Neurosurgeon, Director, Pediatric Neurosurgery Shneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel

Doctor Amir Kirshenovich has a wide variety of techniques for the surgical treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy, hydrocephalus, movement disorders and fetal malformations of the central nervous system. For each patient he selects the most appropriate treatment method combines in his clinical practice an individual approach and medical technological innovations.

He treats severe forms of drug-resistant epilepsy using unique techniques of functional hemisphereectomies, hippocampectomies and vagal nerve stimulation using low-frequency electrical impulses.

For the correction of intracranial pressure and eliminate exertions of hydrocephalus Dr. Kirshenovich performs minimally invasive endoscopic surgery by placing ventricles-peritoneal shunts.

Doctor holding a successful correction of movement disorders in the limbs by spastic and atonic types. He was first in Israel, who provides selective dorsal rhizotomie for patients with extremities spastic lesions. Also he retrofits classical methodic of deep brain stimulation: this led to an improvement in clinical and functional parameters in his patients with movement disorders.

Doctor Amir Kirshenovich performs operations for a baclofen pump implantation. It is preventing the extension of painful contractures and significantly improving the quality of life of patients with motor disorders of central origin.

Doctor Kirshenovich performs operative correction of the spinal column shape for scoliosis and the skull shape for craniosynostosis. The technology of spinal ficasation with titanium plates allows to securely fix the formed, without limiting its mobility or damping function.
For the skull shape correction doctor used suturectomy with latching hypoallergenic titanium staples.

Specialization of the doctor also includes removal of brain and spinal cord tumors, correction of embryogenesis disorders (spina bifida) and a range of interventions in the fetal surgery.

Education and clinical experience

  • Aug 2009 – sempt 25, 2017 – Clinical Professor’s Assistant at the Philadelphia Temple Medical School, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Jan 2010 – Children’s Hospital Janet Weiss, Danville, PA, USA

Academic Appointment

  • Full associate professor at the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery

Domain of specialization

  • Neurology
  • Neurosurgery
  • Surgical treatment of drug resistant epilepsy
  • Correction of the shape of the spine and skull
  • Hydrocephalus treatment
  • Surgical correction of motor disorders
  • Removal of brain and spinal cord tumors
  • Arachnoid cysts


  • Israeli Association of Neurosurgery

For emergency cases