EliteDoc offers treatment and diagnosis in Israel in the renowned clinics, private and state hospitals and medical centers in the country. The best doctors who specialize in your specific disease and the most advanced medical technologies are at your disposal.

The advantages and benefits of Israeli medicine

Israeli health care system is rightfully considered to be one of the world’s most effective, while the country itself takes the leading positions in the world’s rating, giving evaluation to the quality of the medicine. The World Health Organization (WHO) has included Israel to the top 5 list countries with the highest level of successful treatment and the International Research Health Center has recognized it a leader for medical services. The average life index of Israeli people, which is one the highest in the world rating, is the best assessment of quality.

High quality and open access

Today’s modern Israeli health care system have been established at times of British mandate which is based on rules of medical insurance that guarantees every Israeli citizen its unconditional right for medical services regardless of social status. Israeli pay the so-called health tax that is about 5% of salary and allows to get a wide range of medical services in return. It includes numerous procedures from preventive medical examinations to deadly disease treatment and also extra corporal fertilization.

The government has determined health insurance funds to be a medical service provider. Now there are four of them, such as Klalit, Makkabi, Meuhedet i Meuhedet. Each of them has official contracts with different types of health care facilities including pharmacies, diagnostic centers, prenatal clinics, emergency rooms, geriatrics’ centers and many more.

Except numerous health insurance funds, the Israeli health care system also includes other clinics that are under government, municipal or private ownership and some hospitals that are held by various noncommercial associations. There are more than 100 medical facilities in Israel, dozens of which are prominent comprehensive medical centers that provide services to all mainstream medical treatments. Besides, there are also many highly specialized hospitals and clinics.

Both private and state clinics are professionally equipped with the newest medical technique and hospitals are extremely proud of their competent specialists who have a great deal of experience. Most of accredited clinics of various types (state or private) provide all kinds of medical treatment for patients from other countries as well. There is a special law, that protects rights of foreign citizens who come to Israel to solve their health issues.

Well qualified and highly professional Israeli specialists

The main reason for highly professional efficiency of Israeli health care system is its qualified specialists. There are 3.5 doctors per 1000 of population which is more than in Germany, France and Japan. Each and every specialist, that is collaborating with Israeli clinics, goes under severe testings’ and examinations to estimate his professional skills and knowledge of various treatment methods and latest equipment. Such strict requirements allow to take only true professionals in their sphere.

The medical profession has always been one of the most prestigious ones in Israel, therefore it includes highly strict and intensive studying that takes at about 13 years and includes 6 years of faculty studying, one year of internship and a fellowship that can take from 4 to 6 years. As a rule, the vast majority of Israeli specialist also take additional traineeship in leading Europe and US clinics.

Local doctors set an extremely high value on their license and bear criminal responsibility for negligence and medical errors.

Innovative medical technologies and techniques

Israel is a world’s leader in the development of new medical technologies and technique, that has been recognized by Forbes magazine in their global research. The American Health Business Group, that is responsible for studying medical IT and consulting medical-device manufacturers and clinics all over the world, has also granted Israeli medical facilities its high rate.

Due to sufficient and active state financial assistance, specialists permanently conduct numerous production of new medical methods and revolution devices. Almost every major Israeli health care center is involved into various research activities in oncology, cardio surgery, genetics, neurology, endoscopic surgery, ophthalmology and many other spheres that help to treat numerous diseases, including incurable ones.

Thus, medical scientists are responsible for: unique computerized systems that help to monitor and diagnose patients in medical intensive care unit; non-radioactive method of breast-cancer diagnostics; modern electro optical device for blood cell sorting that is used for early cancer recognition. Various surgical devices developed by Israeli specialists are constantly in great demand and among them there are: the ApiFix system for spine correction; microsurgical tools that reduces post-operative complications and retracts injury rate.

The most active studies and development are detected in oncology sphere. Here in Israel we are trying to come up with the brand new methods of cancer treatment that involves not only efficient but also attenuated therapy. These researches are aimed to improve and secure the level of X-ray therapy, bone-marrow transplantation and focused ultrasound treatment. An extra attention is also paid to perspective immunology and biological anticancer methods including the transfusion of activated immune cells and introduction of medicinal substance of tumor’s self-tissues.

Israeli medical centers use not only in-house developments but other innovative and progressive medicine technologies, created by colleges all over the world. Thus, we implement and widely employ robotic assisted surgery and radio surgical units. At present, the cyber knife holds the leading position. It helps to remove various benign and malignant tumors in any location, using low-invasive surgical methods.

The key feature of Cyber-knife device – is its extremely high accuracy and ability to deliver the necessary radiation amount strictly to cancer boundaries, as it causes destructive impact on cancer cells. It in turn gives an opportunity to increase irradiation rate that improves the X-Ray therapy results.

The next hi-tech medical device that is used in Israeli clinics is a robot-assisted surgical system called Da Vinci that allows to perform less traumatic treatment with highly effective surgical invasion. Nowadays it is used to cure numerous illnesses such as colon cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer etc.

Progressive health technology in Israel are used for diagnostic as well. The accurate diagnose helps to make up an exact and effective treatment plan. Practically all leading centers are equipped with positron emission tomography PET-CT. This is one of the latest and high-quality diagnostic technique that is used for early malignancy finding.

Israeli medics also use diagnostic Fibro Test complex, that helps to identify hepatic fibrosis at early stages. This is a non-invasive procedure which is a great alternative to biopsy.