korn A, Kirschner A, Perry D, Hendler T, Ram Z.

    Intra-operative multi-site stimulation: Expanding methodology for cortical brain mapping of language functions.
    PLoS One. 2017 Jul 10;12(7):e0180740. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0180740. eCollection 2017.

    1. Kesari S, Ram Z; EF-14 Trial Investigators.

    Tumor-treating fields plus chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone for glioblastoma at first recurrence: a post hoc analysis of the EF-14 trial.
    CNS Oncol. 2017 Jul;6(3):185-193. doi: 10.2217/cns-2016-0049. Epub 2017 Apr 12.

    1. Sahm F, Toprak UH, Hübschmann D, Kleinheinz K, Buchhalter I, Sill M, Stichel D, Schick M, Bewerunge-Hudler M, Schrimpf D, Zadeh G, Aldape K, Herold-Mende C, Beck K, Staszewski O, Prinz M, Harosh CB, Eils R, Sturm D, Jones DTW, Pfister SM, Paulus W, Ram Z, Schlesner M, Grossman R, von Deimling A.

    Meningiomas induced by low-dose radiation carry structural variants of NF2 and a distinct mutational signature.
    Acta Neuropathol. 2017 Jul;134(1):155-158. doi: 10.1007/s00401-017-1715-9. Epub 2017 May 4. No abstract available.

    1. Shahar T, Korn A, Barkay G, Biron T, Hadanny A, Gazit T, Nossek E, Ekstein M, Kesler A, Ram Z.

    Elaborate mapping of the posterior visual pathway in awake craniotomy.
    J Neurosurg. 2018 May;128(5):1503-1511. doi: 10.3171/2017.2.JNS162757. Epub 2017 Aug 25. – 34 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. Shofty B, Artzi M, Ben Bashat D, Liberman G, Haim O, Kashanian A, Bokstein F, Blumenthal DT, Ram Z, Shahar T.

    MRI radiomics analysis of molecular alterations in low-grade gliomas.
    Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2018 Apr;13(4):563-571. doi: 10.1007/s11548-017-1691-5. Epub 2017 Dec 21.

    1. Soleman J, Roth J, Ram Z, Yalon M, Constantini S.

    Malignant transformation of a conservatively managed incidental childhood cerebral mass lesion: controversy regarding management paradigm.
    Childs Nerv Syst. 2017 Dec;33(12):2169-2175. doi: 10.1007/s00381-017-3566-z. Epub 2017 Aug 14.

    1. Stupp R, Ram Z.

    Quality of Life in Patients With Glioblastoma Treated With Tumor-Treating Fields-Reply.
    JAMA. 2018 May 1;319(17):1823. doi: 10.1001/jama.2018.1862.

    1. Stupp R, Taillibert S, Kanner A, Read W, Steinberg D, Lhermitte B, Toms S, Idbaih A, Ahluwalia MS, Fink K, Di Meco F, Lieberman F, Zhu JJ, Stragliotto G, Tran D, Brem S, Hottinger A, Kirson ED, Lavy-Shahaf G, Weinberg U, Kim CY, Paek SH, Nicholas G, Bruna J, Hirte H, Weller M, Palti Y, Hegi ME, Ram Z.

    Effect of Tumor-Treating Fields Plus Maintenance Temozolomide vs Maintenance Temozolomide Alone on Survival in Patients With Glioblastoma: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
    JAMA. 2017 Dec 19;318(23):2306-2316. doi: 10.1001/jama.2017.18718.

    1. Taphoorn MJB, Dirven L, Kanner AA, Lavy-Shahaf G, Weinberg U, Taillibert S, Toms SA, Honnorat J, Chen TC, Sroubek J, David C, Idbaih A, Easaw JC, Kim CY, Bruna J, Hottinger AF, Kew Y, Roth P, Desai R, Villano JL, Kirson ED, Ram Z, Stupp R.

    Influence of Treatment With Tumor-Treating Fields on Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial.
    JAMA Oncol. 2018 Apr 1;4(4):495-504. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2017.5082

    1. Barzilai O, Ben Moshe S, Sitt R, Sela G, Shofty B, Ram Z.

    Improvement in cognitive function after surgery for low-grade glioma.
    J Neurosurg. 2018 Mar 23:1-9. doi: 10.3171/2017.9.JNS17658. [Epub ahead of print] – 35 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018
    B.2. Case Reports

    1. M Koller, Zvi Ram, G Findler, M Lipshitz

    Brain metastasis: A rare manifestation of adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast.
    Surg Neurol 26:470-472, 1986.

