Cardiology Specialist. Director of the Cardiology Department, Caplan Hospital.
Professor Kobi George is one of the most experienced and well-known Israeli cardiologists in the world. He has been working in this field for over 20 years. Currently, Kobi George is the head of the Cardiology Department at Caplan Hospital.

Areas of Expertise

The main specialization of the professor is cardiac catheterization – therapeutic and diagnostic. He performs minimally invasive surgical interventions to replace heart valves and treat hypertension. The field of professional interests of Kobi George also includes such innovative methods of treating cardiovascular diseases as implantation of last generation absorbable stents.


  • 10/82-08/86 Technion Medical School, Haifa B.Sc. 1986
  • 10/82-01/89 Technion Medical School, Haifa, Cum Laude M.D. 1992
  • 1994-1998 Internal Medicine Residency (passage of phase B exams in 1997, Cum Laude)
  • 1998- Institute of Lipid and Atherosclerosis Research
  • 1999 Head of the Medical Section IDF
  • 2000-2002 The Dept. of Cardiology, Tel Aviv Medical Center
  • 2004-5-Fellowship in Interventional Cardiology. Sourasky Medical Center
  • 2006-9 Director, Cardiovascular Research Center, TASMC
  • 2009-2019 Director of Heart Center, Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot, Israel

Membership in Specialized Organizations

  • European Association of Cardiology and Catheterization
  • Israeli Atherosclerosis Society.
  • Israeli Society of Cardiology

Professor Kobi George has been teaching at the Faculty of Medicine at Tel-Aviv University for 10 years.

Publications and Articles

Professor Kobi George wrote and published 3 books. He is a member of about 10 medical journals, is the author of more than 200 scientific papers, some of them are:

  • Association of cardiac myosin-binding protein-C with the ryanodine receptor channel – putative retrograde regulation?
  • Introduction to biological complexity as a missing link in drug discovery.
  • Experimental design and analysis and their reporting II: updated and simplified guidance for authors and peer reviewers.
  • Goals and practicalities of immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry: A guide for submission to the British Journal of Pharmacology.
  • Updating the guidelines for data transparency in the British Journal of Pharmacology – data sharing and the use of scatter plots instead of bar charts.
  • Massive Accumulation of Myofibroblasts in the Critical Isthmus Is Associated With Ventricular Tachycardia Inducibility in Post-Infarct Swine Heart.
  • Ryanodine receptors are part of the myospryn complex in cardiac muscle.
  • Questioning flecainide’s mechanism of action in the treatment of catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia.
  • Pleiotropic mechanisms of action of perhexiline in heart failure.
  • Effect of flecainide derivatives on sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release suggests a lack of direct action on the cardiac ryanodine receptor.
  • A Systemized Approach to Investigate Ca(2+) Synchronization in Clusters of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem-Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes.
  • The mechanism of flecainide action in CPVT does not involve a direct effect on RyR2.
  • Synergy Between Intercellular Communication and Intracellular Ca(2+) Handling in Arrhythmogenesis.
  • A new system for profiling drug-induced calcium signal perturbation in human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes.
  • A network-oriented perspective on cardiac calcium signaling.
  • Read further


    (prizes, fellowships, grants, scholarships, etc., list each category separately.)
    The Kellerman Prize of the Israeli Cardiology Society-1997.
    Title: Induction of fatty streak formation in C57BL/6 mice immunized with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
    The Zigler price of the Technion Medical Faculty –1998.
    Work title: Differential effects of monoclonal anti-2GPI antibodies on endothelial cells and on the manifestations of experimental APS.
    The Yosefa and Leonid Alschwant Prize for research in Medicine in the field of immunology of atherosclerosis. September, 2002
    The Prime Minister’s award for Excellence in the name of Itzhak Rabin 2014
    Clalit’ Center of Excellence 2014-2016
    Clalit’s Center of Excelllence 2018-2019
    Medtronic Center of Excellence 2016
    1. 1997 Israel-Slovenia Grant PI: Deleted mutants of human 2-glycoprotein I (Principal Investigator).
    2. 2001 Shlezac grant PI: the role of HSP70 in the rat carotid injury model (Principal Investigator).
    3. 2001 Chief Scientist PI: The role of T cell costimulatory pathways in atherosclerosis (Principal investigator).
    4. 2001 The Vladimir Schreiber Fund PI: The role of tyrphostins AG-126 and AG-556 in the response to injury in murine models (Principal Investigator).
    5. 2005 Amgen Academic Research grant PI: the role of erythropoietin in atherogenesis.
    6. 2005 Chief Scientist grant PI- The ministry of Health- The involvement of TNF related apoptosis inducing ligand in atherosclerosis. (Principal Investigator).
    7. Tel Aviv Sourasky Scientific Excellence grant for outstanding research PI. 25,000$
    8. 2006 Gamida-Cell Academic Research grant PI: The role of endothelial progenitors and stem cells in angiogenesis. In vivo and in vitro studies. 80,000$ (Prinicipal Investigator)
    9. 2006-The Israeli Science Foundation (ISF) Grant PI. The role of regulatory CD4CD25 Tcells in atherosclerosis. 220,000$ (Prinicipal Investigator).
    10. 2006. Colloborative grant of TASMC and Weizmann Institute PI: The role of the Islet-1 gene in transdifferentiation of mesenchymal stem cells to cardiomyocytes. 80,000$
    11. 2008-11 FP7 Program Consutruction of nanostructures to attenuate myocardial induced damage. 4,000,000 Euros. PI
    12. 2013 Clalit health services grant 20,000 euro, Circulating Endothelal progenitors in patients with aortic stenosis.
    13. 2015 Pfizer Grant. The role of regulatory T cells in the pathogenesis of Myocardial Infarction. 25,000 $
    14. 2018 Medtoronic Grant. TAVI registry, 10 year follow up of a single center. 20,000$


