Hematologist, hemato-oncologist, internal medicine expert, head of the Division of Hematology and Hemato-oncology at the Rabin Medical Center, Petah-Tikva, Israel.

Dr. Pia Raanani is an esteemed Israeli hematologist, hemato-oncologist expert with over 25 years’ experience. Extra class specialist for myeloproliferative diseases’ diagnostics and treatment. Also, as establisher and head Hemato-oncology Hospitalization Unit at the Davidoff Cancer Center researches new ways for lymphoma cure. She is passionate about tomorrow’s medicine and using the latest scientific developments, while making sure each and every patient receives the utmost level of care every step of the way.

Education and medical practice

  • 1988 Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University Jerusalem
  • 1988-1990 – Postgraduate Medical School-Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University
  • 1991 Internship in Laboratory of Hemostasis, Beilinson Medical Center, Petah-Tikva, Israel
  • September 1992 Received specialization certificate in Internal Medicine, Tel-Aviv University
  • March 1995 Advances in Hematology, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London, U.K.


  • Internal Medicine
  • Hematology
  • Hemato-oncology
  • Laboratory diagnostics

Academic & Professional activities & Achievements

  • 8.1996-8.1997 – Hammersmith Hospital-Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hematology-Leukaemia Research Unit – Reaserch in Minimal Residual Disease in leukemia
  • 2007-2010 – Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University – Repsentative of Senior Lecturers in the Faculty Council
  • 2009-2014 – “Harefuah” – journal of the Israel Medical Association – Editor
  • Membership in international organizations
  • American Society of Hematology
  • Acta Haematologica
  • Society of Hematologic Oncology
  • Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry
  • IMAJ – Israel Medical Association Journal
  • Read further


    1980-1986 Hebrew University Jerusalem Medicine B.Sc M.D. 1984 (cum laude) 1989

    Title of Master’s Thesis: None

    Name of Supervisors: None

    Title of Doctoral Dissertation: Does complete revascularization by conventional method truly provide the best possible results?

    Name of Supervisors: Professor Daniel A. Goor; Dr. Jacob Lavee

    Date of receiving specialization certificate:

    September 1992 – Internal Medicine

    March 1995 – Hematology


    • 1.1988-5.1990 Tel-Aviv University Postgraduate Medical School-Faculty of Medicine 5.1990
    • 6.1995 Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London, U.K. Advances in Hematology
    • 6.1997 Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London, U.K. Advances in Hematology



    • 1.1991-7.1991 Beilinson Medical Center, Petah-Tikva, Israel Laboratory of Hemostasis Head: Prof. Judith Lahav Basic sciences
    • 8.1996-8.1997 Hammersmith Hospital-Royal Postgraduate Medical School Hematology-Leukaemia Research Unit Head:Prof. John Goldman Reaserch in Minimal Residual Disease in leukemia Supvisor:Dr. N.C.P Cross-Head of MRD laboratory
    • 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration Cochrane Haematological Malignancies Group (CHMG) Editor
    • 2007-2010 Tel-Aviv University Senate Repsentative of Senior Lecturers in the Senate
    • 2007-2010 Tel-Aviv University Sackler School of Medicine Repsentative of Senior Lecturers in the Faculty Council
    • 2008-2014 Tel-Aviv University Sackler School of Medicine Member in the Research Funds Committee
    • 2009-2014 “Harefuah” – journal of the Israel Medical Association Editorial Board Editor
    • 5.2010 Tel-Aviv University Sackler School of Medicine Clinical Associate Professor in Hematology
    • 9.2010-9.2014 Tel-Aviv University Sackler School of Medicine Chairman of Hematology Department
    • 1.2011 Tel-Aviv University Sackler School of Medicine Member in the Scientific Committee of the Cancer Biology Research Center
    • 12.2011 Tel-Aviv University The Djerassi Oncology Center Member in the Scientific Committee of
    • 5.2012 American Society of HematologyInvited abstract reviewer for 54th ASH meeting
    • 7.2012 Acta HaematologicaEditorial Board Editor
    • 2013–2016 Tel-Aviv University Senate Deputee Repsentativeof Associate Professorsin the Senate
    • 2013–2016 Rabin Medical CenterInstitutional review board (IRB) Member
    • 2014 IMAJ Israel Medical Association JournalEditorial Board Editor
    • 5.2014 Tel-Aviv University The Varda and Boaz Dotan Member in Research Center in Scientific Hemato-oncology Committee
    • 9.2014 Tel-Aviv University Sackler School of Medicine Research Funds Committee Chairman
    • 2.2015 Cardio-oncologyEditorial Board Editor
    • 2015 Tel-Aviv UniversityDepartment of Human Adjunct Genetics and Biochemistry Professor
    • 2015 MD Anderson Society of Hematologic Oncology (SOHO)Ambassador
    • 2017 HarvardBuisness School CourseStrategy for Health Care Delivery


    • 8.1988-8.1992 Beilinson Medical Center, Petah-Tikva, Israel Internal Medicine Resident
    • 9.1992-3.1995 Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel Hematology Resident
    • 4.1996-3.2002 Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel; Rabin Medical Center, Campus Beilinson, Israel Hematology Senior Hematologist
    • 3.2002–11.2004 Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel Hematology Head, Leukemia Service
    • 11.2004–1.2007 Rabin Medical Center, Campus Beilinson, Israel Hematology Head, Leukemia Unit
    • 2.2005–2.2008 Israeli Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusions Davidoff Cancer Center, Rabin Medical Center Hematology Hematology Secretary Establishment Head of the Hemato-oncology Hospitalization Unit
    • 10.2011-11.2011 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Leukemia Service-Department of Medicine Chief: Prof. Tallman Visiting Professor
    • 10.2013 Rabin Medical Center HematologyHead of the Division


    • 3.1990 The Israeli Society of Internal Medicine, Ramat-Gan. Life threatening hypophosphatemia in a patient with Philadelphia chromosome positive CML in acute blastic crisis. P. Raanani, M. Lahav, M. Prococimer, E. Theodor(Speaker) Israel
    • 11.1993 The Israeli Society of Hematology, Tel-Aviv. Salvage combination chemotherapy for acute leukemia using high dose Ara-C and mitoxantrone. Experience of the Sheba Medical Center. P. Raanani., O. Shpilberg, M. Bercowicz, O. Sofer, I. Hardan, A. Chetrit, I. (Speaker) Israel
    • 3.1996 The Israeli Society of Hematology, Natanya. Salvage combination chemotherapy for acute leukemia using high dose Ara-C and mitoxantrone. Experience of the Sheba Medical Center:1991-1995. P. Raanani., O. Shpilberg, M. Bercowicz, O. Sofer, I. Hardan, A. Avigdor, A. Chetrit, I. Ben-Bassat (Speaker) Israel
    • 9.1997 The Israeli Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Dead Sea Competitive PCR-The method and clinical applications. P. Raanani, N.Cross, J.Goldman – Institute of Hematology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Hammersmith Hospital, London (Speaker) Israel
    • 10.1999 The Israeli Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Dead Sea Engraftment associated hypophosphatemia – the role of cytokine release and steep leukocyte rise post stem cell transplantation. P. Raanani, I. Levi, O. Shpilberg, F. Holzman, I. Grotto, F. Brok-Simoni, A. Avigdor, M. Berkowicz, I. Hardan, A. Kneller and I. Ben-Bassat. (Speaker)
    • 2.2001 Annual meeting of the Cancer Biology Research Center, Eilat The role of cytokines and leukocyte rise in the development of hypophosphatemia after PBSCT. P. Raanani, I. Levi, F. Holzman, I. Grotto, F. Brok-Simoni, A. Avigdor, J. Davidson, O. Shpilberg, and I. Ben-Bassat. (Speaker) Israel
    • 1.2003 The Israeli Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Tel-Aviv A high rate of BCR-ABL negativity by FISH ”
      multiplex RT-pcr but not by real-time RT-PCR can be achieved in cml patients treated with imatinib. P. Raanani, I. Ben-Bassat, S. Gan, L. Trakhtenbrot, Z. Mark, S. Itskovich, N. Amariglio, F. Brok-Simoni, I. Hardan, A. Kneler, A. Shimoni, A. Nagler (Speaker) Israel
    • 4.2003 Annual meeting of the Cancer Biology Research Center, Kfar Blum Monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of hematological malignancies. P. Raanani and I. Ben-Bassat (Speaker) Israel
    • 1.2004 The Israeli Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Tel-Aviv Hasford score may pdict for the dynamics of imatinib induced reduction of bcr-abl transcripts in chronic phase cml – should an old score be used for a new drug? P. Raanani, I. Ben-Bassat, S. Itskovich, S. Gan, Y.Morgulis, O. Ashur-Fabian, A. Kneller, I. Hardan, F. Brok-Simoni, A.Simon, G. Rechavi, N. Amariglio, A. Nagler (Speaker) Israel
    • 4.2004 The Israeli Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Dead sea Philadelphia positive T lymphoblastic leukemia – acute leukemia or cml blast crisis? P. Raanani, I. Ben-Bassat, L. Trachtenbrrot, A. Avigdor, F.Brok-Simoni, N. Amariglio, A. Nagler (Speaker) Israel
    • 4.2004 Annual meeting of the Cancer Biology Research Center, Kfar Blum Detection of minimal residual disease in myeloid leukemias – methods and their clinical significance. P. Raanani, I. Ben-Bassat, A. Nagler (Speaker) Israel
    • 11.2007 The Israeli Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Avenue Convenetion and Event Center Immunoglobulin prophylaxis in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation – systematic review and meta-analysis. P. Raanani, A. Gafter-Gvili, M. Paul, I. Ben-Bassat, L. Leibovici, O. Shpilberg (Speaker) Israel
    • 4.2008 Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation – EBMT 2008 Immunoglobulin prophylaxis in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation:systematic review and meta-analysis. P. Raanani, A. Gafter-Gvili, M. Paul, I. Ben-Bassat, L. Leibovici, O. Shpilberg (Speaker) Italy
    • 11.2009 The Israeli Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion Israel Management of adult patients with ALL in first complete remission:systematic review and meta-analysis. R. Ram, A. Gafter-Gvili, L. Vidal, M. Paul, I. Ben-Bassat, O. Shpilberg, P. Raanani (Speaker)
    • 5.2011 A Joint Meeting of the CBRC and the Department of Hematology Israel Tel-Aviv University:Should personalized medicine be the standard of care in Hematology in the third millenium? Biological and clinical aspects (Member of steering committee)
    • 5.2011 A Joint Meeting of the CBRC and the Department of Hematology Israel Tel-Aviv University:Cure in CML in the 3rd millenium – a target or a dream? (Speaker)
    • 9.2011Meeting in celebration of 30 years since the establishment of the Israel Cancer Biology Research Center (CBRC) (Member of steering committee)
    • 7.2011 10th Anniversary of the Cochrane Haematological Malignancies Germany Group Systematic reviews in hematological malignancies Pia Raanani – (Speaker)
    • 6.2012 CBRC – Hematology Department Joint Discussion Forum:Israel Drug Development in Cancer, June 21 2012 (Member of steering committee)
    • 11.2012 Tel-Aviv University–Mayo Clinic Cancer Centre Alliance Israel Symposium (Member of steering committee)
    • 11.2012 Tel-Aviv University–Mayo Clinic Cancer Centre Alliance Israel Symposium The role of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses in Hematological Malignancies Pia Raanani (Speaker)
    • 12.2012 54th Annual Meeting of the American Society of HematologyUSA Health Services and Outcome Research (Moderator)
    • 6.2013 2013 Biennial Retreat of theCancer Biology Research CenterIsrael (Member of steering committee)
    • 6.2014 Cancer pvention and Intervention 2014 ConferenceIsrael (Member of steering committee)
    • 6.2014 Cancer pvention and Intervention 2014 ConferenceIsrael Can leukema be cured in 2014? P. Raanani (Speaker)
    • 2.2015 IMCO – International Meeting on CardioOncology:Israel Towards a Comphensive Cardiac – Cancer Care (Member of steering committee)
    • 2.2015 IMCO – International Meeting on CardioOncology:Israel Towards a Comphensive Cardiac – Cancer Care Can leukema be cured in 2014? P. Raanani (Speaker)


    • Year, Society, Country
    • 1987 Israeli Society of Medicine, Israel
    • 1989 Israeli Society of Internal Medicine, Israel
    • 1993 2.2004 – 2.2007, Israeli Society of Hematology Secretary of the Israeli Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusions, Israel
    • 1999 – 2003 5.2012 American Society of Hematology Invited Abstract Reviewer of the American Society of Hematology, USA
    • 2007 European Hematology Association, Europe
    • 2009 American Society of Hematology, USA
    • 2015 Society of Hematologic Oncology (SOHO), USA


    • 2008 – 2012 Adelina Ovcharenko Molecular mechanisms involved in the occurrence of extramedullary disease following targeted therapies for hematological malignancies Felsenstein Medical Research Center Ph.D Prof. Nadir Arber, Dr. Galit Granot, Prof. Ofer Shpilberg
    • From 2014 Adi Zelig The influence of bone mineral density at diagnosis on other manifestations of bone disease and on patients’ survival in multiple myeloma -A historical cohort study Institute of Hematology, Rabin Medical Center M.D Dr. Eli Muchtar
    • From 2014 (2012 – 2014 supvised by Prof. Ofer Shpilberg) Saar Shapira Sensitivity of CML stem cells to tyrosine kinase inhibitors Felsenstein Medical Research Center Ph.D Prof. Nadir Arber, Dr. Galit Granot
    • From 2014 (2013 – 2014 supvised by Prof. Ofer Shpilberg) Ala Aladin Samara Mechanism of the antitumoral activity of deferasirox, an iron chelation agent, on mantle cell lymphoma Felsenstein Medical Research Center Ph.D Dr. Smadar Avigad, Dr. Galit Granot
    • From 2015 Gili Kroitoro Early Identification of Myelodysplatic Syndrome among Patients with Unexplained Anemia Based on Laboratory Indices from the Years pdating the Diagnosis Institute of Hematology, Rabin Medical Center M.D Dr. Erel Joffe


    • 1.Member, colloquium committee for M.D. thesis of the student Gil Shlomovitz (supervisor Prof. Yohai Birenbaum):“In vitro ultrasound augmented pharmacological thrombolysis – what is the correct timing of the ultrasound irradiation?”, Tel-Aviv University
    • 2. Member, colloquium committee for M.D thesis of the student Orit Mimon (Supervisor Prof. Michael Lishner):“Replication pattern in polycythemia vera and essential thrombocytosis, comparison between patients treated with hydroxyurea and untreated patients”, Tel-Aviv University
    • 3. Head, colloquium committee for M.D. thesis of the student Eliahu Rakach
    • (Supervisors Prof. Raphael Katan and Dr. Ofer Marimsky):”Imatinib mesylate- a breakthrough in the treatment of GIST:long term follow-up”, Tel-Aviv University
    • 4. Member, colloquium committee for M.D thesis of the student Uri Inbal (Supervisors Prof. Hillele Halkin and Dr. Daniel Kurnik and Dr. Ronen Loebstein):“The effect of low dose vitamin K supplementation on warfarin anticoagulation among vitamin K deficient patients”, Tel-Aviv University
    • 5. Member, colloquium committee for M.D thesis of the student Joseph Landman (Supervisors Dr. Maya Koren-Michowitz and Dr. Yoram Cohen and Prof. Arnon Nagler):“The relation between JAK2-V617F mutation load in polycythemia vera patients and the clinical chracteristics of their disease”, Tel-Aviv University
    • 6. Member, colloquium committee for M.D thesis of the student Ido Matia from the Technion (Supervisors Dr. Ayelet Barak and Dr. Rachel Bar-Shalom):“The value of FDG-PET/CT during complete remission in identifying relapse of pediatric lymphoma”, Technion, Haifa
    • 7. Head, colloquium committee for M.D thesis of the student Zvi Sirotkin (Supervisors Prof. Sara Apter and Dr. Abraham Avigdor):”Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma:the impact of adding rituximab on the outcome of patients treated with VACOP-B or CHOP, clinical and imaging prognostic factors”, Tel-Aviv University
    • 8. Member, colloquium committee for M.D thesis of the student Einat Mader (Supervisors Dr. Giora Shubinsky and Dr. Itai Levi):“Diagnosis and Characterization of Myelodysplsatic Syndrome by Flow Cytometry Immunophenotyping”, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
    • 9. Member, colloquium committee for M.D. thesis of the student Amit Ben-Hayman (supervisors Dr. Amit Gil-Ad and Dr. Michael Taler):“In vitro effect of sertaline as an antiproliferative and chemosensitizing agent in T-cell lymphoma/leukemia(Jurkat) cell”, Tel-Aviv University
    • 10. Head, colloquium committee for M.D thesis of the student Shani Bergman Frank:” Lymphocytes Reconstitution Following Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation – Clinical Implications”, Tel-Aviv University
    • 11. Head, colloquium committee for M.D. thesis of the student Shani Saborai Litvak (supervisors Prof. Moshe Mittelman and Dr. Ophira Ben-Tal):“Myelodysplatic syndrome – have the clinical characteristics changed over the years?”, Tel-Aviv University
    • 12. Member, colloquium committee for M.D. thesis of the student Michael Frumer (supervisor: Prof. Eldad Dan):“Evaluation the follow-up by PET/CT of Hodgkin’s lymphoma patients, who are in remission after first-line of therapy, compared with the follow-up by clinical examination”, Technion, Haifa
    • 13. Member, colloquuium committee for M.D thesis of the student Yoav Binenbaum (supervisors Dr. Izhar Hardan and Prof. Gideon Rechavi):“Discontinuation of anti-leukemic treatment followoing combination therapy with imatinib and alpha interferon in chronic phase CML:Molecular mechanisms that characterize the responding patients”, Tel-Aviv University
    • 14. Head, colloquium committee for M.D. thesis of the student Aviv Aharon (Supervised by Prof. Moshe Mittelman):“Thrombocytopenia causes and bleeding– A retrospective analysis” ”, Tel-Aviv University
    • 15. Member, colloquuium committee for M.D thesis of the student Gigozinsky Michal (supervisors Dr. Ronit El-Hasid, Prof. Btia Stark and Prof. Shai Izraeli):“Characteristics and outcomes of treatment of childhood ALL in Israel”, Tel-Aviv University