    1. Zvi Ram, G Findler, R Spiegelman, I Shacked, R Tadmor, A Sahar

    Intermittent priapism in spinal canal stenosis.
    Spine 12(4):377-378, 1987.

    1. Zvi Ram, G Findler, I Guttman, R Cherniak

    Ventriculo-peritoneal shunt malfunction due to migration of the abdominal catheter into the scrotum.
    J Pediatr Surg 22(11):1045-1046, 1987.

    1. R Spiegelman, Zvi Ram, G Findler, N Knoller, I Shacked, A Sahar

    Spinal cord involvement as the presenting symptom of acute monocytic leukemia.
    Surg Neurol 29(2):145-148, 1988.

    1. R Spiegelman, M Hadani, Zvi Ram, M Faibel, I Shacked

    Upward transtentorial herniation: a complication of postoperative edema at the cervico-medullary junction.
    Neurosurg 24(2):284-288, 1989.

    1. Zvi Ram, R Spiegelman, G Findler, M Hadani

    Delayed postoperative neurological deterioration from prolonged sodium nitroprusside administration.
    J Neurosurg 71:605-607, 1989.

    1. E Avrahami, R Tadmor, Zvi Ram, M Faibel, Y Itzhak

    MR demonstration of spontaneous acute epidural hematoma of the thoracic spine.
    Neuroradiol 31:89-92, 1989.

    1. Zvi Ram, G Findler, R Tadmor, A Sahar, I Shacked

    Syringo-pleural shunt for the treatment of thoracic syringomyelia. Technical Note.
    Spine 15:231-233, 1990.

    1. S Meisel, Zvi Ram, I Priel, D Nass, P Lieberman

    Another complication of thoracostomy. Perforation of the right atrium.
    Chest 98(3):772-773, 1990. – 36 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. R Spiegelman, G Findler, M Faibel, Zvi Ram, I Shacked, A Sahar

    A postoperative spinal epidural empyema: clinical and CT features.
    Spine 16(10):1146-1149, 1991.

    1. Zvi Ram, N Knoller, G Findler, A Sahar

    Delayed intraventricular tension pneumocephalus complicating posterior fossa surgery for cerebellar medulloblastoma.
    Childs Nerv Syst 8(6):351-353, 1992.

    1. Cohen RZ, Knoller N, Hadani M, Davidson B, Nass D, Zvi Ram. Traumatic intratumoral hemorrhage as the presenting symptom of a spinal neurinoma. Case report. J Neurosurg 93:327-329, 2000.
    2. Roth, J, Margalit, N. S, Kesler, A, Korn, A, Zvi Ram. Peri-operative brainstem infarct in a patient with antiphospholipid antibody (APLA) syndrome. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2006
    3. Poreh, A, Winocur, G, Moscovitch, M, Backon, M, Goshen, E, Zvi Ram, Feldman, Z. Anterograde and retrograde amnesia in a person with bilateral fornix lesions following removal of a colloid cyst. Neuropsychologia 44(12):2241-2248, 2006.
    4. Rosenberg, K., Liebling, R., Avidan, G., Perry, D., Siman-Tov, T., Andelman, F.,

    Zvi Ram, Fried, I., Hendler, T.
    Language related reorganization in adult brain with slow growing glioma:fMRI prospective case-study.
    Neurocase 14(6):465-473, 2008.