    Year Society Country
    1995-2019-Israel Medical Society.
    1997-9 New York Academy of Sciences.
    2000-2019-Israeli Medical Association-Society for Research, Prevention and Treatment of Atherosclerosis.
    2003-2019- The Isreali Society of Cardiology
    2004-2019- The European Society of Cardiology
    2005-2019 European working group of the study of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.
    2006-19 Working group of the Israeli Society of Interventional Cardiology.
    2005-19 working group on interventional cardiology
    of the european society of cardiology (WG10).
    2009-19 Working group of the International Society of Heart Research.
    Year Name of student Subject of Thesis Name of Academic Institution
    Medical student/MSc Student/MD basic Science rotation (Madei Yesod):
    1) Erez Bakshi (Tel Aviv University).1998
    Title of MD thesis: Anti-oxidized-low density lipoprotein antibody determination as a predictor of restenosis following percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.
    2) Arnon Afek MD. Basic Science Rotation
    The effect of immunization with heat shock protein 65 on atherosclerosis in LDL receptor deficient mice. 1999.
    3) Efrat Malka. MSc student.
    The effect of intravenous gammaglobulins on experimental autoimmune myocarditis in the rat. 2000.
    4) Alon Barsheshet. Tel Aviv Univesity student, MD Thesis:
    The effect of whole body hyperthermia on the severity of experimental autoimmune myocarditis in the rat, 2001
    5) Simon Biner MD. Basic Science Rotation. 2001
    The effect of the tyrphostin AG-556 on myocardial infarction in a rat model.
    6) Miki Berger MD. Basic Science Rotation. 2001
    The effect of Zinc Supplementation on infarct size and myocardial remodelling in a rat model.
    7) Sabina Izraelov MD. Basic Science Rotation. 2001
    The effect of GPIIb-IIIa inhibitors on lymphocyte activation markers in patients with unstable angina underoging PTCA and stent placement.
    8) Esthie Rubinraut. Tel Aviv University student, MD thesis. 2002
    The effect of zinc supplementation on intimal hyperplasia in a rat model.
    9) Sigal Ben-Shmuel. Tel Aviv University student, MD thesis. 2001
    The effect of L-Arginine on lymphocyte activation markers in patients with unstable angina underoging PTCA and stent placement.
    10) Jessica Sack Tel Aviv University student, MD thesis. 2002
    The effect of the Ras inhibitor Farnesylthiosalycilic acid on intimal hyperplasia in a rat carotid balloon injury model.
    11) Arnon Adler MD thesis. Tel Aviv University student, 2001
    The expression of Th1/Th2 cytokines in patients with stable versus unstable angina
    12) Raffael Rosso MD. Basic science rotation
    Serum levels of IL-18 in patients wit stable and unstable angina
    13) Tomer Barak. TAU. MD thesis.2003.
    The role of antibodies to oxidized LDL in prediction of hospitalization and control in patients with congestive heart failure.
    14. Miriam Moraru. MD thesis. 2003.
    Autoimmunity to myosin in patients after myocardial infarction.
    15. Emil Goldstein. Basic science rotation. 2003.
    Expression of active Ras in peripheral mononuclear cells of patients with acute coronary syndromes.
    16. Yoav Michowitz MD. Basic science rotation. 2003
    Circulating levels of matrix metalloprotases in the sera of patients with coronary ectasia.
    17. Haim Shmilovitch. Basic science rotation. 2003-2004
    Endothelial progenitor cells in patients with in stent restenosis.
    18. Gerald Chen MD Basic Science rotation
    Antibodies to troponin I in patients with various forms of cardiomyopathy
    19. Lael Werner BSc student, Tel Aviv University
    The effect of endothelial progenitor transplantation on myocardial function in dilated cardiomyopathy induced by immunization against cardiac myosin.
    20. Shuki Patal MD. Basic science rotation.
    Relation of TNF-alpha and IL-6 to NYHA class and ejection fraction in patients with congestive heart failure.
    22. Saher Hamed. MSc. Student. The effect of endothelial progenitor cell transfer on cardiotoxicity induced by Adriamycin.
    23. Itzhak Bareli MD. Basic Science rotation. Antibodies to Cardiolipid and B2GPI in patients with acute coronary syndromes.
    24. Adi Mor MSc. Student. Regulatory T cells in patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease.
    25. Jeremy Ben Shoshan. PhD student. The role of HIF-1 alpha in regulation of endothelial stem cells.
    26. Victoria shatz MD- Basic Science rotation. Endothelial progenitor cells in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
    27. Natalia Simon MD. Basic Science Rotation. Role of HSP65 in infections and atherogenesis.
    28. Irena Shaked BSc student–Predicive value of CRP, NT-PrBNP in patients with clinically controlled heart failure.
    30. Karin Mausner- BSC student The effect of HMG co reductase inhibitors on regulatory T cells homeostasis.
    31. Sara Wein. Basic Science rotation. Hypoxia inducible factor and functional properties of endothelial cells. University of Melbroure (Third year Medical Student).
    32. Sarina Kisil. MD- Basic Science rotation- The role of adiponectin in prediction of heart failure morbidity and mortality.
    33. Zacharina Goldstein Basic Science rotation. Endothelial progenitor cells and scleroderman.
    34. Aya Barzelay. PhD student (MD/PhD program). The involvement of the islet-1 gene in transdifferentiation of mesenchymal stem cells to cardiomyocytes.
    35. Yaacov Shaham MD. Basic Science rotation. The role of thrombopoietin in prediction of coronary events in patients with acute coronary syndromes.
    36. Ramit Maoz MD. Basic Science rotation. Antibodies to Annexin II predict clinical outcome in patients with unstable angina.
    37. Liora David MD. Basic Science Rotation. Outcome of patients with congestive heart failiure. The role of oxidative stress.
    38. Rakefet Pando. MSc Student. Inhibition of experimental myocarditis by the functional Ras inhibitor farnesylthiosalicylin acid (FTS). 2005-2006.
    39. Limor Bar. MSc student. The role of coronary suction catheters in prevention of morbidity and mortality in patients with acute MI treated by primary PCI.
    40. Yakov Shacham. Basic Science rotation. Anti CRP in patients with acute coronary syndromes.
    41. Aya Barzelay. 2007-9. PhD thesis. Tel Aviv University. The role of Isl1 in angiogenesis and transdifferentiation.
    42. Jonathan Semo 2008-10. PhD thesis. Tel Aviv University. The role of HIF alpha in myocardial repair.
    43. Rinat Sharir PhD. thesis 2009-11. Tel Aviv University. The role of regulatory T cells in ischemia reperfusion damage.
    44. Esthie Rubinraut. 2009. Basic Science rotation. Incidence and predictors of heparin induced thrombocytopenia in orthopedic patients.
    45. Nissim Giladi PhD thesis. 2009-2011. Mesenchymal stem cells confer immunogenic responses.
    46. Diego Medvodovsky. Basic Science Rotation. 2008-9. Phenotypic characterization of PMBC from patients with vulnerable plaques.
    47. Tomer Greener. 2008-9. Basic Science rotation. The presence of CCR3 positive lymphocytes in patients with ACS
    48. Yossi Ben Shoshan. 2009 MD Thesis. Comparison of predictive power of different EPC phenotypes in prediction of outcome among ACS patients.
    49. Yael Ben Haim. Role of tight junctions connexin 43 in cardiomyopathy. 2012
    50. Efrat Ron 2009. Basic Science Rotation. The role of HIF gene in differentiation of retinl endothelium.
    51. Haberman Dan- Internship rotation. The prevalence of coronary ectasia among patients undergoing coronary catheterizations 2017
    52. Heithem Abu Hadiga-Internship rotation. Incidence and outcome of inpatients presenting with myocarditis. 2019