    E. M.A/M.Sc Students

    • 2008 – 2011 Saar Shapira The effect of nilotinib on the signal transduction cascade leading to down regulation of telomerase activity in K562 cells sensitive and resistant to imatinib Felsenstein Medical Research Center Prof. Ofer Shpilberg, Dr. Dr. Galit Granot


    • 1984 The Hebrew University, Faculty of Medicine, Jerusalem List of excellent students
    • 1985 The Hebrew University, Faculty of Medicine, Jerusalem Scholarship for excellency
    • 1986 The Hebrew University, Faculty of Medicine, Jerusalem List of excellent students
    • 1991 Beilinson Medical Center, Petah-Tikva $1200.- to fund research in the Laboratory of Hemostasis
    • 1995 The Israel Cancer Association $700 .- to fund participation in the course “Advances in Haematology” at the Hammersmith Hospital, U.K.
    • 1996 The Israel Cancer Association 10, 000 NIS.- Grant to fund a continuing education in the field of hemato-oncology and bone marrow transplantation at the Hammersmith Hospital, London, U.K
    • 1996 The British Council, Tel-Aviv A one year scholarship of 1, 250 GBP.- per month.
    • The British Council and the Barclay Family Cancer Research Foundation-Scholarship for Oncological Research- to undertake a research in the field of CML and bone marrow transplantation at the Hammersmith Hospital, London, U.K
    • 1998 Tel-Aviv University $3, 000 grant.
    • The Zoss ” Fanny Safoon grant for research on the subject of: “Quantitative RT-PCR for quantifucation of bcr-abl transcripts in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)”
    • 1999 Israel Cancer Association 35, 000 NIS grant for research on:
    • Cytokine mediated Engraftment syndrome and hypophosphatemia in patients undergoing high dose chemotherapy with peripheral blood stem cell support for hematological malignancies
    • 1999 Israel Cancer Association 6, 500 NIS grant
    • For participation in ASH 1999 where a poster on the subject:”Cytokine mediated Engraftment syndrome and hypophosphatemia in patients undergoing high dose chemotherapy with peripheral blood stem cell support for hematological malignancies” was psented
    • 2000 Israel Cancer Association 23, 000 NIS grant
    • The role of cytokines and the “cytokine release syndrome” in the development of adverse effects during treatment with anti CD20 (rituximab) in general and in the development of the “1St Dose reaction” in particular
    • 2001 Tel-Aviv University Excellent Lecturer in Hematology for the year 2000
    • 2002 Israel Cancer Association 2, 800 NIS grant
    • for trainingin quantitative Real-Time RT-PCR for follow-up of CML patients in the laboratory of minimal residual disease in Hammersmith Hospital, London
    • 2004 Tel-Aviv University Excellent Lecturer in Hematology for the 3 years 2001-2003
    • 2008 The Barclay Family Cancer Research Foundation 30, 000.00 GBP grant to be allocated for research studies under the direction of Dr. Pia Raanani. Dedicated mainly for the research on:”Molecular mechanisms involved in the occurrence of extramedullary disease following targeted therapies for hematological malignancies”. Dr. Pia Raanani – Principal Investigator
    • 2009 Beilinson Medical Center, Petah-Tikva (Research Authority) >30, 000 NIS grant for research on:”The role of colony stimulating factors administered for pvention and treatment of infectious complications in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia-a meta –analysis”. (Research conducted by Dr. Pia Raanani- Principal Investigator, grant donated to young investigator – Dr. Ronit Gurion)
    • 2010 Tel-Aviv University32, 000 NIS grant for research on:”The (Research Authority) effect of nilotinib and dasatinib on telomerase activity in BCR-ABLpositive K562 cells” (The Meirbaum/ the Safoon grants) – Principal Investigator
    • 2010 Tel-Aviv University $ 5, 000 grant for Ph.D student Adelina (The Cancer Biology Ovcharenko-Mermelshtein for the research, entitled:“Molecular mechanisms involved in the occurrence of extramedullary disease following targeted therapies for hematological malignancies“- Research conducted by Prof. Pia Raanani- Principal Investigator Research Center)
    • 2010 Tel-Aviv University 18, 325 NIS grant for research on:“Molecular mechanisms involved in the occurrence of extramedullary disease following targeted therapies for hematological malignancies” (Van Bits, Cancer Research Center)- Principal Investigator
    • 2013 Tel-Aviv University 37, 000 NIS grant for research on:“Molecular (Research Authority) mechanisms invovled in the occurrence of extramedullary disease following targeted therapies for hematological malignancies” (The Fenster Foundation Grant for Leukemia Research) –
      Principal Investigator
    • 2012 Kupat Holim Clalit 50, 000 NIS grant for Research on:”The effect of active adherence encouraging intervention on adherence to TKI treatment in CML- a multi center study (TAKE-IT)-Principal Investigator
    • 2013 Israel Cancer Association 45, 000 NIS grant for Research on:”Regulatory
    • mechanisms involved in Pyk2 expssion following novel agents’ treatment for hematological malignancies”- Principal Investigator
    • 2013 Israeli Society of Hematology 30, 000 NIS grant for Research on:”The effect of active adherence encouraging intervention on adherence to TKI treatment in CML – a multi center study (TAKE-IT)”- Principal Investigator
    • 2014 Dotan Center for Research 350, 000 NIS grant/year for 2 years on:“Targeting mantle cell lymphoma with nanomedicines” (Prof. Dan Peer – principal-investigator; Prof. Pia Raanani – co-investigator)
    • In Hemato-oncology
    • 2015 Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Israel 63, 000$ for Investigator-Initiated Research (“IIR”) grant for 2 years (2016 – 2017) a non-human Research study entitled “Pathogenesis of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (TKIs) Associated Vascular Disease in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML):An in vitro Model”- Principal Investigator
    • 2015 ARIAD Pharmaceuticals Inc. 50, 000$ for Investigator-Initiated Research (“IIR”) grant for Research study entitled “Subclinical markers of tyrosine kinase inhibitor associated vascular disease in chronic myeloid leukemia: An exploratory multicenter cohort study” – Principal Investigator



    • 1. Dr. Pia Raanani Prof. Isaac Ben-Bassat, Anemia – It Is in Our Blood, Prolog Publishers, 2004 (112 pages)