    1. Cohen ZR, Hassenbusch SJ, Maor MH, Pfeffer RM, Zvi Ram.Intractable vomiting

    from glioblastoma metastatic to the fourth ventricle: three case studies.
    Neuro-oncol 4(2):129-33, 2002. (Clinical Neurology 14/146, IF 5.806)

    1. Roth, J, Nass, D, Zvi Ram. Cerebellar tumor extension as a late event of long-

    standing, supratentorial low-grade gliomas.
    Neurosurgery 58(6) 2006. (Surgery 15/139, IF3.007)

    1. Nossek E., Ben Bashat D., Artzi M., Rosenberg K., Lichter I., Shtern O.,

    Ben Ami H., Aizenstein O., Vlodavsky E., Constantinescu M., Zvi Ram. The role of
    advance MR methods in the diagnosis of cerebral amyloidoma.
    Amyloid 16(2): 94-98, 2009. – 37 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. Grossman R, Maimon S, Levite R, Ram Z. Multimodality treatment of hemorrhagic

    Pituitary metastasis as first manifestation of renal cell carcinoma.
    World Neurosurg. 2012 Sep 15.

    1. Grossman, R., Maimon S, Levite, R., Zvi Ram. Multimodal Treatment of Hemorrhagic Pituitary Metastasis as First Manifestation of Renal Cell Carcinoma. World Neurosurg, 2012.
    2. Shahar, T., et al., Reversible freezing of gait caused by dural arteriovenous fistula and congestion of the globus pallidus. Mov Disord, 2012.

    B.3. Review Articles

    1. J Baniel, Zvi Ram, J Shemer

    Endotracheal drug administration.
    Harefuah CVIII(10):498-499, 1985.

    1. J Baniel, Zvi Ram, A Karni

    Toxicological mass disaster – A hospital deployment scheme.
    Disaster 10(3):230-231, 1986.

    1. Kanner, AA(C), Bokstein, F(C), Blumenthal, DT(C), Zvi Ram(PI). Surgical

    Therapies in brain me tastasis.
    Semin Oncol 34(3):197-205, 2007.

    1. Genes, viruses, toxins and vaccines as therapeutic modalities. www.futuremedicine com. 2012.
    2. The dark side of Nrf2. Grossman, R. and Zvi Ram World Neurosurg, 2012.
    3. Posterior Fossa Intra-Axial Tumors in Adults.

    Grossman R, Ram Z.
    World Neurosurg. 2016 Apr;88:140-5. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2015.12.066. Epub 2015 Dec 29. Review.

    1. Dendritic Cells in the Context of Human Tumors: Biology and Experimental Tools.

    Volovitz I, Melzer S, Amar S, Bocsi J, Bloch M, Efroni S, Ram Z, Tárnok A.
    Int Rev Immunol. 2016;35(2):116-35. doi: 10.3109/08830185.2015.1096935. Review – 38 – Name: Zvi Ram M.D. (First) (Last) (Academic Degree) 01/07/2018

    1. Regression of intracranial meningioma following treatment with nivolumab: Case report and review of the literature.

    Gelerstein E, Berger A, Jonas-Kimchi T, Strauss I, Kanner AA, Blumenthal DT, Gottfried M, Margalit N, Ram Z, Shahar T.
    J Clin Neurosci. 2017 Mar;37:51-53. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2016.11.011. Epub 2017 Jan 12. Review.

    1. Monongraphs
    2. Zvi Ram, G Findler, M Hadani

    Intratumoral cyst formation in pituitary adenoma. In: Landolt A (ed), Advances in the Biosciences, Vol 69, Pergamon Press, 1988.

    1. Zvi Ram. Featured subject: Management of brain tumors. Surg Neurol 43:222-229, 1995.
    2. Other Publications
    3. RM Blaese, KW Culver, H Ishil, EH Oldfield, Zvi Ram, S Walbridge

    Brain tumor treatment: significant contribution.
    Science 258:1960, 1992 (Letter).

    1. Roth, J. and Z. Ram, Three-dimensional computer-based model for analysis of the endonasal endoscopic approach to the midline skull base. World neurosurg. 75(1): p 37-38, 2011. (Editorial)
    2. Roth, J. and Z.Ram, Intracranial infections caused by actinomyces species. World

    Neurosurg. 74(2-3): p. 261-2, 2010. (Editorial)

    1. Nossek E, Ram Z, Bokstein F, Blumenthal D, Antiangiogenesis in recurrent

    Glioblastoma:proof of principle.Neurol Int. 2009 Nov16; 1 (1):e21.

    1. Erez Nossek . Margaret Ekstein . Eli Rimon . Michael J. Kupferminc . Zvi Ram Neurosurgery and pregnancy Acta Neurochir (2011) 153:1727–1735

For emergency cases