    1. New England Journal of Medicine
    2. Journal of Clinical Investigation
    3. Circulation
    4. Circulation Research
    5. Blood
    6. FASEB Journal
    7. Journal of The American College of Cardiology
    8. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology
    9. European Heart Journal
    10. Cardiovascular Research
    11. Gene Therapy
    12. Journal of Mollecular and Cellular Cardiology
    13. Atherosclerosis 2001-2005
    14. British Journal of Pharmacology
    15. Heart
    16. Free Radical Research
    17. American Journal of Physiology
    18. American Journal of Cardiology
    19. American Journal of Medicine
    20. Thrombosis and Hemostasis
    21. International Journal of Cardiology
    22. Tissue Engineering
    23. IMAJ/Harefuah
    24. Annals of Oncology
    25. Heart and Vessels
    26. Stem Cells
    27. American Journal of Hematology
    29. Diabetes
    30. Lupus Journal
    31. Obesity Journal


    2. International Journal of Biological Sciences.
    3. The Open Autoimmunity Journal
    4. World Journal of Cardiology
    5. Journal of Geriatric Cardiology.
    6. World Journal of Vaccines
    7. World Journal of Translation Medicine
    8. Word Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases
    9. Current angiogenesis.
    10. World Journal of Hypertension



    1. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Prolog Press, pp 1-64, 1995
    2. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Rheumatic Diseases.
    Prolog Press, pp 1-64, 1995.