    • 1. Lavee J., Rath S., Hoa T.Q., Raanani P., Ruder A., Modan., Neufeld H.N., Goor D.A. Does complete revascularization by the conventional method truly provide the best possible results? Analysis of results and comparison with revascularization of infarct prone segments (systemic segmental myocardial revascularization):The Sheba Study. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Vol. 92, pp. 279-290, 1986 (journal IF = 3.354; journal 5-Year IF = 3.505; journal rank = 16 of 75)
    • 2. Lahav M., Regev A., Raanani P., Theodor E. Intermittent administration of furosemide vs. continuous infusion pceded by a loading dose for congestive heart failure.Chest, Vol. 102, pp. 725-731, 1992 (journal IF = 4.143; journal 5-Year IF = 4.311; journal rank = 6 of 34)
    • 3. Arber N., Zajicek G., Shamir R., Kenet G., Raanani P., Nordenberg J., Sidi Y. Bromobenzene accelerates hepatocyte streaming in rats. Gastroenterology, Vol. 103, pp. 1273-1276, 1992 (journal IF = 11.673; journal 5-Year IF = 12.424; journal rank = 1 of 50)
    • 4. Singer R., Levinsky H., Sagiv M., Raanani P., Weissenberg R., Lahav M. Spermatogenesis and sialic acid content and sialytransferase activity in testis, epididimisand prostate of gossypol treated male rats. Advances in Contraceptive Delivery Systems, Vol. 7, pp. 201-209, 1992 (journal IF = not applicable; journal 5-Year IF = not applicable; journal rank = not applicable)
    • 5. Singer R., Weissenberg R., Lahav M., Sagiv M., Raanani P., Kyser S, Cohen A, Levinsky H. Sialic acid and sialytransferase activity in testis, epididymis and prostate of rats: developmental stages. Advances in Contraceptive Delivery Systems, Vol. 8, pp. 247-252, 1992 (journal IF = not applicable; journal 5-Year IF = not applicable; journal rank = not applicable)
    • 6. Varon D., Handsher R., Dardik R., Gitel S., Raanani P., Heim M., Martinowitz U. Response of hemophilic patients to poliovirus vaccination: correlation with HIV serology and with immunological parameters. Journal of Medical Virology, Vol. 40, pp. 91-95, 1993 (journal IF = 2.831; journal 5-Year IF = 2.739; journal rank = 14 of 25)
    • 7. Singer R., Levinsky H., Kyzer S., Cohen A., Sagiv M., Raanani P., Lurie B., Lahav M. Effect of procarbazine/clomiphene citrate on sialyltransferase activity in testis/epididymis of rats. Advances in Contraceptive Delivery Systems, Vol 9, pp 107-111, 1993 (journal IF = not applicable; journal 5-Year IF = not applicable; journal rank = not applicable)
    • 8. Raanani P., Shpilberg O., Berezin M., Ben-Bassat I. Acute leukemia relapse psenting as central diabetes insipidus. Cancer, Vol. 73, pp. 2312-2316, 1994 (journal IF = 4.632; journal 5-Year IF = 4.865; journal rank = 28 of 132)
    • 9. Weissenberg R., Lahav M., Raanani P., Singer R., Regev A., Sagiv M., Giler S., Theodor E. Clomiphene citrate reduces procarbazine-induced sterility in a rat model.British Journal of Cancer, Vol. 71, pp. 48-51, 1995 (journal IF = 4.635; journal 5-Year IF = 4.322; journal rank = 27 of 132)
    • 10. Shpilberg O., Haddad N., Sofer O., Raanani P., Berkowicz M., Chetrit A., Carter A., Ramot B., Tatarski I., Ben-Bassat I. Postremission therapy with two different dose regimens of cytarabine in adults with acute myelogenous leukemia. Leukemia-Research, Vol. 19, pp. 893-897, 1995 (journal IF = 2.561; journal 5-Year IF = 2.278; journal rank = 67 of 132)
    • 11. Bessler H., Singer R., Raanani P., Levinsky H., Lahav M., Cohen A.M. Interferon alpha-2b modulates beta-galactoside alpha-2, 6-sialyltransferase gene expssion in rat testes. Biology of Reproduction, Vol. 53, pp. 1474-1477, 1995 (journal IF = 3.670; journal 5-Year IF = 3.766; journal rank = 2 of 25)
    • 12. Singer R., Cohen A., Levinsky H., Raanani P., Luria B.B., Weissenberg R., Lahav M. Effect of interferon alpha IIb on the activity of sialyltransferase in testis homogenates of adult rats. Archives of Andrology, Vol. 35, pp. 1-3, 1995 (journal IF = 0.808; journal 5-Year IF = 0.777; journal rank = 2 of 5)
    • 13. Berkowicz M., Toren A., Rosner E., Biniaminov M., Rosenthal E., Gipsh N., Berman S., Hardan I., Mandel M., Amariglio N., Mark Z., Sofer O., Raanani P., Kenet G., Neuman Y., Sharon N., Brok-Simoni, F., Rubnov V., Ben-Bassat I, Rechavi G. Translocation (2; 14)(p13; q32) in CD10+CD13+ acute lymphatic leukemia. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics, Vol. 83, pp. 140-143, 1995 (journal IF = 1.559; journal 5-Year IF = 1.581; journal rank = 99 of 132)
    • 14. Raanani P., Rosner E., Bercowicz M., Ben-Bassat I. t(12; 20)(q13; p11.2)- a new translocation involving the 12q13 breakpoint in acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics, Vol. 89, pp. 118-119, 1996 (journal IF = 1.559; journal 5-Year IF = 1.581; journal rank = 99 of 132)
    • 15. Raanani P., Bercowicz M., Rosner E., Rosenthal E., Berman S., Rechavi G., Ben- Bassat I. Translocation t(3; 17)(q23; q21) – a new translocation in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. British Journal of Haematology, Vol. 95, pp. 131-134, 1996 (journal IF = 4.490; journal 5-Year IF = 3.733; journal rank = 12 of 63)
    • 16. Oren R., Zajicek G., Maaravi Y., Kenet G., Karmely F., Hubert A., Raanani P., Arber N. Methimazole slows hepatocyte streaming in rats. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, Vol. 42, pp. 1433-1437, 1997 (journal IF = 1.319; journal 5-Year IF = 1.582; journal rank = 41 of 50)
    • 17. Raanani P., Dazzi F., Sohal J., Szydlo R.M., van Rhee F., Reiter A., Lin F., Goldman J.M. and Cross N.C.P. The rate and Kinetics of molecular response to donor leucocyte transfusions in chronic myeloid leukaemia patients treated for relapse after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. British Journal of Haematology, Vol. 99, pp. 945-950, 1997 (journal IF = 4.490; journal 5-Year IF = 3.733; journal rank = 12 of 63)
    • 18. Dreiher J, Shpilberg O, Raanani P, Chetrit A, Ben-Bassat I. The MACOP-B and VACOP-B combination chemotherapy for young patients with intermediate-grade non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Leukemia Research Vol. 22, pp 997-1002, 1998 (Written by mistake as Raamami) (journal IF = 2.561; journal 5-Year IF = 2.278; journal rank = 67 of 132)
    • 19. Reiter A., Marley S.B., Hochhaus H., Sohal .J, Raanani P, Hehlmann R., Gordon M.Y., Goldman J.M., Cross N.C.P. BCR-ABL positive primitive progenitors in chronic myelogenous leukemia patients in complete cytogenetic remission after treatment with interferon-a. British Journal of Hematology. Vol. 102 pp. 1271-1278, 1998 (journal IF = 4.490; journal 5-Year IF = 3.733; journal rank = 12 of 63)
    • 20. Raanani P., Shpilberg O., Bercowicz M., Sofer O., Hardan I., Chetrit A., Ben-Bassat I. Salvage therapy of relapsed and primary resistant acute leukemia with high dose mitoxantrone and cytarabine. leukemia Research, Vol 23 pp 695-700, 1999 (journal IF = 2.561; journal 5-Year IF = 2.278; journal rank = 67 of 132)
    • 21. Kneller A, Raanani P, Hardan I, Avigdor A, Levi I, Berkowicz M, Ben-Bassat I. Therapy with thalidomide in refractory multiple myeloma patients – the revival of an old drug. British Journal of Hematology Vol 108 pp 391-393, 2000 (journal IF = 4.490; journal 5-Year IF = 3.733; journal rank = 12 of 63)
    • 22. Goldstein G, Shpilberg O, Raanani P, Chetrit A, Ben-Bassat I Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adults treated with German multicenter study group protocols. Harefuah Vol 139 pp 255-9, 328, 327, 2000 (journal IF = not applicable; journal 5-Year IF = not applicable; journal rank = not applicable)
    • 23. Avigdor A, Hardan I, Shpilberg O, Raanani P, Grotto I, Ben-Bassat I High-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation for refractory and relapsing Hodgkin’s disease. Harefuah Vol 139 pp 174-9, 248, 247, 2000 (journal IF = not applicable; journal 5-Year IF = not applicable; journal rank = not applicable)
    • 24. Raanani P, Segal E, Levi I, Bercowicz M, Berkenstat H, Avigdor A, Perel A, Ben-Bassat I. Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage in acute promyelocytic lLeukemia patients treated with Atra – a manifestation of the basic disease or the treatment. Leukemia Lymphoma Vol 37 pp 605-610, 2000 (journal IF = 1.512; journal 5-Year IF = 1.461; journal rank = 41 of 63)
    • 25. Raanani P, Levi I, Holzman F, Grotto I, Brok-Simoni F, Avigdor A, Davidson J, Shpilberg O, Ben-Bassat I. Engraftment-associated hypophosphatemia–the role of cytokine release and steep leukocyte rise post stem cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation Vol. 27, pp: 311-317, 2001 (journal IF = 3.000; journal 5-Year IF = 2.542; journal rank = 25 of 63)
    • 26. Avigdor A., Raanani P., Levi I., Hardan I., Ben-Bassat I. Extramedullary progression despite a good response in bone marrow in patients treated with thalidomide for multiple myeloma. Leukemia ” Lymphoma Vol 42, pp 683-687, 2001 (journal IF = 1.512; journal 5-Year IF = 1.461; journal rank = 41 of 63)
    • 27. Levy-Nissenbaum O., Sagi-Assif O., Raanani P., Avigdor A., Ben-Bassat I., Witz I.P. Overexpssion of the dual-specificity MAPK phosphatase PYST2 in acute leukaemia. Cancer Letters Vol. 199, pp185-192, 2003 (journal IF = 3.398; journal 5-Year IF = 3.193; journal rank = 49 of 132)
    • 28. Levy-Nissenbaum O., Sagi-Assif O., Kapon D., Hantisteanu S., Burg T., Raanani P., Avigdor A., Ben-Bassat I., Witz I.P. Dual-specificity phosphatase Pyst2-L is constitutively highly expssed in myeloid leukemia and other malignant cells. Oncogene Vol. 22, pp. 7649–7660, 2003 (journal IF = 6.440; journal 5-Year IF = 6.371; journal rank = 14 of 132)
    • 29. Shimoni A., Hardan I., Avigdor A., Yeshurun M., Raanani P., Ben-Bassat I., Nagler A. Rituximab reduces relapse risk after allogeneic and autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with high-risk aggressive non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. British Journal of Haematology Vol. 122, pp 457 – 464, 2003 (journal IF = 4.490; journal 5-Year IF = 3.733; journal rank = 12 of 63)
    • 30. Levy-Nissenbaum O., Sagi-Assif O., Raanani P., Avigdor A., Ben-Bassat I., Witz I.P. cDNA microarray analysis reveals an overexpssion of the dual-specificity MAPK phosphatase PYST2 in acute leukemia. Methods in Enzymology Vol. 366, pp 103-113, 2003 (journal IF = 2.122; journal 5-Year IF = 1.886; journal rank = 31 of 60)
    • 31. Raanani P., Ben-Bassat I., Gan S., Trakhtenbrot L., Mark Z., Ashur-Fabian S., Itskovich S., Brok-Simoni F., Rechavi G., Amariglio N., Nagler A.. Assessment of the response to imatinib in chronic myeloid leukemia patients – comparison between the FISH, multiplex and real-time RT-PCR methods. European Journal of Haematology Vol. 73, pp 243 – 250, 2004 (journal IF = 2.163; journal 5-Year IF = 2.056; journal rank = 34 of 63)
    • 32. Raanani P ., Trakhtenbrot L., Rechavi G., Rosenthal E., Avigdor A., Brok-Simoni F., Leiba M., Amariglio N., Nagler A., Ben-Bassat I. Philadelphia chromosome positive T- lymphoblastic leukemia: acute leukemia or chronic myelogenous leukemia blastic crisis. Acta Haematologica Vol. 113, pp 181-189, 2005 (journal IF = 1.352; journal 5-Year IF = 1.439; journal rank = 48 of 63)
    • 33. Raanani P., Shasha Y., Peri C., Metser U., Naparstek E., Apter S., Nagler A., Polliack A., Ben-Bassat I., Even-Sapir E. Is CT scan still necessary for staging in Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients in the PET/CT era? Annals of Oncology Vol. 17, pp 117-122, 2006 (journal IF = 4.875; journal 5-Year IF = 4.805; journal rank = 23 of 132)
    • 34. Apter S., Shemesh J., Raanani P., Portnoy O., Thaler M., Zissin R., Ezra D., Rozenman J., Pfeffer R., Hertz M. Cardiovascular calcifications after radiation therapy for Hodgkin lymphoma: computed tomography detection and clinical correlation. Coronary artery disease Vol 17, pp 145-151, 2006 (journal IF = 1.556; journal 5-Year IF = 1.596; journal rank = 33 of 54)
    • 35. Tecuceanu N., Dardik R., Rabizadeh E., Raanani P., Inbal A. A family with hereditary thrombocythaemia and normal genes for thrombopoietin and c-Mpl. British Journal of Haematology Vol 135, pp 348-351, 2006 (journal IF = 4.490; journal 5-Year IF = 3.733; journal rank = 12 of 63)
    • 36. Ashur-Fabian O., Adamsky K., Trakhtenbrot L., Cohen Y., Raanani P, Hardan I., Nagler A., Rechavi G., Amariglio N. Apaf1 in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) progression: reduced Apaf1 expssion is correlated with a H179R p53 mutation during clinical blast crisis. ell Cycle Vol 6, pp 589-594, 2007 (journal IF = 3.314; journal 5-Year IF = not applicable; journal rank = 31 of 156)
    • 37. Ram R., Gafter-Gvili A., Okon E., Pazgal I., Shpilberg O., Raanani P. Gelatinous transformation of bone marrow in chronic myeloid leukemia during treatment with imatinib mesylate: a disease or a drug effect? Acta Haematologica Vol 119, pp 104-107, 2008 (journal IF = 1.352; journal 5-Year IF = 1.439; journal rank = 48 of 63)
    • 38. Mashiah A., Wolach O., Sandbank J., Uziel O., Raanani P., Lahav M. Lymphoma and leukemia cells possess fractal dimensions that correlate with their biological features. Acta Haematologica Vol 119, pp 142-150, 2008 (journal IF = 1.352; journal 5-Year IF = 1.439; journal rank = 48 of 63)
    • 39. Raanani P., Gafter-Gvili A., Paul M., Ben-Bassat I., Leibovici L., Shpilberg O. Immunoglobulin prophylaxis in hematological malignancies and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Vol 4, Art. No.:CD006501, 2008 (journal IF = 4.654; journal 5-Year IF = not applicable; journal rank = 27 of 100)
    • 40. Ram R., Gafter-Gvili A., Yeshurun M., Paul M., Raanani P., Shpilberg O. Prophylaxis regimens for GVHD: systematic review and meta-analysis. Bone Marrow Transplantation Vol 43, pp 643-653, 2009 (journal IF = 3.000; journal 5-Year IF = 2.542; journal rank = 25 of 63)
    • 41. Raanani P., Gafter-Gvili A., Paul M., Ben-Bassat I., Leibovici L., Shpilberg O. Immunoglobulin prophylaxis in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Oncology Vol 27, pp 770-781, 2009 (journal IF = 15.484; journal 5-Year IF = 13.753; journal rank = 5 of 132)
    • 42. Gafter-Gvili A., Ram R., Gurion R., Paul M., Yeshurun M., Raanani P., Shpilberg O. ATG plus cyclosporine reduces all-cause mortality in patients with Severe aplastic Anemia – Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Acta Haematologica Vol 120, pp 237-243, 2009 (journal IF = 1.352; journal 5-Year IF = 1.439; journal rank = 48 of 63)
    • 43. Ram R., Bonstein L., Gafter-Gvili A, . Ben-Bassat I., Shpilberg O., Raanani P. Rituximab-associated acute thrombocytopenia: An under-diagnosed phenomenon. American Journal of Hematology Vol 84, pp 247-250, 2009 (journal IF = 1.949; journal 5-Year IF = 1.914; journal rank = 36 of 63)
    • 44. Raanani P., Gafter-Gvili A., Paul M., Ben-Bassat I., Leibovici L., Shpilberg O. Immunoglobulin prophylaxis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and multiple myeloma – systematic review and meta-analysis. Leukemia ” Lymphoma Vol 50, pp 764-772, 2009 (journal IF = 1.512; journal 5-Year IF = 1.461; journal rank = 41 of 63)
    • 45. Ram R., Gafter-Gvili A., Raanani P., Yeshurun M., Shpilberg O., Dreyer J., Peck A., Leibovici L., Paul M. Surveillance of infectious complications in hemato – oncological patients. Israel Medical Association Journal Vol 11, pp 133-137, 2009 (journal IF = 0.577; journal 5-Year IF = 0.583; journal rank = 42 of 100)
    • 46. Gurion R., Gafter-Gvili A., Paul M., Vidal L., Ben-Bassat I, . Yeshurun M, . Shpilberg O., Raanani P. Hematopoietic growth factors in aplastic anemia patients treated with immunosuppssive therapy systematic review and meta analysis. Haematologica Vol 94, pp 712-719, 2009 (journal IF = 5.516; journal 5-Year IF = 4.758; journal rank = 9 of 63)
    • 47. Magen-Nativ H., Ram R., Yeshurun M., Gafter-Gvili A., Raanani P., Shpilberg O. Total therapy based treatment for multiple myeloma – a single center experience. Annals of Hematology Vol 89, pp 53-59, 2010 (journal IF = 2.342; journal 5-Year IF = 1.914; journal rank = 31 of 63)
    • 48. Gurion R., Vidal L., Gafter-Gvili A., Belnik Y., Yeshurun M., Raanani P., Shpilberg O. The role of hypomethylating agents in the treatment of patients with myelodysplastic syndrome – systematic review and meta-analysis. Haematologica Vol 95, pp 303-310, 2010 (journal IF = 5.978; journal 5-Year IF = 5.513; journal rank = 9 of 62)
    • 49. Mor R., Uziel O., Shpilberg O., Lahav J., Raanani P., Bakhanashvili M., Rabizadeh E., Zimra Y., Lahav M., Granot G. The effect of imatinib on the signal transduction cascade regulating telomerase activity in K562 (BCR-ABL positive) cells sensitive and resistant to imatinib. Experimental Hematology Vol 38, pp 27-37, 2010 (journal IF = 3.203; journal 5-Year IF = 3.490; journal rank = 24 of 62)
    • 50. Ram R., Gafter-Gvili A., Vidal L., Paul M., Ben-Bassat I., Shpilberg O., Raanani P. Management of adult patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in first complete remission: systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer Vol 116, pp 3447 – 3457, 2010 (journal IF = 5.238; journal 5-Year IF = 5.517; journal rank = 23 of 143)
    • 51. Gafter-Gvili A., Leader A., Gurion R., Vidal L., Ram R., Shacham-Abulafia A., Ben-Bassat I., Lishner M., Shpilberg O., Raanani P. High-dose imatinib for newly diagnosed chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia patients-systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Hematology Vol 86, pp 657 – 662, 2011 (journal IF =5; journal 5-Year IF = 4.041; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 13 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: 15)
    • 52. Gurion R., Belnik-Plitman Y., Gafter-Gvili A., Paul M., Vidal L., Ben-Bassat I., Shpilberg O., Raanani P. Colony-stimulating factors for pvention and treatment of infectious complications in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Vol 9, Art. No.:CD008238, 2011 (journal IF = 6.035; journal 5-Year IF = 6.539; MEDICINE, GENERAL ” INTERNAL journal rank = 13 of 154; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: 2)
    • 53. Pfreundschuh M., Kuhnt E., Trümper L., Osterborg A., Trneny M., Shepherd L., Gill D.S., Walewski J., Pettengell R., Jaeger U., Zinzani P.L., Shpilberg O., Kvaloy S., de Nully Brown P., Stahel R., Milpied N, López-Guillermo A., Poeschel V., Grass S., Loeffler M., Murawski N.; MabThera International Trial (MInT) Group. Collaborators: Jäger G., Jäger U, Ruckser R., Thaler J., Bell R., Cannell P., Cartwright K.D, Enno A., Fay K., Filshie R., Gibson J., Gill D., Green M., Grigg A., Hertzberg M.S., Horvath N., Irving I., Kanourakis G., Leahy M., Lowenthal R.M., Ma D., Norman E., Prosser W., Schwarer A., Smith C.L., Tileay C.R., Underhill C., Wolf M., Alves de Souza Scheliga A., Belch A., Bence-Bruckler I., Burnell M., Cantin G., Charpentier D., Crump M., Desjardins P., Findlay B., Gapski J., Howson-Jan K., Imrie K., Matthews J.H., pssnail B., Sheperd L., Stevens R., Stewart D., Tompkins K., Voralia M., White D., Bolomská I., Jankovská M., Kubáckova K., Matuska M, Papajík T., Pytlík R., Siffnerová H., Trneny M., Vásová I., Vozobulová V, Zák P., Boesen A.M., de Nully Brown P., Hansen M., Plesner T., Lehtinen T., Pyrhönen S., Teerenhovi L., Colombat P., Maisonneuve H., Milpied N., Andreesen R., Aulitzky W., Berdel W., Bodenstein H., Brugger W., Clemens M., deWit M., Döhner H., Dörken B., Eimermacher H., Franke A., Frickhofen N., Haas R., Herold M., Hiddemann W., Ho A., Höffken K., Hoelzer D., Huber C., Kneba M., Mergenthaler H.G., Metzner B., Mantovani L, Nerl C, Peest D, Pfreundschuh M, Pielken HJ, Reiser M, Schlimok G, Schmitz N, Trümper L, Steinhauer HB, Uppenkamp M, Verbeek W, Berrebi A, Cohen A, Kornberg A, Raanani P, Rachmilevitz E, Shpilberg O, Yehuda B, Yukla M, Amadori S, Falini B, Fanin R, Foa R, Gobbi M, Mazza P, Zaccaria A, Zinzani PL, Ekanger R, Johnsen H, Kvaløy S, Maisenhølder M, Östenstad B, Telhaug R, Dmoszyńska A, Hellmann A, Hołowiecki J, Jedrzejczak W, Robak T, Sułek K, Utracka-Hutka B, Walewski J, Caballero Barrigón D, Conde García E, Díaz Mediavilla J, Guillermo AL, Adriansson M, Andreassen L, Cavallin-Ståhl E, Erlanson M, Fredén S, Hagberg H, Hedenus M, Johansson JE, Kimby E, Lauri B, Lindblom A, Österborg A, Rådlund A, Rylander H, Betticher D, Ghielmini M, Hitz F, Mingrone W, Pless M, Stahel R, Widmer LA, Cunningham D, Dyer JS, Evely R, Hancock B, Hatton C, Haynes A, Hoskin P, Johnson P, Lister A, Marcus R, Milligan DW, Morris TC, Pettengell R, Pettitt A, Poynton C, Tighe J, Wimperis J. CHOP-like chemotherapy with or without rituximab in young patients with good-prognosis diffuse large-B-cell lymphoma: 6-year results of an open-label randomised study of the MabThera International Trial (MInT) Group Lancet Oncology Vol 12, pp 1013-1022, 2011 (journal IF = 26.509; journal 5-Year IF = 28.181; ONCOLOGY journal rank = 3 of 213; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: 187)
    • 54. Ram R., Wolach O., Vidal L., Gafter-Gvili A., Shpilberg O., Raanani P. Adolescents and young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia have a better outcome when treated with pediatric-inspired regimens:systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Hematology Vol 87, pp 472 – 478, 2012 (journal IF = 5; journal 5-Year IF = 4.041; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 13 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: 30)
    • 55. Shapira S., Granot G, Mor-Tzuntz R., Raanani P., Uziel O., Lahav M., Shpilberg O. Second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors reduce telomerase activity in K562 cells. Cancer Letters Vol. 323, pp 223 – 231, 2012 (journal IF = 5.992; journal 5-Year IF = 5.174; ONCOLOGY journal rank = 23 of 213; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: 3)
    • 56. Gurion R., Belnik-Plitman Y., Gafter-Gvili A., Paul M., Vidal L., Ben-Bassat I., Shpilberg O., Raanani P. Colony-stimulating factors for pvention and treatment of infectious complications in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia – update of Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Vol 9, Art. No.:CD008238, 2011 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Vol 6, Art. No.:CD008238, 2012 (journal IF = 6.035; journal 5-Year IF = 6.539; MEDICINE, GENERAL ” INTERNAL journal rank = 13 of 154; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: 3)
    • 57. Ram R., Farbman L., Leibovici L., Raanani P., Yeshurun M., Vidal L., Gafter-Gvili A., Peck A., Shpilberg O., Paul M.

      Characteristics of initial compared with subsequent bacterial infections among

      hospitalised haemato-oncological patients.

      International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents Vol. 40, pp 123 – 126, 2012 (journal IF = 4.097; journal 5-Year IF = 4.349; INFECTIOUS DISEASES journal rank =
      16 of 83; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations:9)

      58. Gurion R., Gafter-Gvili A., Vidal L., Leader A., Ram R., Shacham-Abulafia A., Paul M., Ben-Bassat I., Shpilberg O., Raanani P.

      Has the time for first-line treatment with second generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia already come?

      Systematic review and meta-analysis.