    1. Y. Beigel, J. George, L. Leibovici, A. Mattityahu, S. Sclarovsky, L. Blieden. Coronary risk factors in children of parents with premature coronary heart disease.
    Acta Pediatrica 82: 162-165, 1993
    2. Y. Levy, J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    The occurrence of thromboembolic events following airplane flights-’the economy class syndrome’.
    Isr J Med Sci 331: 621-23, 1995
    3. L. Leibovitch, J. George, Y. Levy, R. Bakimer, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Anti actin antibodies determination in sera from patients with autoimmune, liver diseases and patients with carcinomas by ELISA assay.
    Immunology Letters 48: 129-132, 1995
    4. Y. Levy Y, J. George, M. Hojnik, M. Ehrenfeld, M. Lorber, S. Bombaridieri, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Comparison of clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with SLE between Israelis versus Europeans.
    Isr J Med Sci 32: 100-104, 1996.
    5. G. Zandman-Goddard, J. George, Y. Levy, M. Blank, S. Slavin, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Modulation of experimental systemic lupus erythematosus with linomide.
    Lupus. 5; 328-333, 1996.
    6. G. Zandman-Goddard, J. George, V. Barak, M. Blank, Y. Levy, Y. Shoenfeld.
    The effects of early and late administration of M20 IL-1 inhibitor on the manifestations of experimental systemic lupus erythematosus.
    Immunology Letters. 53; 77-82, 1996.
    7. M. Damianovich, B. Gilburd, J. George, N. Del Papa, A. Afek, I. Goldberg, Y. Kopolovic, D. Roth, G. Barkai, PL Meroni, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Pathogenic role of antiendothelial cell antibodies (AECA) in vasculitis: an idiotypic experimental model.
    The Journal of Immunology. 156; 4946-4951, 1996.
    8. Y. Levy Y, L. Ziporen, B. Gilburd, J. George, S. Polac-Charcon, H. Amital, J. Cledes, P. Youinou, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Membraneous nephropathy in primary antiphospholipid syndrome; description of a case and induction of renal injury in SCID mice.
    Human Antibodies Hybridomas. 7 91-96, 1996.
    9. A. Livneh, JPH. Drenth, IS. Klasen, P. Langevitz, J. George, D. Shelton, DL. Gumucio, E. Pras, DL. Kastner, M. Pras, JWM. van-der Meer.
    Familial mediterranean fever and hyperglobulinemia D syndrome: Two diseases with distinct clinical, serological and genetic features.
    Journal of Rheumatology. 24; 1558-1563, 1997.
    10. J. George, M. Blank, M. Hojnic, E. Bar-Meir, T. Koike, E. Matsuura, M. Lorber, M. Aviram, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Oxidized low density lipoprotein (oxLDL) but not LDL aggravates the manifestations of antiphospholipid syndrome (APS).
    Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 108; 227-233, 1997.
    11. J. George, M. Blank, B. Gilburd, M. Hojnik, B. Shenkman, I. Tamarin, D. Varon, E. Matsuura, T. Koike, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Immunologic characterization and functional properties of murine antibodies raised against deleted mutants of human beta 2 glycoprotein I.
    International Immunology. 9; 913-921, 1997.
    12. J. George, B. Gilburd, Y. Levy, A. Afek, M. Damianovich, A. Doria, S Todesco, Y. Shoenfeld.
    “Autoantibody dominance” pattern following idiotypic manipulation of naive mice with different anti-U1RNP antibodies.
    Pathobiology. 65; 204-209, 1997.
    13. Y. Levy Y, J. George, L. Ziporen, J. Cledes, H. Amital, Y. Bar-dayan, A. Afek, P. Youinou, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Massive proteinuria as a main manifestation of primary antiphsopholipid syndrome.
    Pathobiology. 66: 49-52, 1998.
    14. J. George, A. Afek, B. Gilburd, Y. Levy, M. Blank, J. Kopolovic, D. Harats, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Atherosclerosis is accelerated in low-density receptor knockout mice by immunization with anticardiolipin antibodies.
    Lupus. 6: 723-729, 1997.
    15. J. George, M. Blank, Y. Levy, PL. Meroni, M. Damianovitch, A. Tincani, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Differential effects of anti-2 glycoprotein I antibodies on endothelial cells and on the manifestations of experimental antiphospholipid syndrome.
    Circulation. 97: 900-906, 1998.
    16. M. Blank, J. George, P. Fishman, Y Levy, V Toder, S Savion, Y, Shoenfeld.
    Ciprofloxacin immunomodulation of experimental antiphospholipid syndrome associated with elevation of IL-3 and GM-CSF expression.
    Arthritis and Rheumatism 41: 224-232, 1998.
    17. Y Levy, B Gilburd, J George, M Damianovich, M Blank, N Del-Papa, PL Meroni, P Youinou, Y Shoenfeld.
    Monoclonal murine antiendothelial cell antibodies (AECA)-characteristics and binding properties.
    International Immunology. 10: 861-868, 1998.
    18. M Galleazzi, F Bellisai, GD Sebastiani, G Morozzi, R Marcolongo, F Houssiau, R Cervera, Y Levy, J. George, Y Sherer, Y Shoenfeld.
    Association of 16/6 and SA1 anti-DNA idiotypes with anticardiolipin antibodies and clinical manifestations in a large cohort of SLE patients. European Concerted Action on the Immunogenetics of SLE.
    Clin Exp Rheumatology. 16: 717-720, 1998.
    19. J. George, A. Afek, B. Gilburd, Y. Levy, H. Levkovitz, A Shaish, I. Goldberg, J. Kopolovic, G. Wick, Y. Shoenfeld, D. Harats.
    Hyperimmunization of ApoE deficient mice with homologous malondialdehyde low-density lipoprotein suppresses early atherogenesis.
    Atherosclerosis. 138: 147-152, 1998.
    20. M. Blank, J. George, V. Barak, A. Tincani, T. Koike, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Oral tolerance to low dose 2GPI: immunomodulation experimental antiphospholipid syndrome.
    The Journal of Immunology. 161: 5303-5312, 1998.
    21. J. George, A. Afek, B. Gilburd, Y. Levy, A. Aron-Maor, A. Shaish, H. Levkovitz, M. Blank, D. Harats, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Induction of early atherosclerosis in LDL receptor deficient mice by immunization with beta 2 glycoprotein I.
    Circulation. 98: 1108-1115, 1998.
    22. J. George, M. Pantaik, E. Bakshi, Y. Levy. A. Ben David, A. Ahmed, JB Peter, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Seropositivity for Hantavirus in Isreali patients with end stage renal failure.
    Viral Immunology. 11: 103-108, 1998.
    23. J. George, B. Gilburd, M. Hojnik, Y. Levy, P. Langevitz, E. Matsuura, T. Koike, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Target recognition of 2-glycoprotein I (2GPI)-dependent anticardiolipin antibodies: Evidence for involvement of the IV domain of 2GPI in antibody binding.
    The Journal of Immunology 32: 116-125, 1998.
    24. J. George, B. Gilburd, P Langevitz, Y. Levy, D. Harats, Y. Shoenfeld.
    2-glycoprotein I containing immune complexes: association with thrombocytopenia and lipoprotein (a) levels.
    Lupus. 8: 116-120, 1999.
    25. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld, A. Afek, B. Gilburd, P. Keren, A. Shaish, Y. Kopolovic, D. Harats.
    Enhanced fatty streak formation C57BL/6J mice by immunization with heat shock
    protein 65.
    Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 19: 505-510, 1999.
    26. A. Afek, J. George, Y. Shoenfeld, B. Gilburd, Y. Levy, P. Keren, A. Shaish, D. Harats.
    Enhanced Atherosclerosis in ApoE deficient mice by immunization with 2-glycoprotein I
    Pathobiology. 67: 19-25, 1999.
    27. J. George, D. Harats, B. Gilburd, Y. Levy, P. Langevitz, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Atherosclerosis related markers in systemic lupus erythematosus patients: the role of humoral immunity in enhanced atherogenesis.