      Haematologica Vol 98, pp 95-102, 2013 (journal IF = 6.671; journal 5-Year IF = 5.877; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 4 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: 13)

      59. Vidal L., Gafter-Gvili A., Gurion R., Raanani P., Dreyling M., Shpilberg O. Bendamustine for patients with indolent B cell lymphoid malignancies including chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.

      Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Vol 9, Art. No.:CD009045, 2012 (journal IF = 6.035; journal 5-Year IF = 6.539; MEDICINE, GENERAL ” INTERNAL journal rank = 13 of 154; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: 0)

      60. Ram R., Magen-Nativ H., Vidal L., Herscovici C., Peck A, . Raanani P., Shpilberg O., Yeshurun M.

      Toxicity of autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation in patients with

      multiple myeloma – comparison between two different induction regimens.

      Clinical Transplantation Vol. 26, E549-54, 2012 (journal IF = 1.844; journal 5-Year IF = 1.761; SURGERY journal rank = 77 of 199; Quartile in Category – Q2; no. of citations: 0)

      61. Muchtar E., Vidal L., Ram R., Gafter-Gvili A., Shpilberg O., Raanani P.

      The role of maintenance therapy in acute promyelocytic leukemia in first complete remission. Systematic review and meta-analysis.

      Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Vol 3, Art. No.:CD009594, 2013 (journal IF = 6.035; journal 5-Year IF = 6.539; MEDICINE, GENERAL ” INTERNAL journal rank = 13 of 154; Quartile in Category – Q1;
      no. of citations:0)

      62. Ovcharenko A., Granot G., Shpilberg O., Raanani P.

      Retinoic acid induces adhesion and migration in NB4 cells through Pyk2 signaling.

      Leukemia Research Vol. 37, pp 956 – 962, 2013 (journal IF = 2.606; journal 5-Year IF = 2.507; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 38 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q3; no. of citations: 3)

      63. Itchaki G., Gafter-Gvili A., Lahav M., Vidal L., Raanani P, Shpilberg O., Paul M.

      Anthracycline-containing regimens for treatment of follicular lymphoma in adults.

      Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews Vol 7, Art. No.:CD008909, 2013 (journal IF = 6.035; journal 5-Year IF = 6.539; MEDICINE, GENERAL ” INTERNAL journal rank = 13 of 154; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: 2)

      64. Gafter-Gvili A., Paul M., Bernstine H., Vidal L., Ram R., Raanani P., Yeshurun M., Tadmor B., Leibovici L., Shpilberg O., Groshar D. The Role of 18F-FDG PET/CT for the diagnosis of infections in patients with hematological malignancies and persistent febrile neutropenia

      Leukemia Research Vol 37, pp 1057 – 1062, 2013 (journal IF = 2.606; journal 5-Year IF = 2.507; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 38 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q3; no. of citations: 4)

      65. Ovcharenko A., Granot G., Shpilberg O., Raanani P.

      Enhanced adhesion/migration and induction of Pyk2 expssion K562 cells following imatinib exposure

      Leukemia Research Vol 37, pp 1729 – 1736, 2013 (journal IF = 2.606; journal 5-Year IF = 2.507; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 38 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q3; no. of citations: 4)

      66. Paul M., Ram R., Kugler E., Farbman L., Peck A., Leibovici L., Lahav M., Yeshurun M., Shiplberg O., Herscovici C, Wolach O., Itchaki G., Bar-Nathan M., Vidal L., Gafter-Gvili A., Raanani P.

      Subcutaneous vs. intravenous G-CSF for the treatment of neutropenia in hospitalized hemato-oncological patients:randomized controlled trial.

      American Journal of Hematology Vol 89, pp 243 – 248, 2014 (journal IF = 5; journal 5-Year IF = 4.041; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 13 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: 3)

      67. Muchtar E., Raanani P., Yeshurun M., Shpliberg O., Magen-Nativ H.

      Myeloma in scar – an under reported phenomenon or an emerging entity in the novel agents’ era? Single center series report.

      Acta Haematologica Vol 132, pp 39 – 44, 2014 (journal IF = 1.053; journal 5-Year IF = 0.923; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 62 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q4; no. of citations: 2)

      68. Muchtar E., Ram R., Raanani P., Yeshurun M., Oniashvili N., Shpilberg O., Magen H.

      First line and salvage therapy with total therapy 3-based treatment for multiple

      myeloma-An extended single center experience.

      Leukemia Research Vol 38, pp 1401-1406, 2014 (journal IF = 2.606; journal 5-Year IF = 2.507; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 38 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q3; no. of citations: 0)

      69. Shepshelovich D., Edel Y., Goldvaser H., Dujovny T., Wolach O., Raanani P. Pharmacodynamics of cytarabine induced leucopenia:a retrospective cohort study.

      British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Vol 79, pp 685 – 691, 2014 (journal IF = 3.83; journal 5-Year IF = 3.878; PHARMACOLOGY ” PHARMACY journal rank = 48 of 253; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: 0)

      70. Hershkovitz-Rokah O., Modai S., Pasmanik-Chor M., Toren A., Shomron N., Raanani P., Shpilberg O., Granot G.

      MiR-30e induces apoptosis and sensitizes K562 cells to imatinib treatment via regulation of the BCR-ABL protein.

      Cancer Letters Vol 356, pp 597 – 605, 2015 (journal IF = 5.992; journal 5-Year IF = 5.174; ONCOLOGY journal rank = 23 of 213; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: 10)

      71. Kugler E., Levi A., Goldberg E., Zaig E., Raanani P., Paul M.

      The association of central venous catheter placement timing with infection rates in patients with acute leukemia.

      Leukemia Research Vol 38, pp 1401-1406, 2014< (journal IF = 2.606; journal 5-Year IF = 2.507; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 38 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q3; no. of citations: 2)

      72. Wolach O., Itchaki G., Bar-Natan M., Yeshurun M., Ram R., Herscovici C., Shpilberg O., Douer D., Tallman M., Raanani P.

      High dose cytarabine as salvage therapy for relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia – is more better or more of the same?

      Hematological Oncology Vol 34, pp 28 – 35, 2016 (journal IF = 3.494; journal 5-Year IF = 2.533; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 24 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q2; no. of citations: 0)

      73. Hershkovitz-Rokah O., Modai S., Pasmanik-Chor M., Toren A., Shomron N., Raanani P., Shpilberg O, Granot G.

      Restoration of miR-424 suppsses BCR-ABL activity and sensitizes CML cells to imatinib treatment.

      Cancer Letters Vol 360, pp 245 – 256, 2015 (journal IF = 5.992; journal 5-Year IF = 5.174; ONCOLOGY journal rank = 23 of 213; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: 5)

      74. Hazan-Halevy I.,Rosenblum D.,Weinstein S., Bairey O., Raanani P.,Peer D. Cell-specific uptake of mantle cell lymphoma- derived exosomes by B-lymphocytes in a cholesterol dependent pathway.

      Cancer Letters Vol 364, pp 59 – 69, 2015 (journal IF = 5.992; journal 5-Year IF = 5.174; ONCOLOGY journal rank = 23 of 213; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: 4)

      75. Gafter-Gvili A., Ribakovsky E., Mizrahi N., Avigdor A., Aviv A., Vidal L., Ram R., Perry C., Avivi I., Kedmi M., Nagler A., Raanani P., Gurion R.

      Infections associated with bendamustine – retrospective multicenter study. Leukemia and Lymphoma Vol 57, pp 63 – 69, 2016 (journal IF = 3.093; journal 5-Year IF = 2.704; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 28 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q2; no. of citations: 0)

      76. Vidal L., Shpilberg O., Gurion R., Monsef I., Raanani P., Ram R., Gafter -Gvili A. CHOP-like-14 compared to CHOP-like-21 for patients with aggressive lymphoma – a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

      Acta Oncologica Vol 55, pp 77 – 84, 2016 (journal IF = 3.73; journal 5-Year IF = 3.417; ONCOLOGY journal rank = 66 of 213; Quartile in Category – Q2;
      no. of citations:0)

      77. Yeshurun M., Shpilberg O., Herscovici C., Shargian L., Dreyer J., Peck A., Israeli M., Levy-Assaraf M., Gruenewald T., Mechoulam R., Raanani P., Ram R. Cannabidiol for the pvention of graft-versus-host-disease after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation: results of a phase II study

      Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation Vol 21, pp 1770 – 1775, 2015 (journal IF = 3.98; journal 5-Year IF = 3.992; TRANSPLANTATION journal rank = 4 of 25; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations:0)

      78. Shahal-Zimra Y., Rotem Z., Chezar J., Oniashvili N., Leader A., Raanani P., Rabizadeh E.

      Adult p B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia with unusually large proportion ofbone marrow CD45 bright/high SSc blasts.

      Cytometry, part B (Clinical Cytometry) 2015 Sep 28. (journal IF = 2.822; journal 5-Year IF =2.323;
      MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY journal rank = 6 of 30; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: 0)

      79. Shacham-Abulafia A., Itchaki G., Yeshurun M., Paul M., Peck A., Leader A., Shpilberg O., Ram R., Raanani P.

      High intensity induction chemotherapy is feasible for elderly patients with acute myeloid leukemia.

      Acta Haematologica Vol 135, pp 55-64, 2016 (journal IF = 1.053; journal 5-Year IF = 0.923; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 62 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q4; no. of citations: 0)

      80. Muchtar E. Gatt M., Rouvio O., Ganzel C., Lavi N., Shochat T., Cohen Y., Avivi I., Raanani P., Magen H.

      Efficacy and safety of salvage therapy using Carfilzomib for relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma patients:a multicentre retrospective observational study.

      British Journal of Haematology Vol 172, pp 89-96, 2016 (journal IF = 5.401; journal 5-Year IF = 5.151; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 10 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: 1)

      81. Muchtar E., Magen H., Itchaki G., Cohen A., Rosenfeld R, Shochat T., Kornowski R., Iakobishvili Z., Raanani P. Uninvolved immunoglobulins pdicting hematological response in newly diagnosed AL amyloidosis. Leukemia Research Vol 41, pp 56 – 61, 2016 (journal IF = 2.606; journal 5-Year IF = 2.507; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 38 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q3; no. of citations: 0)

      82. Weinstein S., Toker I.A., Emmanuel R., Ramishetti S., Hazan-Halevy I., Rosenblum D., Goldsmith M., Abraham A., Benjamini O., Bairey O., Raanani P., Nagler A., Lieberman J., Peer D. Harnessing RNAi-based nanomedicines for therapeutic gene silencing in B-cell malignancies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A (PNAS) Vol 113, pp E16-22, 2016 (journal IF = 9.423; journal 5-Year IF = 10.285; MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES journal rank = 4 of 63; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: 1)

      83. Vidal L., Gurion R., Ram R., Raanani P., Bairey O., Robak T., Gafter-Gvili A., Shpilberg O. Chlorambucil for the treatment of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) – a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. Leukemia and Lymphoma. 2016 Mar 16:1-11. (journal IF = 3.093; journal 5-Year IF = 2.704; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 28 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q2; no. of citations: not availabel yet)

      84. Al-Ali HK., Griesshammer M., le Coutre P., Waller CF., Liberati AM., Schafhausen P, Tavares R., Giraldo P., Foltz L., Raanani P., Gupta V., Tannir B., Perez Ronco J., Ghosh J., Martino B., Vannucchi AM. Safety and efficacy of ruxolitinib in an open-label, multicenter, single-arm phase 3b expanded-access study in patients with myelofibrosis:a snapshot of 1144 patients in the JUMP trial. Haematologica 2016 May 31. (journal IF = 6.671; journal 5-Year IF = 5.877; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 4 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: not availabel yet)

      85. Muchtar E., Zelig A., Robenshtok E., Shochat T., Oniashvili N., Amitai I., Raanani P., Magen H. Bone Mineral Density Utilization in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma:a Single Center Experience. Hematological Oncology 2016 June 21 (journal IF = 3.494; journal 5-Year IF = 2.533; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 24 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q2; no. of citations: not available yet)

      86. Mittelman M., Filanovsky K., Ofran Y., Rosenbaum H., Raanani P., Braester A., Goldschmidt N., Kirgner I., Herishanu Y., Perri C., Ellis M., Oster HS.; Israel Myelodysplastic Syndrome Working Group (MDS-WG). Azacitidine-lenalidomide (ViLen) combination yields a high response rate in higher risk myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)-ViLen-01 protocol. Annals of Hematology Vol 95, pp 1811 – 1818, 2016. (journal IF = 3.022; journal 5-Year IF = 2.751; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 31 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q2; no. of citations: 0)

      87. Gurion R., Raanani P., Vidal L., Leader A., Gafter-Gvili A. First line treatment with the newer tyrosine kinase inhibitors in chronic myeloid leukemia is associated with a deep and durable molecular response – systematic review and meta-analysis Acta Oncologica Vol 55, pp1077-1083, 2016 (journal IF = 3.73; journal 5-Year IF = 3.417; ONCOLOGY journal rank = 66 of 213; Quartile in Category – Q2; no. of citations: 0)

      88. Gover-Proaktor A., Granot G., Shapira S., Raz O., Pasvolsky O., Nagler A., Lev D.L., Inbal A., Lubin I., Raanani P., Leader A. Ponatinib reduces viability, migration, and functionality of human endothelial cells. Leukemia and Lymphoma Vol 58, pp 1455 – 1467, 2016 (journal IF = 3.093; journal 5-Year IF = 2.704; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 28 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q2; no. of citations: 0)

      89. Grisariu S., Vaxman I., Gatt M., Elias S., Avni B., Arad A., Pasvolsky O., Raanani P., Paltiel O. Enteroviral infection in patients treated with rituximab for non- Hodgkin lymphoma:a case series and review of the literature. Hematological Oncology 2016 Oct 13 (journal IF = 3.494; journal 5-Year IF = 2.533; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 24 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q2; no. of citations: not available yet) Gafter-Gvili A., Gurion R., Raanani P., Shpilberg O., Vidal L. Bendamustine-associated infections-systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Hematological Oncology 2016 Oct 13 (journal IF = 3.494; journal 5-Year IF = 2.533; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 24 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q2; no. of citations: 0)

      91. Leader A., Zelikson-Saporta R., Pereg D., Spectre G., Rozovski U., Raanani P., Hermoni D., Lishner M. The Effect of Combined Aspirin and Clopidogrel Treatment on Cancer Incidence. (journal IF = 5.61; journal 5-Year IF = 5.263; MEDICINE, GENERAL ” INTERNAL journal rank = 14 of 155; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: not available yet) Accepted

      92. Gurevich A., Tzadok S., Rosenberg A., Inbal A., Bar-Natan M., Wolach O., Raanani P. Extended small dose platelet transfusions in multi-transfused hemato-oncological patients:a single center experience. Accepted to:Acta Haematologica



    1.Raanani P., Levi Y., Varon D., Gitel S., Martinowitz U. Congenital afibrinogenemia with bleeding, bone cysts and antibodies to fibrinogen.Harefuah Vol. 121, pp. 291-293, 1991 (journal IF = not applicable; journal 5-Year IF = not applicable; journal rank = not applicable)

    2.Raanani P., Lahav M., Prokocimer M., Poles L., Theodor E. Life threatening hypophosphataemia in a patient with Philadelphia chromosome positive chronic myelogenous leukaemia in acute blastic crisis. Postgraduate Medical Journal Vol. 68, pp. 283-286, 1992 (journal IF = 1.218; journal 5-Year IF = 1.232; journal rank = 56 of 100)

    3.Raanani P., Kunicevki M., Sidi Y. Fever and lymphadenopathy in a 33 year old patient with discoid lupus erythematosus. Clinico-pathological conference.Harefuah Vol. 124, pp. 854-660, 1993 (journal IF = not applicable; journal 5-Year IF = not applicable; journal rank = not applicable)

    4.Bar-Dayan Y., Raanani P., Levy Y., Aharon A., Likumovich P., Skurnik Y. Acute renal failure and fatal respiratory failure in leukemic hyperleukocytosis (clinical conference). Harefuah Vol. 132, pp. 63-67, 1997 (journal IF = not applicable; journal 5-Year IF = not applicable; journal rank = not applicable)

    5.Raanani P., Thaler M., Keller N., Ben-Bassat I. Skin lesions in a patient with hairy cell leukaemia. Postgraduate Medical Journal Vol. 73, pp. 375-377, 1997 (journal IF = 1.218; journal 5-Year IF = 1.232; journal rank = 56 of 100)

    6.Kreiss Y., Schwartz E., Kaminski N., Raanani P., Schiby G.., Zvas Z., Sidi Y.

    Unique pulmonary psentation of intravascular large cell lymphoma.

    Respiratory Medicine Vol. 92, pp. 1087-1089, 1998 (journal IF = 2.235; journal 5-Year IF = 2.146; journal rank = 28 of 75)

    7.Rachmani R., Avigdor A., Youkla M., Raanani P., Zilber M., Ravid M., Ben-Bassat I.

    Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura complicating chronic myelogenous leukemia. A report of two successfully treated patients.