    Lupus. 8: 220-226, 1999.
    28. J. George, D. Harats, B. Gilburd, A. Afek, Y. Levy, J. Schneiderman, I. Barshack, J. Kopolovic, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Immunolocalization of 2-glycoprotein I to human atherosclerotic plaques: potential implications for lesion formation.
    Circulation. 99; 2227-2230, 1999.
    29. A Shaish, J. George, B Gilburd, P Keren, H Levkovitz, D Harats.
    Dietary -carotene and -tocopherol combination does not inhibit atherogenesis in an apoE deficient mouse model.
    Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 19:1470-1475, 1999.
    30. N. Zurgil, Y. Levy, K. Deutch, B. Gilburd, J. George, D. Harats, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Reactivity of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) to oxidized LDL: a novel system to estimate atherosclerosis employing the cell scan.
    Clinical Cardiology. 22; 55-62, 1999.
    31. Y. Levy, Y. Sherer, J. George, P. Langevitz, A. Ahmed, Y. Bar-dayan, F. Fabrizzi, J. Terryberry, JB Peter, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Serologic and clinical response to treatment of systemic vasculitis associated autoimmune
    disease with intravenous immunoglobulin.
    Int Arch Allergy Immunol, 119; 231-238, 1999.
    32. J. George, A. Aron, Y. Levy, A. Ben-David, M. Hojnik, Y. Renaudineau, A. Zonana-Nachach, P. Youinou, D. Harats, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Anti-cardiolipin, anti-endothelial-cell and anti-malondialdehyde-LDL antibodies in uremic patients undergoing hemodialysis: relationship with vascular access thrombosis and thromboembolic events
    Human Antibodies. 9; 125-131, 1999.
    33. J. George, D. Harats, E. Bakshi, Y. Levy, Y. Adler, B. Gilburd, Y. Shoenfeld. Anti-oxidized-low density lipoprotein antibody determination as a predictor of restenosis following percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.
    Immunology letters. 68; 263-266, 1999.
    34. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld, D. Harats.
    The involvement of 2-glycoprotein I in human and murine atherosclerosis.
    The Journal of Autoimmunity. 13; 57-60, 1999.
    35. Y. Levy, J. George, BA Sela, P Langevitz, D Hatats, Y Shoenfeld.
    Elevated homocysteine levels in patients with primary Raynaud’s syndrome.
    J. Rheumatology. 26; 2383-2385. 1999.
    36. A Afek, R Manor, I Goldberg, L Ziporen, J. George, Polak-Charcon, MC Amigo, Garcia-Torres, R Segal, Y Shoenfeld, J Kopolovic.
    Increased endothelial cell expression of 31 integrin in Libman-Sacks endocarditis in the antiphospholipid syndrome.
    Lupus. 8; 502-509, 1999.
    37. Y. Levy, Y. Sherer, A. Ahmed, P Langevitz, J. George, F. Fabrizzi, J. Terryberry, M. Lorber, JB. Peter, Shoenfeld Y.
    A study of 20 SLE patients with intravenous immunoglobulin-clinical and serologic response.
    Lupus 8; 705-712, 1999.
    38. A. Afek, J. George, B. Gilburd..D. Harats, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Immunization with heat shock protein 65 enhances early atherosclerosis in low-density lipoprotein receptor deficient mice.
    J. Autoimmunity. 14; 115-121, 2000.
    39. Levy Y. Y. Sherer, .J. George, J. Rovensky, J. Lukac, L. Rauova, P Porprac, P. Langevitz, F. Fabbrizzi, Y. Shoenfeld
    Intravenous gammaglobulin treatment of patients with lupus nephritis
    Semin. Arthritis Rheum. 29: 321-327, 2000.
    40. P. Keren, J. George, A. Shaish, H. Levkovitz, Z. Janakovic, A. Afek, I. Goldberg, J. Kopolovic, G. Keren, D. Harats.
    The effect of combined hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia on atherosclerosis in LDL-receptor
    deficient mice: establishment of a combined model and association with heat shock protein 65 immunity.
    Diabetes. 49; 1064-1069. 2000.
    41. J. George, A. Ahmed, M. Pantaik, Y. Adler, Y. Levy, D. Harats, B. Gilburd, J. Terryberry, GQ Shen, A. Sagie, I. Herz, P. Snow, J Brandt, J Peter, Y. Shoenfeld.
    The prediction of coronary atherosclerosis employing artificial neural networks.
    Clinical Cardiology 23; 453-456, 2000.
    42. D. Harats, A. Shaish, J. George, M. Mulkins, H. Kurihara, H. Levkovitz, E. Sigal.
    Overexpression of the 12/15 lipoxygenase in vascular endothelium accelerates earkt atherosclerosis in LDL-receptor deficient mice.
    Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 20; 2100-2105, 2000.
    43. Y. Adler, J. George, Y. Shoenfeld, N. Fink, I. Herz, A. Mager, A. Assali, D. Harats, A. Sagie.
    Association between mitral annulus calcification and anti-2-glycoprotein antibody I levels.
    The Journal of Non Invasive Cardiol. 3; 111-115, 1999.
    44. S. Greenberg, A. Finkelstein, J. Gurevich, E. Brazowski, F. Rosenfeld, I. Shapira,
    J. George, S. Laniado, G. Keren.
    The effect of Agmatine on ischemic and non ischemic isolated rat heart
    J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Therapeut. 4; 151-158, 1999.
    45. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld, B.Gilburd, A. Afek, A Shaish, D. Harats.
    Requisite role for IL-4 in the enhancement of fatty streaks by immunization with heat shock protein 65.
    Circulation Research. 86; 1203-1210, 2000.
    46. J. George, M. Mulkins, S. Casey, R. Schatzman, E. Sigal, D. Harats.
    The effects of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on the lipid composition and atherogenesis in mouse models of atherosclerosis.
    Atherosclerosis. 150; 285-293, 2000.
    47. J. George, D. Harats, B. Gilburd, A. Afek, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Adoptive transfer of β2-glycoprotein I reactive lymphocytes promotes early atherosclerosis in LDL-receptor deficient mice.
    Circulation. 102; 1822-1827, 2000.
    48. J. George, M. Mulkins, A. Shaish, S. Casey, R. Schatzman, E. Sigal, D. Harats
    Interleukin (IL)-4 Deficiency does not Influence Fatty Streak Formation in C57BL/6 Mice.
    Atherosclerosis. 153; 403-411, 2000.
    49. J. George, PL Meroni, B. Gilburd, Y. Adler, E. Raschi, D. Harats, Y. Shoenfeld
    Anti-endothelial cell antibodies in patients with coronary atherosclerosis.
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    Am J Cardiol. 2015 Nov 1;116(9):1379-84.
    147. Atrial fibrillation and CHADS2 score as mortality predictors in young versus elderly patients undergoing coronary angiography. Teodorovich N, Swissa MS, Kogan Y, Gandelman G, Jonas M, George J, Swissa M. J Geriatr Cardiol. 2017 Sep;14(9):582-586.
    148. Angiogenic Imbalance and Residual Myocardial Injury in Recovered Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Patients. Goland S, Weinstein JM, Zalik A, Kuperstein R, Zilberman L, Shimoni S, Arad M, Ben Gal T, George J.Circ Heart Fail. 2016 Nov;9(11). 149. Circulating regulatory T cells in patients with aortic valve stenosis: Association with disease progression and aortic valve intervention. Shimoni S, Bar I, Meledin V, Gandelman G, George J. Int J Cardiol. 2016 Sep 1;218:181-187 150. Elevated Levels of Eotaxin-2 in Serum of Fibromyalgia Patients. Furer V, Hazan E, Mor A, Segal M, Katav A, Aloush V, Elkayam O, George J, Ablin JN. Pain Res Manag. 2018 May 13;2018:7257681. 151. Goland S, Fugenfirov I, Volodarsky I, Aronson H, Zilberman L, Shimoni S, George J. Left Ventricular Reverse Remodeling in Recent Onset Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy Using Contemporary Echo Techniques. Isr Med Assoc J. 2018 Dec;20(12):749-753