    Acta Haematologica Vol. 100, pp. 204-206, 1998 (journal IF = 1.352; journal 5-Year IF = 1.439; journal rank = 48 of 63)

    8.Levi I., Raanani P., Shalmon B., Schiby-Brilliant R., Ben-Bassat I. Acute neutrophilic dermatosis induced by all-trans-retinoic acid treatment for acute promyelocytic leukaemia.

    Leukemia ” Lymphoma Vol. 34, pp. 401-404, 1999 (journal IF = 1.512; journal 5-Year IF = 1.461; journal rank = 41 of 63)

    9.Sharabi Y., Raanani P., Shenkar A, Thaler M., Grossman E.

    Plasma cell dyscrasia with polyneuropathy – POEMS syndrome psenting with vasculitic skin lesions and responding to combination chemotherapy

    Leukemia ” lymphoma Vol. 40, pp. 209-213, 2000 (journal IF = 1.512; journal 5-Year IF = 1.461; journal rank = 41 of 63)

    10.Gayer G., Zandman-Goddard G., Raanani P., Hertz M., Apter S.

    Widespad abdominal venous thrombosis in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria diagnosed on CT.

    Abdominal Imaging Vol. 26, pp. 414-419, 2001 (journal IF = 1.213; journal 5-Year IF = 1.258; journal rank = 60 of 87)

    11.Raanani P., Goldman J.M., Ben-Bassat I.

    Depigmentation in a chronic myeloid leukemia patient treated with STI-571

    Journal of Clinical Oncology Vol 20, pp. 869 – 870, 2002 (journal IF = 15.484; journal 5-Year IF = 13.753; journal rank = 5 of 132)

    12.Levi I., Dinour D., Ben-Bassat I., Raanani P.

    Acute myeloid leukemia associated with nephrotic syndrome.

    Leukemia ” Lymphoma Vol 4, pp. 1133-1136, 2002 (journal IF = 1.512; journal 5-Year IF = 1.461; journal rank = 41 of 63)

    13.Gurion R., Groshar D., Schindel A., Shpilberg O., Raanani P.

    18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-avid mammary mass in a patient with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and Hodgkin’s lymphoma: relapse or pitfall?

    The Israel Medical Association Journal Vol 8, pp 838-839, 2006 (journal IF = 0.577; journal 5-Year IF = 0.583; journal rank = 42 of 100)

    14.Sapoznikov B., Morgenstern S., Raanani P., Aviram A., Rabizadeh E., Prokocimer M., Niv Y.

    Follicular lymphoma with extensive gastrointestinal tract involvement: follow- up by capsule endoscopy.Digestive Diseases and Sciences Vol 52, pp 1031 – 1035, 2007 (journal IF = 1.319; journal 5-Year IF = 1.582; journal rank = 41 of 50)

    15.Gafter-Gvili A., Ram R., Gafter U., Shpilberg O., Raanani P.

    Renal failure associated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors – case report and review of the literature. (journal IF = 2.390; journal 5-Year IF = 2.160; journal rank = 34 of 62)

    16.Wolach O, Yeshurun M, Amariglio N, Shpilberg O, Raanani P.

    Acute promyelocytic leukemia with a smoldering course associated with

    therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome.

    Acta Haematologica Vol 126, pp 152 – 156, 2011 (journal IF = 1.053; journal 5-Year IF = 0.923; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 62 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q4; no. of citations: 1)

    17.Muchtar E, Paul M, Horowitz A, Shpilberg O, Raanani P.

    Persistent carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteremia in a patient

    with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

    Israel Medical Association Journal:IMAJ Vol 14, pp 195 – 197, 2012 (journal IF = 0.879; journal 5-Year IF = 1.014; MEDICINE, GENERAL ” INTERNAL journal rank = 98 of 151; Quartile in Category – Q3; no. of citations: 1)

    18.Shacham – Abulafia A., Nagar R., Ram E., Levavi H., Vidal L., Shpilberg O., Raanani P.

    Burkitt Lymphoma of the Ovary:Case Report and Literature Review

    Acta Haematologica Vol 129, pp 169 – 174, 2013 (journal IF = 1.053; journal 5-Year IF = 0.923; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 62 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q4; no. of citations: 0)

    19.Shepshelovich D., Shpilberg O., Lahav M., Itchaki G., Raanani P., Cohen A.

    Hodgkin Lymphoma and Hypothermia:Case Report and Review of the Literature.

    Acta Haematologica Vol 131, pp 227 – 230, 2014 (journal IF = 1.053; journal 5-Year IF = 0.923; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 62 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q4; no. of citations: 1)

    20.Shepshelovich D., Oniashvili N., Parnes D., Klein A., Muchtar E., Yeshaya J., Aviram A., Rabizadeh E., Raanani P. Acute promyelocytic leukemia with isochromosome 17q and cryptic PML-RARA successfully treated with all-trans retinoic acid and arsenic trioxide.

    Cancer Genetics Vol 208, pp 575-579, 2015 (journal IF = 2.333; journal 5-Year IF = 2.805; ONCOLOGY journal rank = 135 of 213; Quartile in Category – Q3; no. of citations: 0)

    21.Wasserstrum Y., Raanani, P., Kornowski R., Iakobishvili Z.

    Concomitant treatment with ibrutinib and amiodarone causing reversible heart failure syndrome.

    Israel Medical Association Journal Vol 18, pp 433- 434, 2016 (journal IF = 0.879; journal 5-Year IF = 1.014; GENERAL ” INTERNAL MEDICINE journal rank = 99 of 105; Quartile in Category – Q3; no. of citations: 0)



    1. Raanani P., Martinowitz U. Chronic fatigue syndrome – review. Harefuah, Vol. 127, pp. 467-471, 1994 (journal IF = not applicable; journal 5-Year IF = not applicable; journal rank = not applicable)

    2. Raanani P., Shpilberg O., Ben-Bassat I.

    2-chlorodeoxyadenosine(2-CdA) therapy in hairy cell leukemia – review.Harefuah, Vol. 126, pp. 673-676, 1994 (journal IF = not applicable; journal 5-Year IF = not applicable; journal rank = not applicable)

    3. Raanani P., Ben-Bassat I.

    Immune-mediated Complications during interferon therapy in hematological patients.

    Acta Haematologica, Vol. 107, pp. 133-144, 2002 (journal IF = 1.352; journal 5-Year IF = 1.439; journal rank = 48 of 63)

    4.Raanani P., Ben-Bassat I..

    Detection of Minimal Residual Disease in Acute Myelogenous Leukemia.

    Acta HaematologicaVol.112, pp40-54, 2004 (journal IF = 1.352; journal 5-Year IF = 1.439; journal rank = 48 of 63)

    5. Raanani P., Shpilberg O., Ben-Bassat I.

    Extramedullary disease and targeted therapies for hematological malignancies – is the association real?Annals of Oncology Vol. 18, pp 7-12, 2007 (journal IF = 4.875; journal 5-Year IF = 4.805; journal rank = 23 of 132)

    6. Shpilberg O, Ben-Bassat I, Raanani P.

    Targeted and tailored therapy in hemato-oncology: vision for the 21st century.

    The Israel Medical Association Journal Vol. 8, pp 843-844, 2006 (journal IF = 0.577; journal 5-Year IF = 0.583; journal rank = 42 of 100)

    7 Ben-Bassat I, Raanani P, Gale RP.

    Graft-versus-leukemia in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Bone Marrow Transplantation Vol 39, pp441-446, 2007 (journal IF = 3.000; journal 5-Year IF = 2.542;
    journal rank = 25 of 63)

    8. Ram R, Ben-Bassat I, Shpilberg O, Polliack A, Raanani P.

    The late adverse events of rituximab therapy – rare but there!

    Leukemia ” Lymphoma Vol 50, pp 1083-1095, 2009 (journal IF = 1.512; journal 5-Year IF = 1.461; journal rank = 41 of 63)

    9. Ram R, Gafter-Gvili A, Shpilberg O, Raanani P.

    Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for adult patients with acute leukemia: the role of meta-analyses.

    Acta Haematologica Vol. 125, pp 39-46, 2011 (journal IF = 1.053; journal 5-Year IF = 0.923; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 62 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q4;
    no. of citations:1)

    10. Gafter-Gvili A, Ram R, Raanani P, Shpilberg O.

    Management of aplastic anemia: the role of systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

    Acta Haematologica Vol. 125, pp 47-54, 2011 (journal IF = 1.053; journal 5-Year IF = 0.923; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 62 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q4;
    no. of citations:3)

    11. Gurion R, Shacham-Abulafia A, Shpilberg O, Raanani P.

    The use of myeloid colony-stimulating factors in hematologic malignancies: the role of systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

    Acta Haematologica Vol. 125, pp 68-79, 2011 (journal IF = 1.053; journal 5-Year IF = 0.923; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 62 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q4; no. of citations: 3)

    12. Raanani P, Granot G, Ben-Bassat I

    Is cure of chronic myeloid leukemia in the third millennium a down to earth target (ed) or a castle in the air?

    Cancer Letters Vol. 352, pp 21 – 27, 2014 (journal IF = 5.992; journal 5-Year IF = 5.174; ONCOLOGY journal rank = 23 of 213; Quartile in Category – Q1; no. of citations: 1)

    13.Leader A., Raanani P.

    Adherence-related issues in adolescents and young adults with hematological disorders.

    Acta Haematologica Vol. 132, pp 348 – 362, 2014 (journal IF = 1.053; journal 5-Year IF = 0.923; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 62 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q4; no. of citations: 0)

    14.Pasvolsky O., Leader A., Iakobishvili Z., Wasserstrum Y., Kornowski R., Raanani P.

    Tyrosine kinase inhibitor associated vascular toxicity in chronic myeloid


    Cardio-Oncology Vol 1:5, 2015 DOI 10.1186/s40959-015-0008-5

    15.Wasserstrum Y., Kornowski R., Raanani P., Leader A., Pasvolsky O., Iakobishvili Z.,

    Hypertension in cancer patients treated with anti-angiogenic based regimens Cardio-Oncology Vol 1:6, 2015 DOI 10.1186/s40959-015-0009-4

    16.Asheknazy S., Dreyer J., Raanani P., Leader A.

    Adherence to oral treatment in hemato-oncology

    Harefuah, Vol. 156, pp. 254-258, 2017



    1.Ram R., Vidal L., Gurion R., Raanani P., Shpilberg O.:Evidence-based guided interventions in acute leukemia. In:Antica M (Ed):Acute leukemia – the scientist’s perspective and challenge. InTech, 2011, pp 349 -370

    2.Raanani P., Gurion R., Gafter-Gvili A., Ben-Bassat I., Shpilberg O.:The role of hematopoietic growth factors in aplastic anemia:an evidence-based perspective. In:Molineux G, Foote MA, Arvedson T (Eds):Twenty years of G-CSF. Springer Basel, 2012, pp 195 – 210

    3.Saar N., Raanani P., Rozovski U.:Prognostic and pdictive Indicators in Treatment Naïve Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Is It Prime Time to Stratify Patients According to IGHV Mutation Status? In:Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia:Diagnosis, Treatment Options and Prognosis” – Nova Science Publishers 2016


    Raanani P

    Systematic reviews in haematological malignancies

    Evidence-basedReviews in Haemato-Oncology:10th Anniversary of the Cochrane Haematological Malignancies Group, Cologne, 2011.


    1.Martinowitz U., Verroust F., Raanani P., Varon D., Lemay D., Heim M.

    TENS enhanced joint recovery in hemophiliacs with hemarthrosis. Tenth congress of the International Society of Hematology, September 1989, Jerusalem, Israel.

    2.Raanani, P., Lahav M., Prococimer M., Theodor E. Life threatening hypophosphatemia in a patient with Philadelphia chromosome positive CML in acute blastic crisis. The Israeli Society of Internal Medicine, March 1990, Ramat-Gan, Israel.

    3.Martinowitz U., Verroust F., Raanani P., Varon D., Lemay D., Heim M.

    TENS enhanced joint recovery in hemophiliacs with hemarthrosis. XIX International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia International Congress of World Federation of Hemophilia, August 1990, Washington D.C., U.S.A.

    4.Lahav M., Raanani P., Weissenberg R., Regev A., Sagiv M., Singer R. pvention of procarbazine induced sterility by clomiphene – a rat model.

    American Society of Hematology, 33rd annual meeting, December 1991, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.

    5.Lahav M., Raanani P., Weissenberg R., Regev A., Sagiv M., Singer R. Time dependence for the protective effect of clomiphene from procarbazine induced sterility. American Society of Hematology, 34th annual meeting, December 1992, Anaheim, California, U.S.A.

    6.Singer R., Lahav M., Sagiv M., Raanani P., Lurie B., Cohen A., Magazanik A., Levinski H. Sialic acid content and sialyltransferase activity in rats and epididmis of male rats.

    The 27th National Congress of the Israel Society of Clinical Biochemistry, January 1993, Tel-Aviv, Israel

    7.Levinsky H., Singer R., Cohen A., Lurie B., Weissenberg R., Sagiv M., Raanani P., Regev A., Lahav M. The effect of clomiphene citrate and procarbazine on sialytransferase activity in testis and epididmis of the adult rat. Annual meeting of the Israel Society of Fertility, April 1993, Tel-Aviv, Israel

    8.Shamir R., Kenet G., Raanani P., Zajicek G, Arber N. Increased turnover of intra-hepatic bile ducts induced by bromobenzene. American Gastroenterology Association, American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, May 1993. Boston, Massachusettes, U.S.A.

    9.Raanani P., Shpilberg O., Bercowicz M., Sofer O., Hardan I., Chetrit A., Ben-Bassat I.

    Salvage combination chemotherapy for acute leukemia using high dose Ara-C and mitoxantrone. Experience of the Sheba Medical Center.

    The Israeli Society of Hematology, November 1993, Tel-Aviv, Israel

    10.Hardan I., Sofer O., Shpilberg O., Ra’anani P., Ben-Bassat I.

    Safety of stringent prophylactic platelet transfusion (PT) policy for lymphoma patients treated by high dose chemotherapy (HDC) and autologous stem cell support (ASCS(

    20th Annual Meeting of the European Group for Bone Marrow Transplantation and the 10th Meeting of the Nurses Group, March 1994, Harrogate, England, UK

    11.Levinsky H., Singer R., Cohen A., Raanani P., Regev A., Kyzer S., Lahav M. The effect of clomiphene citrate and cyclophosphamide activity in extract of kidney and liver of the rat. The 29th National Congress of the Israel Society of Clinical Biochemistry, January 1995, Tel-Aviv, Israel

    12.Raanani P., Shpilberg O., Bercowicz M., Sofer O., Hardan I., Chetrit A., Avigdor A., Ben-Bassat I. Salvage combination chemotherapy for acute leukemia using high dose Ara-C and mitoxantrone. Experience of the Sheba Medical Center:1991-1995. The Israeli Society of Hematology, March 1996, Natanya, Israel

    13.Weissenberg R., Lahav M., Raanani P., Madgar I.

    pvention of procarbazine – induced sterility by clomiphene isomers and tamoxifen:A rat model

    VIth International Congress of Andrology, May 1997, Salzburg, Austria

    14.Dazzi F., Raanani P., van Rhee F., Olavarria E., Szydlo R.M., Apperley J., Goldman, J.M., Cross N.C.P. RT-PCR for BCR-ABL transcripts in CML patients receiving DLI as treatment for relapse after BMT:differing patterns of molecular response. EBMT-European Group for Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation-23 Annual meeting, March 1997, Aix-les-bains, France

    15.Raanani P., Cross N., Goldman J. Competitive PCR-The method and clinical applications. The Israeli Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, September 1997, Dead Sea Israel.

    16.Dazzi F., Raanani P., van Rhee F., Olavarria O., Murphy K.M., Philpott N.J., Apperley J.F., Cross N.C..P, Goldman J.M. Responses to donor lymphocyte infusion in CML patients in relapse after BMT may be partial and transient:further evidence for a dose-response effect. American Society of Hematology, 39th annual meeting, December 1997, San Diego, California, U.S.A.

    17.Raanani P., Dazzi F., Sohal J., Szydlo R.M., van Rhee F., Reiter A., Lin F., Apperley J.F., Goldman J.M., Cross N.C.P. The incidence, kinetics and durability of response to donor leukocyte transfusions for CML patients who relapse after BMT.

    American Society of Hematology, 39th annual meeting, December 1997, San Diego, California, U.S.A.

    18.Raanani P., Shpilberg O., Gilis S., Avigdor A., Hardan I., Berkowicz M., Sofer O., Lossos I., Chetrit A., Ben-Yehuda D., Ben-Bassat I. Salvage therapy of refractory acute leukemia with high-dose mitoxantrone and cytarabine. American Society of Hematology, 39th annual meeting. December 1997, San Diego, California, U.S.A.