    B.2 Case reports

    1. Y. Levy Y, J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Severe blastocystis hominis in an elderly man.
    Journal of Infection 33; 57-59, 1996.
    2. Y. Levy, M. Solgov, J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    “BCGitis” – sepsis following BCG treatment for Bladder carcinoma.
    Harefuah12: 541-543, 1996.
    3. J. George, B. Avidan, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Iatrogenic damage.
    Harefuah 130: 53-56, 1996.
    4. Y. Levy, J. George, Y. Eli, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Partial liposdystrophy and complement dysfunction.
    Turk J Immunol 2: 43-45, 1996.
    5. O. Shovman, J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Ischemic Hepatitis In a patient with congestive heart failure and hypotension.
    Harefuah 132; 459-450, 1997
    6. O. Shovman, J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Endocarditis in a patient with Q fever.
    Harefuah. 133; 281-283.
    7. Y. Levy, J. George, A. Livneh, A. Migdal, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Subcutaneous T cell lymphoma in an elderly man not treated with cytotoxic agents.
    Clinical Rheumatology. 16: 606-608, 1997.
    8. O. Shovman, J George, Y Shoenfeld.
    Primary subclavian vein thrombosis following strenous physical activity.
    Harefuah 133: 610-612, 1997.
    9. Y. Levy, J. George, F. Fabirzzi, P. Rotman, Y. Paz, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Marked improvement of Churg Strauss vacultis with intravenous gammaglobulin.
    South M Journal. 92; 412-414, 1999.

    B.3. Review Articles

    1. J. George, Y. Adler, J. Zhang, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Apoptosis and its association with autoimmunity.
    Clinical Rheumatology 14: 505-509, 1995.
    2. J. George, Y. Adler, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Apoptosis-programmed cell death, Autoimmune aspect.
    Harefuah 129: 339-441, 1995.
    3. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Atherosclerosis as an immune disease.
    Harefuah 129: 257-259, 1995
    4. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Hanta-virus, clinical syndromes.
    Harefuah. 129; 421-423, 1995
    5. M. Hojnik, J. George, L. Ziporen, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Heart valve involvement (Libman-Sacks endocarditis) in the antiphopholipid syndrome.
    Circulation. 93; 1579-1587, 1996.
    6. J. George, D. Harats, B. Gilburd, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Emerging cross-regulatory roles of immunity and autoimmunity in atherosclerosis.
    Immunologic Research. 15; 315-322, 1996.
    7. J. George, Y. Levy, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Immune network and autoimmunity.
    Internal Medicine 35: 3-9, 1996.
    8. Y. Shoenfeld, J. George, JB. Peter.
    Guillain-barre as an autoimmune disease.
    Int Arch Allergy Immunol .109; 318-326, 1996.
    9. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    The fourth international conference on SLE, highlights regarding pregnancy and antiphopholipid syndrome.
    Early Preg. Biol Med 2: 53-69, 1996.
    10. J. George, Y. Levy, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Mixed connective tissue disease-33 years of uncertainty.
    Harefuah. 130:99-104, 1996.
    11. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Fungi and autoimmune disease.
    Harefuah. 136; 388-390, 1996.
    12. J. George, Y. Levy Y, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Smoking and immunity; an additional factor in the mosaic of autoimmunity.
    Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. 45; 1-6, 1997.
    13. J. George, B. Gilburd, Y. Shoenfeld.
    The emerging concept of pathogenic natural autoantibodies.
    Human Antibody Hybridomas. 18; 70-75, 1997.
    14. J. George, Y. Levy, Y. Shoenfeld.
    The idiotypic network- from animal models to clinical practice.
    Japanese Journal of Rheumatology. 7: 75-82, 1997
    15. J. George, Y. Levy, CGM. Kallenberg, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Infections and Wegener’s granulomatosis; a cause and effect relationship?
    Q J Med.; 90: 367-373, 1997.
    16. J. George, Y. Shoeneld.
    The antiphospholipid (Hughes) syndrome: a crossroads of autoimmunity and atherosclerosis.
    Lupus 6: 559-560, 1997.
    17. Y. Shoenfeld, J. George.
    Induction of autoimmunity; a role for the idiotypic network
    Annals of the NY Academy of Sciences 342-349, 1997.
    18. D. Harats, J. George, Y. Levy, GRV Hughes, M. Khamashta, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Atheroma: links with antiphospholipid antibodies, Hughes syndrome and lupus
    QJM. 9; 57-59, 1999.
    19. Y. Shoenfeld, D. Harats, J. George.
    Atherosclerosis and the antiphospholipid syndrome: a link unravelled?
    Lupus. 7 (Suppl 2): S140-143, 1998.
    20. Y. Levy, J. George, E. Yona, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Partial lipodystrophy, mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis and complement dysregulation.
    Immunologic Research 18: 55-60, 1998.
    21. A Kollemeier, M. Kreditor, J. George, Y. Levy, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Functional properties of anti-endothelial cell antibodies.
    Clin Rev Allergy Immunol 16: 297-232,1998.
    22. E. Bakshi, J. George, D. Harats
    The role of oxidized LDL in atherosclerosis.
    Harefuah 135: 459-463, 1998.
    23. E. Bar Meir, J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Hyeprhomocysteinemia-a risk factor for vascular disease.
    Harefuah 136: 129-133, 1999.
    24. J. George, D. Harats, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Inflammatory and immune aspects of atherosclerosis.
    IMAJ 2: 112-116, 1999 .
    25. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld
    Accelerated atherosclerosis in the antiphospholipid syndrome: is there a role fore anti-β2 glycoprotein I antibodies?.
    Rheuma21st (Internet) 1-4, 1999.
    26. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld
    The mosaic pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases: involvement of atherosclerosis.
    Aspekte. 1999; 12/99
    27. J. George, B. Gilburd, Y. Shoenfeld
    Autoantibody spread as an explanation for the multiplicity of antibodies in autoimmune diseases.
    The immunologist. 7/6 189-194, 1999.
    28. J. George, A. Afek, B. Gilburd, D. Harats, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Autoimmunity in atherosclerosis: Lessons from experimental models.
    Lupus. 9; 223-227, 2000.
    29. Y. Shoenfeld, Y. Sherer, J. George, D. Harats
    Autoantibodies associated with atherosclerosis.
    Ann Med 32 Suppl 1: 37-40, 2000.
    30. Y. Shoenfeld, Y. Sherer, J. George, D. Harats
    β2-glycoprotein I in human and murine atherosclerosis
    IMAJ 3; 85-87, 2001.
    31. P. Gordon, J. George, M. Khamashta, D. Harats, GRV Hughes, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Autoimmunity and atherosclerosis.
    Lupus 10; 249-252, 2001.
    32. D. Harats, J. George
    β2 glycoprotein I and atherosclerosis
    Current Opinion in Lipidology. In press.
    33. D. Harats, J. George
    Antigen-tailored therapy based on the inflammatory theory of atherosclerosis. Expert Rev Vaccines. 3:605-11, 2006.
    34. S. Schwartzenberg, J. Ben Shoshan, G. Keren, J. George
    The role of erythropoietin in myocardial protection: potential mechanisms and applications.
    Exp Rev Cardiovasc Ther 4: 41-50, 2006.
    35., Keren G, George J
    Erythropoietin as a protective agent in myocardial ischemia.
    Harefuah. 2006 May;145(5):380-3, 396.
    36. J. Ben Shoshan, G. Keren, J. George
    Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs)–new tools for diagnosis and therapy.
    Harefuah. 2006 May;145(5):362-6, 397
    37. J. Ben Shoshan, J. George
    Endothelial progenitor cells as therapeutic vectors in cardiovascular disorders: from experimental models to human trials.
    Pharmacol Ther. 2007 Jul;115(1):25-36.
    38. J. George.
    Erythropoietin and outcome prediction in patients with heart failure: the plot thickens…
    Eur Heart J. 2008 Jun;29(12):1481-2
    39. J. George
    Mechanisms of Disease: The Emerging Role of Regulatory T cells in Atherosclerosis.
    Nature Clincal Prac Cardiovasc Med. 2014