    19.Dazzi F., Raanani P., van Rhee F., Szydlo R. M., Olavarria E., Kaeda J., Apperley J.F., Cross N.C.P., Goldman J.M. Donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) for relapse of CML after allo-BMT:comparison of two regimens. EBMT-European Group for Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation- 24th Annual Meeting, March 1998, Courmayeur, Italy

    20.Kaeda J.S., Dazzi .F., Baker P., Raanani .P, Knafer E., Apperley J.F., Cross N.C.P., Goldman J.M. Escalating doses of DLI identify a subset of CML patients in relapse after allografting in whom only a partial or transient response is achieved.

    EBMT-European Group for Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation-

    24th Annual Meeting, March 1998, Courmayeur, Italy

    21.Hardan I., Avigdor A., Attias D., Raz H., Berkowitcz M., Raanani .P, Sareli R., Levy I., Ben-Bassat I.

    High dose melphalan and etoposide (VP-16) with autologous stem cell support for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM) patients- a phase II study.

    EBMT-European Group for Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation- 24th

    Annual Meeting, March 1998, Courmayeur, Italy

    22.Raanani P., Levi I., Shpilberg O., Holzman F., Grotto I., Simoni F., Avigdor A., Berkowicz M., Hardan I., Ben-Bassat I..

    Engraftment associated hypophosphatemia – the role of cytokine release and steep leukocyte Rise post stem cell transplantation.

    American Society of Hematology, 41st annual meeting, December 1999, New-Orleans, U.S.A.

    23.Raanani P., Levi I., Shpilberg O., Holzman F., Grotto I., Brok-Simoni F., Avigdor A., Berkowicz M., Hardan I., Kneller A. and Ben-Bassat I..

    Engraftment associated hypophosphatemia – the role of cytokine release and steep leukocyte rise post stem cell transplantation.

    The Israeli Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, October 1999, Dead Sea, Israel

    24.Raanani P., Levi I., Holzman F., Grotto I., Shpilberg O., Brok-Simoni F., Avigdor A., Berkowicz M., Hardan I., Kneller A., Ben-Bassat I.

    The role of cytokines and leucocyte rise in the development of hypophosphataemia after pbsct.

    26th Annual Meeting European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation and 16th Meeting of the Nurses Group, March 2000, Innsbruck, Austria

    25. Raanani P., Levi I., Holzman F., Grotto I., Brok-Simoni F., Avigdor A., Berkowicz M., Davidson J., Shpilberg O., Ben-Bassat I.

    The role of cytokines and leukocyte rise in the development of hypophosphatemia after PBSCT.

    Cancer Biology Research Center – annual meeting February 2001, Eilat

    26.Hardan I., Kneller A., Avigdor A., Raz H., Berkowicz M., Sareli R., Shimoni A., Levi I., Raanani P., Ben-Bassat I. Rescue of multiple myeloma patients with disease progression after autologous PBSC transplantation.

    27th Annual Meeting European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation and 17th Meeting of the Nurses Group, March 2001

    27. Levy-Nissenbaum O., Sagi-Assif O., Kapon D., Hantisteanu S., Raanani P.,

    Avigdor A., Ben-Bassat I., Witz I.P.

    High Expssion of the Dual-Specificity Phosphatase PYST2 in Leukocytes Derived from AML Patients.

    American Society of Hematology, 43rd annual meeting, December 2001, Orlando, U.S.A.

    28.Shimoni A., Hardan I., Avigdor A., Yeshurun M., Raanani P., Ben-Bassat I., NaglerA.

    Post-transplant Rituximab reduces relapse risk after allogeneic and

    autologous stem-cell transplantation (SCT) in high-risk aggressive lymphoma.

    American Society of Hematology, 44th annual meeting, December 2002, Philadelphia, U.S.A.

    29.Cohen A., Polliack A., Ben-Bassat I., Avigdor A., Bennett M., Berkowicz M., Attias D., Dann E., Hatskelzon L., Levi I., Libster D., Rahmani R, Raanani P., Rowe JM, Shtalrid M., Yerushalmi R., Yeshurun M.

    Results of a Phase II study employing a combination of fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and Rituximab (FCR) as primary therapy for patients with advanced follicular lymphoma (FL):The Israel Cooperative Lymphoma Group.

    American Society of Hematology, 44th annual meeting, December 2002, Philadelphia, U.S.A.

    30.Raanani P., Ben-Bassat I., Gan S., Trakhtenbrot L., Mark Z., Itskovich S., Amariglio N., Brok-Simoni F., Hardan I., Kneler A., Shimoni A., Nagler A.

    A high rate of BCR-ABL negativity by FISH ” multiplex RT-PCR but not by real-time RT-PCR can be achieved in cml patients treated with imatinib.

    The Israeli Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, January 2003, Tel-Aviv

    31.Raanani P., Ben-Bassat I., Gan S., Trakhtenbrot L., Mark Z., Itskovich S., Amariglio N., Brok-Simoni F., Hardan I., Kneler A., Shimoni A., Nagler A.

    A high rate of bcr-abL negativity by fish “multiplex rt-pcr but not by real-time RT-PCR can be achieved in cml patients treated with imatinib”

    Research conference Tel-Aviv University, April 2003, Tel-Aviv

    32.Raanani P., Ben-Bassat I., Gan S., Trakhtenbrot L., Mark Z., Itskovich S., Amariglio N., Brok-Simoni F., Hardan I., Kneler A., Shimoni A., Nagler A.

    The kinetics of molecular response in cml patients treated with imatinib:a comparison between the fish, multiplex and real-time quantitative RT-PCR techniques

    The European Haematology Association – EHA 8, June 2003, Lyon, France

    33.Raanani P., Ben-Bassat I., Itskovich S., Gan S., Morgulis Y., Kneller A., Brok-Simoni F., Rechavi G., Amariglio N., Nagler A.

    Hasford score correlates with the dynamics of imatinib induced reduction of BCR-ABL transcripts in chronic phase CML. American Society of Hematology, 45th annual meeting, December 2003, San Diego, U.S.A.

    34.Hardan I., Shimoni A., Avigdor A., Kneller A., Berkowiicz M., Raanani P., Yeshurum M., Stemmer SM., Shem-Tov N., Ben-Bassat I, Nagler A. Salvage therapy with autologous stem cell support prior to allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with relapsing/secondary acute leukemia and CML blast crisis. American Society of Hematology, 45th annual meeting, December 2003, San Diego, U.S.A.

    35.Raanani P., Ben-Bassat I., Trachtenbrrot L., Avigdor A., Brok-Simoni F., Amariglio N., Nagler A.

    Philadelphia positive T lymphoblastic leukemia – acute leukemia or cml blast crisis?

    The Israeli Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, April 2004, Dead Sea, Israel

    36.Hardan I. Kneller A., Shimoni A., Berkowicz M., Avigdor A., Yeshurun M., Raanani P., Davidowich Y., Shemtov N., Ben-Bassat I., Nagler A. Salvage of multiple myeloma patients relapse after an autologous stem cell transplantation, in the era of thalidomide and reduced-intensity allogeneic stem cell transplantation. 30th annual meeting of the European group of blood and bone marrow transplanation, March 2004, Barcelona, Spain

    37.Hardan I., Shimoni A., Avigdor A., Kneller A., Berkowicz M., Raanani P., Stemmer SM., Shemtov N., Yeshurun M., Ben-Bassat I., Nagler A. Autologous stem cell support of induction therapy prior to allogeneic transplantation to improve treatment delivery in patients with relapsing or secondary acute leukemia and CML blast crisis. 30th annual meeting of the European group of blood and bone marrow transplanation, March 2004, Barcelona, Spain

    38.Hardan I., Kneller A., Shimoni A., Berkowicz M., Avigdor A., Yeshurun M., Raanani P., Davidowich I., Shemtov, N., Ben Bassat I., Nagler A.

    Prolongation of overall survival of multiple myeloma patients by the combination therapy of thalidomide and reduced-intensity conditioning allogeneic stem cell transplantation at progression after autologous bone marrow transplantation.

    31st Annual Meeting of the European-Group-for-Blood-and-Marrow-Transplantation/21st Meeting of the EBMT-Nurses-Group/4th Meeting of the EBMT-Data-Management-Group, March 2005, Prague, Czech Republic

    39.Hardan L., Meirow D., Shimoni A., Levron J., Shemtov, N., Fridman E., Zalel Y., Kneller A., Raanani P., Berkowicz M., Ben-Bassat I., Schiff E., Nagler A., Dor J. Spontaneous pgnancy and fertility pservation program in women undergoing high dose chemotherapy for hematological malignancies.

    47th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology, December, 2005 Atlanta GA, USA

    40.Ram R., Gafter-Gvili A., Yeshurun M., Paul M., Raanani P., Shpilberg O.

    The efficacy of prophylaxis regimens for acute graft-versus-host disease in patients undergoing bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation – systematic review and meta-analysis

    34th Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation March 2008, Florence, Italy

    41.Gurion R., Gafter-Gvili A., Paul M., Vidal L., Ben-Bassat I., Yeshurun M., Shpilberg O., Raanani P.

    Should haematopoietic growth factors be included in the immunosuppssive treatment for severe aplastic anaemia – a systematic review and meta-analysis 34th Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation March 2008, Florence, Italy

    42.Mor R., Uziel O., Shpilberg O., Lahav J., Raanani P., Rabizadeh E., Zimra Y., Lahav M., Granot G.

    The effect of imatinib mesylate on the signal transduction cascade regulating telomerase activity in k562 cells and in k562 cells resistant to imatinib mesylate.

    13th Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, June, 2008 Copenhagen, Denmark

    43.Gurion R., Vidal L., Gafter-Gvili A., Belnik Y., Yeshurun M., Raanani P., Shpilberg O.

    The role of hypomethylating agents in the treatment of patients with myelodysplastic syndrome – systematic review and meta-analysis.

    14th Congress of the European Hematology Association, June 2009 Berlin, Germany

    44.Ram R., Gafter-Gvili A., Vidal L., Paul M., Ben-Bassat I., Shpilberg O., Raanani P.

    Management of Adult Patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in First Complete Remission:Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 51st Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology, December, 2009, New Orleans, USA

    45.Gurion R, Belnik-Plitman Y, Gafter-Gvili A, Paul M, Vidal L, Ben-Bassat I, Shpilberg O, Raanani P. Myeloid Colony- Stimulating Factors Do Not Increase the Risk of Mortality or Disease Activity Measures in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia:Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . 51st Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology, December, 2009, New Orleans, USA

    46.Ovcharenko A, Granot G, Shpilberg O, Raanani P. Molecular Mechanisms Involved in the Development of Extramedullary Disease Following the Administration of All-Trans Retinoic Acid to Patients with Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia. 51st Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology, December, 2009, New Orleans, USA

    47.Gafter-Gvili A, Bernstine H, Vidal L, Paul M, Ram R, Raanani P, Yeshurun Y, Shpilberg O, Groshar D. The Role of 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography and CT (PET-CT) for the Diagnosis of Infections in Hemato-Oncological Patients with Persistent Neutropenia and Fever 51st Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology, December, 2009, New Orleans, USA

    48.Cohen Y, Cohen-Berger T, Eshel L, Stern D, Bairey O, Raanani P, Bernstine H, Shpilberg O, Groshar D. Pulmonary Infiltrates in NHL Patients Receiving Rituximab Combined with Chemotherapy: 18Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography and CT (PET-CT) Analysis and Clinical Correlates 51st Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology, December, 2009, New Orleans, USA

    49.Shapira S., Granot G., Mor-Tzuntz R.,Raanani P., Uziel O., Lahav M., Shpilberg O.

    The effect of nilotinib and dasatinib on telomerase activity and regulation in k562 cells

    15th Congress of the European Hematology Association, June 2010 Barcelona, Spain

    50. Gafter-Gvili A., Bernstine H., Vidal L., Paul M., Ram R., Raanani P., Yeshurun Y., Shpilberg O., Groshar D.

    The role of 18f-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography and CT (PET-CT) for the diagnosis of infections in hemato-oncological patients with persistent neutropenia and fever.

    XXXIII World Congress of the International Society of Hematology 2010, Jerusalem, Israel

    51.Itchaki G., Gafter-Gvili A., Lahav M.,
    Raanani P
    ., Vidal L., Paul M., Shpilberg O.

    Anthracycline-containing regimens for treatment of follicular lymphoma in adults:systematic review and meta-analysis.

    52nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology 2010, Orlando, USA

    52.Gurion R., Gafter-Gvili A., Vidal L., Paul M., Ben-Bassat, I., Yeshurun M., Shpilberg O., Raanani P. Hematopoietic growth factors in aplastic anemia patients treated with immunosuppssive therapy:systematic review and meta-analysis-2010 update

    52nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology 2010, Orlando, USA

    53.Ram R., Paul M., Gafter-Gvili A., Heshkovitz K., Israeli M., Peck A., Raanani P., Shpilberg O., Yeshurun M. Early post-transplantation febrile episodes are associated with increased risk for acute graft-versus-host disease BMT Tandem Meetings, February 2011, Hawaii, USA

    54.Vidal L., Gafter-Gvili A., Gurion R., Dreyling M., Raanani P., Shpilberg O.

    Bendamustine for patients with indolent lymphoma – a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials 11th International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma 15-18 June 2011, Lugano, Switzerland

    55.Gurion R., Gafter-Gvili A., Vidal L., Leader A., Ram R., Sacham- Abulafia A., Ben Bassat I., Shpliberg O., Raanani P.

    The new tyrosine kinase inhibitors for first-line treatment in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia-systematic review and meta-analysis.

    16th Congress of the European Hematology Association, June 2011, London, UK

    56.Gafter-Gvili A., Leader A., Gurion R., Vidal L., Ram R., Shacham-Avulafia A., Ben-Bassat I., Lishner M., Shpilberg O., Raanani P.

    The efficacy and safety of higher doses of imatinib for the treatment of newly diagnosed pviously untreated chronic myeloid leukemia patients in chronic phase –systematic review and meta-analysis

    16th Congress of the European Hematology Association, June 2011, London, UK

    57.Ovcharenko A., Granot G., Shpilberg O., Raanani P.

    Enhanced adhesion ” migration and induction of pyk2 complex fomation in NB4 and k562 cells following ATRA and imatinib treatment

    16th Congress of the European Hematology Association, June 2011, London, UK

    58.Vidal L, Gurion R, Gafter-Gvili A, Raanani P, Bairy O, Robak T, Shpilberg O

    Chlorambucil for the treatment of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) – systematic review and meta-analysis.

    17th Congress of the European Hematology Association, June 2012, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    59.Muchtar E., Vidal L, Gafter-Gvili A, Ram R., Shpilberg O., Raanani P

    The role of maintenance therapy in acute promyelocytic leukemia:

    a systematic review and meta-analysis

    17th Congress of the European Hematology Association, June 2012, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    60.Gafter-Gvili A, Paul M, Bernstine H, Vidal L, Ram R, Raanani P, Yeshurun M,

    Tadmor B, Shpilberg O, Groshar D

    The role of PET-CT for the diagnosis of infections in patients with hematological malignancies and persistent febrile neutropenia

    17th Congress of the European Hematology Association, June 2012, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    61.Gafter-Gvili A., Gurion R., Raanani P., Shpilberg O., Vidal L. Bendamustine is not associated with an increase in infections – systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

    19th Congress of the European Hematology Association, June 2014, Milan, Italy

    62.Hershkovitz Rokah O., Granot G., Ovcharenko A., Modai S., Pasmanik-Chor M., Toren A., Shomron N., Raanani P., Shpilberg O.:miRNA-30E targets BCR-ABL1 and sensitizes K562 cells to imatinib treatment.

    19th Congress of the European Hematology Association, June 2014, Milan, Italy

    63.Dahan-Shriki D., Gafter-Gvili A., Vidal L., Raanani P., Shpilberg O., Gurion R.

    The role of high dose chemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation as first line treatment in patients with aggressive non-hodgkin lymphoma:a systematic review and meta-analysis

    19th Congress of the European Hematology Association, June 2014, Milan, Italy

    64.Gafter-Gvili A., Ribakovsky E., Mizrahi N., Avigdor A., Aviv A., Vidal L., Ram R., Nagler A., Raanani P., Gurion R.