    1. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Anti-actin antibodies.
    In: Autoantibodies. Eds. Peter J.B.& Shoenfeld Y. Elsevier, The Netherlands, 1998.
    2. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Natural autoantibodies.
    In: Autoantibodies. Eds. Peter J.B.& Shoenfeld Y. Elsevier, The Netherlands, 1998.
    3. M. Lorber, J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Hidden Autoantibodies.
    In: Autoantibodies. Eds. Peter J.B.& Shoenfeld Y. Elsevier, The Netherlands, 1998.
    4. J. George, M. Elkan, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Encyclopedia of Immunology. Eds. Ivan Roit, 1999.
    5. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld
    Autoimmunity and immune-mediated inflammation.
    Cancer and Autoimmunity Eds Shoenfeld & Gershwin, Elsevier, 1-15; 2000.
    6. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld
    The smoking autoimmunity connection.
    Cancer and Autoimmunity Eds Shoenfeld & Gershwin, Elsevier, 309-314; 2000.
    7. T. Goldkorn, J. George, SN Lavrendtiadou, T. Ravid, A.Tsaba, Y. Shoenfeld, D. Harats.
    Ceramide pathway and apoptosis in autoimmunity and atherosclerosis.
    Atherosclerosis and autoimmunity Eds: Shoenfeld, Harats, Wick, Elsevier; 55-73, 2001.
    8. Y. Shoenfeld, J. George, Y. Sherer, D. Harats.
    Atherosclerosis: evidence for the role of autoimmunity.
    Atherosclerosis and autoimmunity Eds: Shoenfeld, Harats, Wick, Elsevier; 139-144, 2001.
    9. J. Ben Shoshan, J. George
    Endothelial progenitors. In: Progress in Stem Cell Research.Nova Publishing
    10. Entin Meer M, J. George
    Atherosclerosis, Foxp3 and regulatory T cells. Forkhead transcription factors and regulatory T cells. Elsevier 2010.


    1. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Infections idiotypes and SLE.
    Lupus 4: 333-335, 1995 (editorial).
    2. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    How does a viral infection trigger an autoimmune disease?
    Viral Immunology 8: 189-190, 1995. (Viewpoint).
    3. J. George, Y. Levy, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Infections and autoimmunity-emerging clinical trials.
    Turk J Immunol. 1; 1-13, 1996. (Editorial).
    4. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Cellular immune response in rheumatic Fever.
    Harefuah. 131; 321-322, 1996. (Editorial).
    5. J. George, Y. Levy, A. Afec, Y. Ron, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Leukocytoclasic vasculitis after coronary bypass artery surgery.
    British Journal of Dermatology. 135; 1015-1016, 1996 (letter to editor)
    6. J. George, Y. Shoenfeld.
    Natural autoantibodies. Immunology section.
    a. Synthesis on-net (Internet, English), 1996.
    b. Synthesis, (Hebrew), 1996
    1. A composition for the prevention and/or treatment of atherosclerosis 1999
    2. Methods employing and compositions containing plaque associated molecules for prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis 2001
    3. Compositions containing beta 2-glycoprotein i for the prevention and/or treatment of vascular disease 2004
    4. Enhancement of regulatory t cells’ activity using statins 2006
    5. Treatment of myocarditis using fts 2008
    6. Eotaxin-2 (ccl24) inhibitors in inflammatory, autoimmune, and cardiovascular disorders 2010
    7. Treatment of post-angioplasty restenosis and atherosclerosis with Ras antagonists 2001
    8. Oxidized lipids and uses thereof in the treatment of inflammatory diseases and disorders 2011

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