    Infections associated with bendamustine – a retrospective multicenter study

    56th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology 2014, San Francisco, USA

    65.Griesshammer M., Vannucchi A.M., le Coutre P., Tavares R.S., Al-Ali H.K., Raanani P., Gupta, V., Foltz LM., Giraldo P., Bouard C., Ronco J.P., Ghosh J., Martino B. Safety and Efficacy of ruxolitinib in patients with low platelets enrolled in a phase 3b expanded-access study in myelofibrosis (MF)

    56th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology 2014, San Francisco, USA

    66.Gupta, V., Tavares R.S., Griesshammer M., Foltz LM., Raanani P., Giraldo P., Al-Ali H.K., Martino B., Tannir B., Ronco J.P., Ghosh J., Vannucchi A.M. Safety and safety and efficacy of ruxolitinib retreatment after treatment interruption in patients enrolled in an open-label, multicenter, expanded-access study in myelofibrosis

    56th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology 2014, San Francisco, USA

    67.Martino B., le Coutre P., Griesshammer M., Illmer T., Schlag R., Waller C.F., Liberati A.M., Schafhausen P., Tavares R.S., Vannucchi A.M., Giraldo P., Foltz LM., Raanani P., Gupta, V., Tannir B., Ronco J.P., Ghosh J., Al-Ali H.K. Safety and efficacy of ruxolitinib in an open-label, multicenter, single-arm, expanded-access study in patients with myelofibrosis (mf):an 1144-patient update

    56th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology 2014, San Francisco, USA

    68.Gurion R., Vidal L., Leader A., Raanani P., Gafter-Gvili A. The role of the newer tyrosine kinase inhibitors as first line treatment in chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia – an updated meta-analysis 56th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology 2014, San Francisco, USA

    69.Shargian-Alon L., Pazgal I., Raanani P., Rachmilewitz E., Stark P. Thalassemia major and intermedia in older patients – a single center experience 56th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology 2014, San Francisco, USA

    70.Tzadok S., Gurevich A., Inbal A., Bar-Natan M., Wolach O., Raanani P Continuous platelet transfusion increases platelet increment in refractory hemato-oncological patients – a single center experience
    56th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology 2014, San Francisco, USA

    71.Vidal L., Gafter-Gvili A., Dreyling M., Ghielmini M., Unterhalt M., Raanani P., Shpilberg O., Ram R., Gurion R.

    Rituximab maintenance (MR) for patients with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) – a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
    56th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology 2014, San Francisco, USA

    72. Shepshelovich D., Klein A., Oniashvili N., Yeshaya J., Aviram A., Parnes D., Rabizadeh E., Raanani P. Acute promyelocytic leukemia with isochromosome 17q and cryptic PML-RARA successfully treated with all-trans retinoic acid and arsenic trioxide. 10th European Cytogenetics Conference 2015, Strasburg, France

    73. Shapira S., Raanani P., Lubin I., Nagler A., Arber N., Granot G.

    Selective death of leukemic stem cells induced by deferasirox

    20th Congress of European-Hematology-Association 2015, Vienna, Austria

    74. Giraldo P. Palandri F., Palumbo GA., Zaritskey A., Calistri E., Skotnicki A., Devos T., Saavedra D., Griesshammer M., Al-Ali, HK., Tavares R., Vannucchi, AM., Gupta V., Raanani P., Tannir B., Ghosh J., Ronco JP., Foltz L.

    Safety and efficacy of Ruxolitinib (Rux) in patients with intermediate-1-risk myelofibrosis (MF) from an open-label, multicenter, single-arm expanded-access study.

    20th Congress of European-Hematology-Association, 2015, Vienna, Austria

    75. Leader A., Benyamini N., De Geest S., Dreyer J., Calvarysky B., ; Gechler S., Amitai A., Yarchovsky-Dolberg O., Sharf G., Tousset E., Caspi O., Ellis M., Levi I., Gvili, AG., Raanani P.

    Assessing risk factors of electronically measured medication non-adherence in CML patients: an observational longitudinal design-a subanalysis of the TAKE-IT study.

    20th Congress of European-Hematology-Association 2015, Vienna, Austria

    76.Gover-Proaktor A., Pasvolsky O., Raanani P., Nagler A., Shapira S., Lubin I., Granot G., Leader A.

    Pathogenesis of ponatinib associated vascular disease in chronic myeloid leukemia:an in vitro study.

    57th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology 2015 Orlando, USA

    77.Leader A., Benyamini N., De Geest S., Dreyer J., Calvarysky B., Gechler S., Amitai A., Jarchowsky-Dolberg O., Sharf G., Tousset E., Caspi O., Ellis, M., Levi I., Gafter-Gvili A., Raanani P.

    The effect of adherence-encouraging interventions on adherence to tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment in chronic myeloid leukemia (TAKE-IT):a p-post intervention pilot study

    57th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology 2015, Orlando, USA

    78.Leader A., Zelikson-Saporta R., Rozovski U., Pereg D., Raanani P., Spectre G., Lishner M., Hermoni D.

    Clopidogrel treatment is associated with a decrease in cancer incidence.

    57th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology 2015, Orlando, USA

    79.Muchtar, E., Zelig A., Robenshtok E., Shochat T., Oniashvili N., Amitai I., Raanani P., Magen H.

    Bone mineral density utilization in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma:a single center experience.

    57th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology 2015, Orlando, USA

    80.Muchtar E., Magen H., Itchaki G., Cohen A., Rosenfeld R., Shochat T., Kornowski R., Iakobishvili Z., Raanani P.

    Uninvolved immunoglobulins pdicting hematological response in newly diagnosed al amyloidosis.

    57th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology 2015, Orlando, USA

    81.Muchtar E., Gatt M., Rouvio O., Ganzei C., Chubar E., Suriu C., Tadmor T., Shevetz O., Lavi N., Shochat T., Cohen YC., Avivi I., Raanani P., Magen, H.

    Efficacy and safety of salvage therapy using carfilzomib for relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma patients:a multicentre retrospective observational study.

    57th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology 2015, Orlando, USA

    82.Tavares R., Palumbo GA., Le Coutre P., Palanciri F., ; Al-Ali HK., Martino B., Liberati AM., Arich JC., Breccia M., Brittain D., Foltz L., Griesshammer M., Raanani P., Gupta V., Giraldo P., Chosh J., Tannir B., Ronco JP., Vannucchi AM.

    Safety and efficacy of ruxolitinib in an 1869-patient cohort of jump: an open label, multicenter, single-arm, expanded-access study in patients with myelofibrosis.

    57th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology 2015, Orlando, USA

    83.Vidal L., Shargian L. Shpilberg O., Ram R., Raanani P., ; Gurion R., Gafter, A.

    Bendamustine for patients with indolent lymphoma an updated meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCT)

    57th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology 2015, Orlando, USA

    84.Mittelman M., Filanovsky K., Ofran Y., Raanani P., Braester A., Goldshmidt N., ; Kirgner I., Herishanu Y., Perry C., Oster, HS.

    High response rate for azacitidine-lenalidomide (vi-len) combination in higher-risk myelodysplastic syndromes (mds) – vilen-01 protocol update.

    13th International Symposium on Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS), Washington, DC, USA

    85.Pasvolsky O., Rozovski U., Navon M., Pek A., Dreyer J., Klebovsky T., Vaxman I., Shacham A., Shargian L., Raanani P., Yeshurun M.

    Differences in attitude towards hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (hsct) between physicians and nurses.

    21st Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, June 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark

    86.Abulafia A.S., Raanani P., . Lavie D., Volchek Y., Ram R., Hellmann I., Shargian L., Gourevietch A., Chubar E., Ratzon R. Rozovski U.

    A nationwide observational study of the israeli experience with ponatinib outside clinical trials in chronic myeloid leukemia

    21st Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, June 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark

    87.Ratzon R., Tzadok S., Raanani P., Gurion R.

    Twenty years’ experience of treatment of adolescents and young adults with non-hodgkin lymphoma – a single center experience

    21st Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, June 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark

    88.Vaxman I., Rosovski U., Moshe M., Shargian L., Pasvolsky O., Yahav D

    Bashara J., Lahav M., Gurion R., Magen H., Vidal L., Itzhaki G., Peck A., Sela MN., Raanani P., Yeshurun M.

    Antibacterial prophylaxis reduces the risk of bacteremia in patients with multiple myeloma and lymphoma undergoing high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation.

    21st Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, June 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark

    89.Vidal L., Lando, S. Vaxman, I. Raanani, P., Gurion R. Gafter-Gvili A.

    Reduced rchop for elderly patients with dlbcl

    21st Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, June 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark

    90.Passamonti F., Zaritskey A., Giraldo P., Liberati AM., Niederwieser D., Palandri F., Raanani P., Griesshammer M., Vannucchi AM., Al-Ali HK., Gupta V., Martino B., Foltz L., Ronco JP., Ghosh J., Bouard C., Tavares R.

    Safety and efficacy of ruxolitinib in patients with dipss intermediate-1-risk myelofibrosis (mf) from jump: an open label, multicenter, single-arm, expanded-access study

    21st Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, June 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark

    91.Shapira S., Raanani P., Nagler A., Lubin I., Arber N., Granot G.

    Selective Death of Leukemia Initiating Cells Induced By Deferasirox

    58th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology 2016, San Diego, USA

    92.Vidal L., Gafter-Gvili A., Dreyling MH., Unterhalt M., Raanani P., Ghielmini M., Gurion, R.

    Maintenance Therapy for Patients with Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) – a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs)

    58th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology 2016, San Diego, USA

    93.Vaxman, I., Schlesinger, A., Goldberg, N., Lahav, M., Gafter, A., Lando, S., Raanani P., Vidal L.

    Muscle Mass in Elderly Patients with DLBCL Treated with RCHOP

    58th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology 2016, San Diego, USA

    94.Gurion R., Bernsteine H., Michelson C., Domachevsky L., Raanani P., Vidal L., Gafter-Gvili A.

    FDG PET/CT As a Diagnostic and Prognostic Tool for the Evaluation of Patients with Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma

    58th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology 2016, San Diego, USA

    95.Foltz L., Palumbo GA., Martino B., Palandri F., Al-Ali HK., Liberati AM., Le Coutre PD., Vannucchi AM., Garcia-Hernandez C., Tavares R., Griesshammer M., Gupta V., Raanani P., Giraldo P., Bouard C., Ronco JP., Khanna S., Zaritskey A.

    Safety and Efficacy of Ruxolitinib for the Final Enrollment of JUMP:An Open-Label, Multicenter, Single-Arm, Expanded-Access Study in Patients with Myelofibrosis (N=2233)

    58th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology 2016, San Diego, USA


    Lavee J., Rath S., Tranquang H., Raanani P., Ruder A., Modan M., Neufeld H.N., Goor D.A.

    Is Complete Revascularization in the Conventional Method Really Complete?

    Israel Journal of Medical Sciences Vol 21, pp 400, 1985

    Shamir R., Kenet G., Raanani P., Zajicek G., Arber N.

    Increased Turnover of Intrahepatic Bile-Ducts Induced by Bromobenzene.

    Gastroenterology Vol 104, pp A990, 1993

    Weissenberg R., Lahav M., Raanani P., Madgar I.

    pvention of procarbazine – induced sterility by clomiphene isomers and tamoxifen:A rat model.

    International Journal of Andrology Vol 20, pp 74, 1997

    Dazzi F., Raanani P., Van Rhee F., Olavarria E., Murphy K., Philpott N., Apperley J., Cross N., Goldman J.

    Responses to donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) in CML patients in relapse after BMT may be partial and transient:Further evidence for a dose-response effect.

    Blood Vol 90, pp 518A, 1997

    Dazzi F., Raanani P., van Rhee F., Szydlo R., Olavarria E., Kaeda, J., Apperley J.F., Cross N.C.P., Goldman J.M.

    Donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) for relapse of CML after allo-BMT:Comparison of two regimens.

    Bone Marrow Transplantation Vol 21, pp S70, 1998

    Shpilberg O., Livnat T., Chetrit A., Zegelman H., Raanani P., Ben-Bassat I., Ramot B.

    Polymorphisms within phase I and phase II carcinogen metabolizing genes are not associated with increased risk for hematological malignancies.

    Blood Vol 94, pp 4015, 1999

    Raanani P.; Levi I.; Shpilberg O.; Holzman F.; Grotto I.; Simoni F.; Avigdor, A.; Berkowicz, M.; Hardan, I.; Kneller, A.; Ben-Bassat, I.

    Engraftment associated hypophosphatemia – The role of cytokine release and steep leukocyte rise post stem cell transplantation.

    Blood Vol 94, pp 1477, 1999

    Lahav M., Raanani P., Luboshitz J., Szyper-Kravitz M., Weissenberg, R., Shaklai M.

    High dose clomiphene pvents sterility in young males with Hodgkin’s disease treated with MOPP/ABV.

    Blood Vol 94, pp 2359, 1999

    Hardan I., Kneller A., Avigdor A., Raz H., Berkowicz M., Sareli R., Shimoni A., Levi I., Raanani P., Ben-Bassat I.

    Rescue of multiple myeloma patients with disease progression after autologous PBSC transplantation.

    Bone Marrow Transplantation Vol 27, pp S2521, 2001

    Raanani P., Levi I., Holzman F., Grotto I., Brok-Simoni F., Avigdor A., Davidson J., Shpilberg O. Ben-Bassat I.

    Engraftment associated hypophosphatemia – the role of cytokine release and steep leukocyte rise post stem cell transplantation.

    Bone Marrow Transplantation Vol 27, pp 776, 2001

    Levy-Nissenbaum O., Sagi-Assif O., Kapon D., Hantisteanu S., Raanani P., Avigdor A., Ben-Bassat I., Witz I.P.

    High expssion of the dual-specificity phosphatase PYST2 in leukocytes derived from AML patients

    Blood Vol 98, pp 2440, 2001

    Levy-Nissenbaum O., Sagi-Assif O., Hantisteanu S., Raanani P., Avigdor A., Ben-Bassat I., Witz I.

    PYST2, a MAPK dual specificity phosphatase is regulated by microenvironmental factors.

    Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Tumor Microenvironment: Progression, Therapy and pvention. Baden, Austria. Isaac P. Witz, Ed., Monduzzi Editore, S.p.A., Bologna, Italy, pp. 11-17, 2002

    13.Hantisteanu S., Levy-Nissenbaum O., Sagi-Assif O., Raanani P., Avigdor A., Ben-Bassat I., Witz I.

    Adherence up regulates expssion of PYST2-L in Myeloid Leukemia cells.

    Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Tumor Microenvironment:Progression, Therapy and pvention. Baden, Austria. Isaac P. Witz, Ed., Monduzzi Editore, S.p.A., Bologna, Italy, pp. 95-100, 2002

    14.Gural A., Shtalrid M., Raanani P., Ben Neriah S., Goldschmidt N., Paltiel O., Ben-Yehuda D.

    Inv(16) is not associated with favorable prognosis in Israeli AML patients:A multi-center retrospective analysis.

    Annales de Genetique Vol 46, pp 121-122, 2003

    Raanani P., Ben-Bassat I., Itskovich S., Gan S., Morgulis Y., Kneller A., Brok-Simoni F., Rechavi G., Amariglio N., Nagler A.

    Hasford score correlates with the dynamics of imatinib induced reduction of BCR-ABL transcripts in chronic phase CML.

    Blood Vol 102, pp 4978, 2003

    Hardan I., Shimoni A., Avigdor A., Kneller A., Berkowiicz M., Raanani P., Yeshurum M., Stemmer S.M., Shem-Tov N., Ben-Bassat I., Nagler A

    Salvage therapy with autologous stem cell support prior to allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with relapsing/secondary acute leukemia and CML blast crisis.

    Blood Vol 102, pp 2732, 2003

    Hardan I., Shimoni A., Avigdor A., Kneller A., Berkowicz M., Raanani P., Stemmer S.M., Shemtov N., Yeshurun M., Ben-Bassat I., Nagler A.

    Autologous stem cell support of induction therapy prior to allogeneic transplantation to improve treatment delivery in patients with relapsing or secondary acute leukemia and CML blast crisis.

    Bone Marrow Transplantation Vol 33, pp S235-S236, 2004

    Hardan I., Kneller A., Shimoni A., Berkowicz, M., Avigdor A., Yeshurun, M., Raanani P., Davidowich Y., Shemtov N., Ben Bassat I., Nagler A.

    Salvage of multiple myeloma patients relapse after an autologous stem cell transplantation, in the era of thalidomide and reduced-intensity allogeneic stem cell transplantation

    Bone Marrow Transplantation Vol 33, pp S156- S157, 2004

    Avigdor A., Bulvik S., Shemtov N., Levi I., Berkowicz M., Ben-Yehuda D., Blickstein D., Goldschmidt N., Gural A., Kornberg A., Libster D., Merkel, D., Naparstek E., Raanani P., Roth B., Volchek Y., Nagler A., Ben-Bassat I., Polliack A.

    A pilot study of combined escalated BEACOPP-ABVD therapy for advanced Hodgkin’s lymphoma patients with high IPS score:The Israel Cooperative Lymphoma Group

    Blood Vol 104, pp 4576, 2004

    Hardan I., Kneller A., Shimoni A., Berkowicz M., Avigdor A., Yeshurun M., Raanani P., Davidowich I., Shemtov, N.; Ben Bassat, I.; Nagler, A.

    Prolongation of overall survival of multiple myeloma patients by the combination therapy of thalidomide and reduced-intensity conditioning allogeneic stem cell transplantation at progression after autologous bone marrow transplantation.

    Bone Marrow Transplantation Vol 35, pp S48-S49, 2005

    Hardan L., Meirow D., Shimoni A., Levron J., Shemtov, N., Fridman E., Zalel Y., Kneller A., Raanani P., Berkowicz M., Ben-Bassat I., Schiff E., Nagler A., Dor J. Spontaneous pgnancy and fertility pservation program in women undergoing high dose chemotherapy for hematological malignancies.

    Blood Vol 106, pp 324A-325A, 2005

    Mor R., Uziel O., Shpilberg O., Lahav J., Raanani P., Rabizadeh E., Lahav M., Granot G.

    The effect of imatinib mesylate on the signal transduction cascade leading to down regulation of telomerase activity in K562 cells.

    Blood Vol 108, pp 4787, 2006

    Raanani P., Gafter-Gvili A., Paul M., Ben-Bassat I., Leibovici L., Shpilberg O.

    Immunoglobulin prophylaxis in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation – Systematic review and meta-analysis.

    Blood Vol 110, pp 4962, 2007

    24.Mor R., Uziel O., Shpilberg O., Lahav J., Raanani P., Rabizadeh E., Zimra Y., Lahav M., Granot G.

    The effect of imatinib mesylate on the signal transduction cascade regulating telomerase activity in k562 cells and in k562 cells resistant to imatinib mesylate.

    Haematologica-the Hematology Journal Vol 93, pp 108, 2008

    25.Gurion R.,Vidal, L.,Gafter-Gvili A., Belnik Y., Yeshurun M., Raanani P., Shpilberg O.

    Hypomethylating agents in myelodysplastic syndrome-systematic review and meta-analysis.

    Haematologica-the Hematology JournalVol 94, pp 104, Meeting Abstract: 0261, 2009

    26.Cohen YC.,Cohen-Berger T.,Eshel L.,Stern D.,Bairey O.,Raanani P.,Bernstine H.,Shpilberg O., Groshar D.

    Pulmonary infiltrates in nhl patients receiving rituximab combined with chemotherapy:18f-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography and CT (PET-CT) analysis and clinical correlates

    Blood Vol 114, pp 1445, 2009

    27.Gafrer-Gvili A., Bernstine H., Vidal L., Paul M., Ram R., Raanani P., Yeshurun M., Shpilberg O., Groshar D.

    The role of 18f-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography and CT (PET-CT) for the diagnosis of infections in hemato-oncological patients with persistent neutropenia and fever.

    BloodVol 114, pp 1213-1214, 2009

    28. Gurion R., Belnik-Plitman Y., Gafter-Gvili A., Paul M., Vidal L., Ben-Bassat I., Shpilberg O., Raanani P.

    Myeloid colony-stimulating factors do not increase the risk of mortality or disease activity measures in patients with acute myeloid leukemia:Systematic review and meta-analysis.

    BloodVol 114, pp 807-808, 2009

    29.Ovcharenko A., Granot G., Shpilberg O., Raanani P.

    Molecular mechanisms involved in the development of extramedullary disease following the administration of all-trans retinoic acid to patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia.

    BloodVol 114, pp 638, 2009

    30.Ram R., Gafter-Gvili A., Vidal L., Paul M., Ben-Bassat I., Shpilberg O., Raanani P.

    Management of adult patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in firstcomplete remission:systematic review and meta-analysis

    BloodVol 114, pp 26, 2009

    31.Shapira S., Granot G., Mor-Tzuntz R., Raanani P., Uziel O., Lahav M., Shpilberg O.

    The effect of nilotinib and dasatinib on telomerase activity and regulation in k562 cells.

    Haematologica-the Hematology Journal, Vol 95, pp 34, 2010

    32.Itchaki G., Gafter-Gvili A., Lahav M., Raanani P., Vidal L., Paul M., Shpilberf O.

    Anthracycline-containing regimens for treatment of follicular lymphoma in adults:systematic review and meta-analysis.

    BloodVol 116, pp 1163, 2010

    33.Gurion, R., Gafter-Gvili A., Vidal L., Paul M., Ben-Bassat I., Yeshurun M., Shpilberg O., Raanani P.

    Hematopoietic growth factors in aplastic anemia patients treated with immunosuppssive therapy:Systematic review and meta-analysis-2010 Update

    BloodVol 116, pp 502, 2010

    34.Ram R., Paul M., Gafter-Gvili A., Hershkovitz K., Israeli M., Peck A., Raanani P., Shpilberg O., Yeshurun, M.

    Early post-transplantation febrile episodes are associated with increased risk for acute graft-versus-host disease.

    Biology of Blood and Marrow TransplantationVol 17 Supplement:2, pp S346-S347Meeting Abstract:539, 2011

    35.Vidal L., Gafter-Gvili A., Gurion, R., Dreyling, M., Raanani, P., Shpilberg O.

    Bendamustine for patients with indolent lymphoma – a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCT)

    Annals of OncologyVol 22 Supplement:4 pp 185, 2011

    36.Ram R., Wolach O., Vidal L., Gafter-Gvili A., Shpilberg O., Raanani P. Adolescents and young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia have better outcomes when treated with pediatric-inspired regimens – systematic review and meta-analysis of comparative trials

    BloodVol 118 pp 1112, 2011

    37.Ram R., Magen-Nativ H., Hershkovitzi C., Vidal L., Peck A., Raanani P., Shpilberg O., Yeshurun M.

    Impact of induction intensity in multiple myeloma patients on autologous haematopoietic cell transplantation morbidity – a single-centre experience

    Bone marrow transplantationVol 47 Supplement:1 pp S214-S214, 2012

    38.Gurion R ., Gafter-Gvili A., Ram R., Vidal L.,Raanani P., Shpilberg O.

    The role of anti-CD33 for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia – systematic review and meta-analysis

    Blood Vol 120 Issue 21Abstract 1521, 2012

    39.Wolach O., Rabizadeh E., Lederfein D., Binkovski N., Raanani P., Shpilberg O., Inbal A. Increased activity of prothrombinase fgl-2 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with b-cell lymphoma

    Blood Vol 120 Issue 21 Abstract 2665, 2012

    40.Ovcharenko A., Granot G., Park J., Shpilberg O.,Raanani P. Enhanced adhesion, migration and Pyk2 expssion in K562 cells following imatinib treatment Blood Vol 120 Issue 21 Abstract 4426, 2012

    41.Mittelman M., Filanovsky K., Rosenbaum H., Raanani P., Braester A, . Goldschmidt N., Hellman I., Kirgner I., Perri C., Oster H.S.

    Azacitidine and lenalidomide combination in higher-risk myelodysplastic syndromes-pliminary results of the Vilen-01 protocol

    Blood Vol 122 Issue 1 Abstract 1576, 2013

    42.Vidal L., Gurion R., Ram R., Shpilberg O., Raanani P., Gafter-Gvili A. CHOP/CHOP-Like-14 Vs. CHOP/CHOP-Like-21 for Patients with aggressive lymphoma – a systematic review and meta-Analysis of randomized controlled trials

    Blood Vol 122 Issue 1 Abstract 1798, 2013

    43.Gafter-Gvili A., Gurion R., Raanani P., Shpilberg O., Vidal L. Bendamustine is not associated with an increase in infections – systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

    Blood Vol 122 Issue 21 Abstract 5125, 2013

    44.Yeshurun M., Shpilberg O., Herscovici K., Shargian L., Dreyer J., Peck A., Israeli M., Levy-Assaraf M., Gruenewald T., Mechoulam R., Raanani, P., Ram R.

    Cannabidiol for the pvention of graft-versus-host-disease after allogeneic stem cell transplantation:Results of a Phase I/II Study

    Biology of blood and marrow transplantation Vol 21 Supplement:1 pp S353-S354, 2015

    45.Abulafia, AS., Raanani P., Lavie D., Volchek Y., Ram R., Hellmann I., Shargian L., Gourevietch A., Chubar E., Ratzon R., Rozovski U.

    A nationwide observational study of the israeli experience with ponatinib outside clinical trials in chronic myeloid leukemia.

    Blood Vol 126 Issue 23, Dec 2015

    46.Itchaki G., Wolach O ., Bar-Natan M., Yeshurun M., Ram R., Herscovici C., Douer D ., Tallman M., Shpilberg O., Raanani P.

    Very High Dose Cytarabine as Salvage Therapy for Relapsed or Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia in the Setting of Intensified Anthracycline Induction and Post Stem-Cell Transplantation.

    Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma Leukemia Vol 15, pp S184-S184, June 2015

    47.Al-Ali HK., Tavares R., Palumbo GA., Palandri F., Martino B., Liberati AM., Ullrich JG., Breccia M., Brittain D., Foltz L., Griesshammer M., Raanani P., Gupta V., Giraldo P., Ghosh J., Tannir B., Ronco JP., Vannucchi AM., Le Coutre P.

    Safety and efficacy of Ruxolitinib in expanded-access JUMP study:an update from a cohort of 1869 patients

    Oncology Research And Treatment Vol 39, pp 233-233 (Supplement 3), Oct 2016


    1.Raanani P.

    Aplastic anemia

    The Israeli Encyclopeida for Medicine

    2.Raanani P.

    Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

    The Israeli Encyclopeida for Medicine


    1.Raanani P., HochhausA. – Editors

    Special issue:Minimal residual disease in hematologic malignancies

    Acta Haematologica Vol. 112, No. 1-2, 2004

    2.Raanani P., Skoetz N. – Editors

    Speical Issue:The role of systematic reviews and meta-analyses in the management of hemato-oncological disorders

    Acta Haematologica Vol 125, No. 1-2, 2011

    3. Raanani P., Tallman M. – Editors

    Special Issue:Adolescents and young adults with hematological disorders

    challenges and perspectives

    Acta Haematologica Vol 132, No. 3-4, 2014


    1.Shpilberg O., Raanani P., Ben-Bassat I., Ramot B. Recurrent bilateral parotitis in acute myeloid leukemia (letter to the editor) Acta Haematologica, Vol. 86 pp. 56, 1991 (journal IF = 1.352; journal 5-Year IF = 1.439; journal rank = 48 of 63)

    2.Raanani P., Bercowicz M., Harden I., Ben-Bassat I. Severe hypophosphataemia in autograft recipients during accelerated leucocyte recovery. (letter to the editor) British Journal of Haematology, Vol. 91 pp. 1031-1032, 1995 (journal IF = 4.490; journal 5-Year IF = 3.733; journal rank = 12 of 63)

    3.Raanani P, Hochhaus A. Minimal Residual Disease in Hematological Malignancies (Editorial.)

    Acta Haematologica, Vol.112 pp5-7, 2004 (journal IF = 1.352; journal 5-Year IF = 1.439; journal rank = 48 of 63)

    4.Ben-Bassat I, Raanani P.

    Bracha Ramot (1927-2006).

    Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases Vol 39, pp 135-139, 2007 (journal IF = 2.555; journal 5-Year IF = 2.560; journal rank = 30 of 63)

    5.Ram R, Raanani P.

    Rituximab – a double-edged sword: can one treatment for thrombocytopenia also

    induce it?

    Leukemia and Lymphoma Vol. 49, pp 2035-2036, 2008 (journal IF = 1.512; journal 5-Year IF = 1.461; journal rank = 41 of 63)

    6.Raanani P, Gafter-Gvili1 A., Paul M., Ben-Bassat I., Leibovici L., Shpilberg O. Reply to “Prophylactic intravenous immunoglobulin does not have a role in hematopoietic stem cell transplant: Is the evidence clear?” Nishitha Reddy, et. al.

    Journal of Clinical Oncology Vol. 27, pp 2297-2298, 2009 (journal IF = 15.484; journal 5-Year IF = 13.753; journal rank = 5 of 132)

    7.Ram R, Raanani P.

    The role of myeloid colony stimulating factors in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia – more questions than answers?

    Leukemia and Lymphoma Vol 5, pp 1737-1739, 2009 (journal IF = 1.939; journal 5-Year IF = 1.680; journal rank = 43 of 62)

    8.Gurion R., Vidal L., Gafter-Gvili A., Belnik Y., Yeshuru M., Raanani P., Shpilberg O.

    5-azacitidine prolongs overall survival in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome – systematic review and meta-analysis (Reply to Kumar et al. and to Herbst et al.)

    Haematologica Vol 95, pp. 343-344, 2010 (journal IF = 5.978; journal 5-Year IF = 5.513; journal rank = 9 of 62)

    9.Raanani P., Skoetz N.

    The role of systematic reviews and meta-analyses in the management of hemato-oncological disorders. Introduction.

    Acta HaematologicaVol. 125, pp 5-7, 2011 (journal IF = 1.053; journal 5-Year IF = 0.923; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 62 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q4; no. of citations: 1)

    10.Raanani P. Editorial:Taming of the shrew – overcoming extramedullary blast crisis in the era of the new tyrosine kinase inhibitors.

    Acta Haematologica Vol. 125, pp 5-7, 2011 (journal IF = 1.053; journal 5-Year IF = 0.923; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 62 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q4; no. of citations: 2)

    11.Experts in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.

    Collaborators:Abboud C, Berman E, Cohen A, Cortes J, DeAngelo D, Deininger M, Devine S, Druker B, Fathi A, Jabbour E, Jagasia M, Kantarjian H, Khoury J,

    Laneuville P, Larson R, Lipton J, Moore JO, Mughal T, O’Brien S, Pinilla-Ibarz J, Quintas-Cardama A, Radich J, Reddy V, Schiffer C, Shah N, Shami P, Silver RT, Snyder D, Stone R, Talpaz M, Tefferi A, Van Etten RA, Wetzler M, Abruzzese E, Apperley J, Breccia M, Byrne J, Cervantes F, Chelysheva E, Clark R, de Lavallade H, Dyagil I, Gambacorti-Passerini C, Goldman J, Haznedaroglu I, Hjorth-Hansen H, Holyoake T, Huntly B, le Coutre P, Lomaia E, Mahon FX, Marin-Costa D, Martinelli G, Mayer J, Milojkovic D, Olavarria E, Porkka K, Richter J, Rousselot P, Saglio G, Saydam G, Stentoft J, Turkina A, Vigneri P, Zaritskey A, Aguayo A, Ayala M, Bendit I, Bengio RM, Best C, Bullorsky E, Cervera E, DeSouza C, Fanilla E, Gomez-Almaguer D, Hamerschlak N, Lopez J, Magarinos A, Meillon L, Milone J, Moiraghi B, Pasquini R, Pavlovsky C, Ruiz-Arguelles GJ, Spector N, Arthur C, Browett P, Grigg A, Hu J, Huang XJ, Hughes T, Jiang Q, Jootar S, Kim DW, Malhotra H, Malhotra P, Matsumura I, Melo J, Ohnishi K, Ohno R, Saikia T, Schwarer AP, Takahashi N, Tam C, Tauchi T, Usuki K, Wang J, Abdel-Rahman F, Aljurf MD, Bazarbachi A, Ben Yehuda D, Chaudhri N, Durosinmi M, Kamel H, Louw V, Matti BF, Nagler A, Raanani P, Salem Z.

    The price of drugs for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a reflection of the

    unsustainable prices of cancer drugs:from the perspective of a large group of

    CML experts.

    Blood Vol 121, pp 4439-4442, 2013 (journal IF = 11.841; journal 5-Year IF = 10.233; journal rank = 2 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q4; no. of citations: 104)

    12.Raanani P., Tallman MS.

    The challenges and perspectives in treating adolescent and young adult patients with hematological malignancies. Introduction.

    Acta Haematologica
    Vol 132, pp 263, 2014 (journal IF = 1.053; journal 5-Year IF = 0.923; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 62 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q4; no. of citations: 0)

    13.Raanani P.

    The Importance of Being Cured:A Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Perspective. Acta Haematologica Vol 135, pp 131-132, 2016 (journal IF = 1.053; journal 5-Year IF = 0.923; HEMATOLOGY journal rank = 62 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q4; no. of citations: 0)

    14.Amitai I., Leader A., Raanani P.

    Adherence to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in chronic myeloid leukemia:the challenge that lies ahead

    Acta Haematologica Vol 136, pp 43 – 44, 2016 (journal IF = 1.053; journal 5-Year IF = 0.923; HEMATOLOGY journal rank= 62 of 70; Quartile in Category – Q4;
    no. of citations:0)

    H.MEMBER OF EDITORIAL BOARD / REVIEWER (International Journals)

    1. Editorial Board:

    1. Cochrane Haematological Malignancies Group (CHMG) –The Cochrane Collaboration (since 2006)

    2. ACTA HAEMATOLOGICA (since 2012)

    3. The Israel Medical Association Journal (IMAJ) (since 2014)

    4. Cardio-Oncology (since 2015)

    2. Reviewer:

    1. ACTA HAEMATOLOGICA (since 1999)

    2. British Journal of Haematology (since 2003)

    3. Leukemia (since 2004)

    4. European Journal of Haematology (since 2007)

    5. Leukemia and Lymphoma (since 2008)

    6. Haematlogica (since 2009)

    7. Blood (since 2011)

    8. Journal of Cancer (since 2012)

    9. Leukemia Research (since 2013)

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